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The book that inspired me the most . . .

Grace Manipon

One of my many favorite books is Harry Potter Series. This book was written by J.K.
Rowling and this was also my “starting-point” of my reading journey in English books. It was
written magically, precisely, critically, carefully and perfectly for those who are fan of science-
fiction type of novels. This kind of novel really introduced me to set a high standard for the next
books I will be reading.

The Harry Potter Series depicts a lot of lesson we can bring to the real world, it shows us
the bravery, love, self-esteem and trust we give to other people and this lessons inspired me to
mold and sharpen my character to be the best version I can be in a way like Harry Potter trusted
his capability, his friends and family. I want to instill within me the love that has no doubt, the
kind of love which is unconditional and cannot be shaken by shallow means.

Hermione is one the characters of these series that really caught my attention. I admire
her wit, braveness and love for her friends. Their journey will not be possible without her careful
and critical judgment in dangerous situations they have encountered along with Harry and Ron.
She inspires me to think first before acting upon my deeds. Aside from being a “book-smart”
type of student, her braveness to sacrifice her parent’s memories about her to save them from
harm is what really stood out about her character. She inspires me that being knowledgeable
about things you have read is powerful and it can useful. Being lazy and not studying enough
might result to your own failure.

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