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Bratwurst with apple and onion

quick and delicious
Peel and quarter the potatoes and boil them in salted water.

Peel the onions, cut in half and then cut into fine strips. Peel,
core, quarter and thinly slice the apples.

Heat the oil in a pan and first fry the onion strips over a Ingredients for 4 servings:
medium heat until they have slightly taken on color and lost
volume. Then add the apple slices and cook until the apple
750 g Potato (noun)
slices are soft and have also taken on a light color. Season the
apple and onion vegetables with salt and marjoram and set 400 g Onion (noun)
Apples (preferably red apple
600 g
Fry the sausages in another pan. varieties)

500 g bratwurst
Drain the finished, boiled potatoes and process with milk and
butter to a fluffy mashed potatoes. Arrange everything on 30 g butter
plates and serve hot.
150 ml milk

working time about 30 minutes Oil for frying

Cooking / baking time approx. 25 minutes
total time approx. 55 minutes
Level of difficulty normal
Calories p. P. circa 711 Recipe from: Jonah13

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