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Below the Surface:

the Deep

Dr. Vincenzo Ciancaglini, Dr. Marco Balduzzi, Robert McArdle, and Martin Rösler
Forward-Looking Threat Research Team

A TrendLabsSM Research Paper

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Deep Web 101
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Deep Web
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The Deep Web
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The future of the
Deep Web

in the Deep Web peaked in
2013 when the FBI took down the Silk Road
marketplace and exposed the Internet’s notorious drug-
trafficking underbelly. Ross Ulbricht, aka Dread Pirate Roberts,
was charged for narcotics trafficking, computer hacking conspiracy, and
money laundering. While news reports were technically referring to the Dark
Web—that portion of the Internet that can only be accessed using special browsing
software, the most popular of which is TOR [1]—negative stereotypes about the Deep
Web spread.

The Deep Web is the vast section of the Internet that isn’t accessible via search engines, only a
portion of which accounts for the criminal operations revealed in the FBI complaint [2]. The Dark
Web, meanwhile, wasn’t originally designed to enable anonymous criminal activities. In fact, TOR
was created to secure communications and escape censorship as a way to guarantee free speech.
The Dark Web, for example, helped mobilize the Arab Spring protests. But just like any tool, its impact
can change, depending on a user’s intent.

In our 2013 paper, “Deep Web and Cybercrime [3],”and subsequent updates [4, 5, 6], we sought to
analyze the different networks that guarantee anonymous access in the Deep Web in the context
of cybercrime. In the process, we discovered that much more happens in the murkier portions
of the Deep Web than just the sale of recreational drugs. It has also become a safe haven that
harbors criminal activity both in the digital and physical realms.

This paper presents some relevant statistics derived from our collection of Deep Web
URLs and takes an even closer look at how criminal elements navigate and take
advantage of the Deep Web. It provides vivid examples that prove that
people go there to not only anonymously purchase contraband but
also to launch cybercrime operations, steal identities, dox
high-profile personalities, trade firearms, and,
in more depraved scenarios, hire
contract killers.

Deep Web 101

Deep Web 101
What is the Deep Web?
The Deep Web refers to any Internet content that, for various reasons, can’t be or isn’t indexed by search
engines like Google. This definition thus includes dynamic web pages, blocked sites (like those that ask you
to answer a CAPTCHA to access), unlinked sites, private sites (like those that require login credentials), non-
HTML/-contextual/-scripted content, and limited-access networks.

Limited-access networks cover all those resources and services that wouldn’t be normally accessible with a
standard network configuration and so offer interesting possibilities for malicious actors to act partially or
totally undetected by law enforcers. These include sites with domain names that have been registered on
Domain Name System (DNS) roots that aren’t managed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers (ICANN) and, hence, feature URLs with nonstandard top-level domains (TLDs) that generally
require a specific DNS server to properly resolve. Other examples are sites that registered their domain name
on a completely different system from the standard DNS, like the .BIT domains we discussed in “Bitcoin
Domains [7]”. These systems not only escape the domain name regulations imposed by the ICANN; the
decentralized nature of alternative DNSs also makes it very hard to sinkhole these domains, if needed.

Also under limited-access networks are darknets or sites hosted on infrastructures that require the use of
specific software like TOR to access. Much of the public interest in the Deep Web lies in the activities that
happen inside darknets.

Unlike other Deep Web content, limited-access networks are not crawled by search engines though not
because of technical limitations. In fact, gateway services like tor2web offer a domain that allows users to
access content hosted on hidden services.

While the popular imagery for the Deep Web is an iceberg, we prefer to compare it to a subterranean mining
operation in terms of scale, volatility, and access. If anything above ground is part of the “searchable Internet,”
then anything below it is part of the Deep Web—inherently hidden, harder to get to, and not readily visible.

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What are the uses of the Deep Web?
A smart person buying recreational drugs online wouldn’t want to type related keywords into a regular
browser. He/She will need to anonymously go online using an infrastructure that will never lead interested
parties to his/her IP address or physical location. Drug sellers wouldn’t want to set up shop in an online
location whose registrant law enforcement can easily determine or where the site’s IP address exist in the
real world, too.

There are many other reasons, apart from buying drugs, why people would want to remain anonymous
or set up sites that can’t be traced back to a physical location or entity. People who want to shield their
communications from government surveillance may require the cover of darknets. Whistleblowers may
want to share vast amounts of insider information to journalists without leaving a paper trail. Dissidents
in restrictive regimes may need anonymity in order to safely let the world know what’s happening in their

On the flip side, people who want to plot the assassination of a high-profile target will want a guaranteed
but untraceable means. Other illegal services like selling documents such as passports and credit cards also
require an infrastructure that guarantees anonymity. The same can be said for people who leak other people’s
personal information like addresses and contact details.

The Surface Web versus the Deep Web

When discussing the Deep Web, it’s impossible for the “Surface Web” not to pop up. It’s exactly the opposite
of the Deep Web—that portion of the Internet that conventional search engines can index and standard web
browsers can access without the need for special software and configurations. This “searchable Internet” is
also sometimes called the “clearnet.”

The Dark Web versus the Deep Web

Much confusion lies between these two, with some outlets and researchers freely interchanging them. But the
Dark Web is not the Deep Web; it’s only part of the Deep Web. The Dark Web relies on darknets or networks
where connections are made between trusted peers. Examples of Dark Web systems include TOR, Freenet, or
the Invisible Internet Project (I2P) [8].

Taking on the mining tunnel metaphor, the Dark Web would be the deeper portions of the Deep Web that
require highly specialized tools or equipment to access. It lies deeper underground and site owners have more
reason to keep their content hidden.

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The state of the

Deep Web
The state of the Deep Web
Many studies and reports have been written on the various activities that occur in the Deep Web, including
several of ours [3, 4, 5, 6]. Reading these, you may think that the vast majority of sites on the Deep Web are
dedicated to selling illegal drugs and weapons but that isn’t the whole story. While there are, of course, sites
dedicated to drugs and weapons, a huge chunk of Deep Web sites are dedicated to more mundane topics—
personal or political blogs, news sites, discussion forums, religious sites, and even radio stations. Just like
sites found on the Surface Web, these niche Deep Web sites cater to individuals hoping to talk to like-minded
people, albeit anonymously.

Deep Web Radio for people who need to anonymously listen to jazz

Because of its nature, it’s impossible to determine the number of Deep Web pages and content at any given
time or to provide a comprehensive picture of everything that exists in it. The stealth and untraceable nature
of certain parts of the Deep Web makes it so that no one can say with certainty that they’ve fully explored its

To closely observe the Deep Web, the Trend Micro Forward-Looking Threat Research Team built a system—
the Deep Web Analyzer—that collects URLs linked to it, including TOR- and I2P-hidden sites, Freenet
resource identifiers, and domains with nonstandard TLDs and tries to extract relevant information tied to
these domains like page content, links, email addresses, HTTP headers, and so on.

8 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Over the course of two years of using the Deep Web Analyzer, we’ve collected more than 38 million events
that account for 576,000 URLs, 244,000 of which bear actual HTML content. So far, we’ve also been able to
publish a couple of reports on the underground forums [9] we’ve found.

Who are on the Deep Web?

It’s hard to say for certain just who reside in the Deep Web. The level of anonymity it offers its users makes
it challenging for even the best security researchers to profile them. Only by examining site content and
popularity can we gauge the composition of its user base.

Language distribution

Over the past two years, we scouted and analyzed a huge number of Deep Web pages then differentiated them
based on language used. This gave us a glimpse of the possible territories where Deep Web users could be

In terms of raw number of domains, English was the main language of choice by at least 2,154 sites out of
the 3,454 successfully scouted domains. That roughly makes up 62% of the total number of sites. This was
followed by Russian (228 domains) then French (which may include French and Canadian-French sites,
189 domains).

English 62.36%

Russian 6.60%

French 5.47%

Catalan 4.46%

German 2.72%

Italian 2.58%

Portuguese 1.91%

Spanish 1.42%

Others 12.48%

Most popular languages based on the number of domains containing pages that use them

9 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Looking at the language distribution based on number of URLs, Russian beat English because, despite having
fewer sites, the number of sites that used Russian was bigger. At present, there’s a particularly huge Russian
forum not directly linked to malicious activities but mirrored in both TOR and I2P that on its own added to
the total number of Russian pages.

Russian 41.40%
English 40.74%
Korean 3.71%
French 2.00%
Bulgarian 1.89%
Polish 1.67%
German 1.66%
Finnish 1.31%
Portuguese 1.25%
Catalan 1.12%
Others 3.25%

Most popular languages based on the number of URLs with content using them

Common user profile

As stated earlier, profiling Deep Web users is challenging. More than language, the closest and most reliable
estimate can probably come from looking at the different marketplace vendors. This gave us an idea as to
what makes networks like TOR and I2P appealing.

To get reliable information, we referred to the data available in—a site that specializes
in tracking activities in all darknet markets.

An analysis of the top 15 vendors across all marketplaces showed that light drugs were the most-exchanged
goods in the Deep Web. This was followed by pharmaceutical products like Ritalin and Xanax, hard drugs,
and even pirated games and online accounts. This data backed up the idea that a majority of Deep Web
users—at least those who frequent the top marketplaces—go there to purchase illicit drugs.

10 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Cannabis 31.60%
Pharmaceuticals 21.05%
MDMA 10.53%
LSD 5.26%
Meth 5.26%
Mushrooms 5.26%
Heroin 5.26%
Seeds 5.26%
Video games 5.26%
Accounts 5.26%

Vendor breakdown based on data pulled on 3 June 2015

Cannabis 27.28%
Pharmaceuticals 22.39%
MDMA 14.43%
LSD 7.47%
Meth 3.93%
Mushrooms 3.41%
Heroin 3.31%
Seeds 3.92%
Video games 6.93%
Accounts 6.93%

Buyer breakdown based on data pulled on 3 June 2015

11 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

What makes up the Deep Web?

Many users may not be aware that there are more than just standard sites in the Deep Web. Based on two
years’ worth of data and research, we were able to group URLs according to their URI scheme (HTTP, HTTPS,
FTP, etc.).

Almost 22,000 of the collected domains were predictably associated with either the HTTP or HTTPS protocol,
as they principally hosted data. But if we filter them out, interesting data is left.

IRC 99
Gopher 8
Telnet 3
Webcal 2
News 2
Mailto 1
Git 1
Mumble 1

Protocols found in the Deep Web apart from HTTP/HTTPS

More than 100 domains use either the IRC or IRCS protocol—normally chat servers that can be used as a
rendezvous for malicious actors to meet and exchange goods or as a communication channel for botnets.

The same concept applies to seven XMPP domains and one Mumble domain—protocols for chat servers that
run in TOR.

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Suspicious pages

For each Deep Web page we scouted, we collected the URLs found in page links. We then retrieved the Web
Reputation Technology URL rating for every link that points to the Surface Web in order to identify which
were classified as suspicious. Despite this limited scope, they can still be used as indicators.

Overall, we identified 8,707 suspicious pages, including those that host phishing kits, malware or drive-by-
downloads, or that run shady marketplaces (used to trade hacking tools, etc.).

Sample site with links to keyloggers

13 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

The following table provides a breakdown of the suspicious sites by category, as confirmed by our Web
Reputation Technology URL ratings.

Disease vector 33.74%

Proxy avoidance 31.69%
Child exploitation 26.07%
Hacking 4.74%
Adult/Mature content 2.00%
with disease vectors
Malicious adware 0.46%
C&C server 0.29%
Phishing 0.28%
Password cracking 0.25%
Adult/Mature content 0.15%
with malicious adware
Others 0.33%

Reasons why the Surface Web URLs were classified as suspicious

More than 30% of the links included in the web pages we classified “suspicious” were disease vectors that led
users to malware-download sites. The next two classifications were proxy avoidance—URLs that provide VPN
access or ways to avoid corporate firewalls—and child exploitation.

Hidden Wiki, 44.16%

a link directory

New Hidden Wiki 2015, 27.59%

a link directory

Hidden Wiki clone 18.06%

Wiki Tierra, 1.50%

a link directory

Uncensored Hidden Wiki 0.91%

Uncensored Hidden Wiki copy 0.89%

A Chinese Blog on TOR 0.76%

ParaZite, a forum 0.57%

The Hidden Wiki, 0.40%

a link directory

Flibustaeous, 0.23%
a Russian forum

Others 4.93%

Sites bearing the highest number of suspicious Surface Web links

14 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

What bad stuff goes on in the Deep Web?
The Deep Web offers a certain level of anonymity that makes people in it more inclined to engage in illegal
activities. The various transactions in it, including the makeup of prominent goods and services traded, very
well paint a picture of what people would do if the secrecy of their identities was guaranteed.

Unlike in the cybercriminal underground, most types of activities in the Deep Web have more apparent,
if not drastic, effects on the real world. Many of the malicious tools and services sold in the cybercriminal
underground can be used to gain profit. Those peddled in the Deep Web—assassination services, for example—
obviously serve a different, more sinister purpose.

We can’t fully vouch for the authenticity of the goods and services discussed here, except for the fact that the
sites advertising them do exist and account for the different transactions that go on in the Deep Web. We’ll
cite several noteworthy examples to give you a better understanding of these dubious activities.

The malware trade

In many ways, the Deep Web and malware are perfectly suited for each other, especially when it comes to
hosting command-and-control (C&C) infrastructure. It is the nature of hidden services and sites like TOR
and I2P to hide the location of servers using strong cryptography. This makes it essentially impossible for
forensic researchers to investigate using traditional means like examining a server’s IP address, checking
registration details, and so on. In addition, using these sites and services isn’t particularly difficult.

It is then not surprising to see a number of cybercriminals use TOR for C&C. We’ve seen the operators behind
prevalent malware families use TOR for some parts of their setup. They simply bundle the legitimate TOR
client with their installation package. Trend Micro first wrote about this trend back in 2013 when MEVADE
malware [10] caused a noticeable spike in TOR traffic when they switched to TOR-hidden services for C&C.
Other malware families like ZBOT [11, 12] followed suit in 2014.


VAWTRAK malware are banking Trojans that spread via phishing emails. Each sample communicates with a
list of C&C servers whose IP addresses are retrieved by downloading an encrypted icon file (favicon.ico) from
some hard-coded TOR sites. This provides the advantage of anonymizing the location of a criminal server
but not the users who access it, which is not an issue because all of the “users” are systems that the malware
infected. We wrote more on this technique in our steganography blog series [13, 14, 15].

15 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

VAWTRAK C&C server that shows a legitimate-looking favicon file

Based on the presence of this favicon.ico file and the C&C server setup (many of which run openresty/,
we are able to search our system for a complete list of such sites and download the latest C&C server address
each day.

Discovered VAWTRAK C&C servers

16 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web


Another major malware family that uses the Deep Web is CryptoLocker. CryptoLocker refers to a ransomware
variant that encrypts victims’ personal documents before redirecting them to a site where they can pay to
regain access to their files. CryptoLocker is also smart enough to automatically adjust the payment page to
account for a victim’s local language and payment means.

TorrentLocker—a CryptoLocker variant—makes use of TOR to host payment sites in addition to employing
Bitcoin as form of payment. It shows why the Deep Web appeals to cybercriminals who are willing to make
their infrastructures more robust to possible takedowns.

The following screenshots are payment pages that the Deep Web Analyzer captured. Both are rendered in
different languages, giving us an idea of their intended victims and origin.

Automatically formatted CryptoLocker pages for victims from Taiwan

17 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Automatically formatted CryptoLocker pages for victims from Italy

18 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Unknown/Cannot 56.24%
be determined

English 18.75%

French 15.63%

Turkish 6.25%

Italian 3.13%

Top languages used by CryptoLocker pages

Unfortunately, given all of the benefits cybercriminals reap by hosting the more permanent parts of their
infrastructures on TOR-hidden services, we believe we’ll see more and more malware families shift to the
Deep Web in the future. Because of this, the Deep Web Analyzer implements heuristics to find new malware
families (so-called “unknown unknowns”). This feature allows us to be alerted every time hidden services
suddenly get a lot of traffic or if there is a large spike in the number of sites.

Bots, more than other forms of malware that communicate with C&C servers, are known for using static
URI query strings or the same parameters over time. We used this observation as input so the Deep Web
Analyzer can automatically flag all traffic that employs the static query string pattern as suspicious. A more
specific example of this application, related to malware named NionSpy (aka Mewsei and MewsSpy) that
steal confidential information, can be found in the appendix.

Illicit drugs

It’s common for just about every report on the Deep Web to talk about how freely available illegal drugs
and weapons are in it. We don’t intend to go into detail on this, as others have covered it ad nauseam. But
we did want to briefly highlight the fact that even after the conviction of individuals like Ross Ulbricht [16],
procuring drugs on the Deep Web is still relatively trivial.

19 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

The availability of illegal narcotics varies a lot on the Deep Web. Some sites sell everything from the relatively
tame (contraband tobacco) to cannabis, psychedelics, cocaine, and others.

Peoples Drug Store sells heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and more

Grams—the Deep Web search engine for drugs

In addition to dedicated shops or forums, a very popular site—Grams—allows people to easily search and
index Deep Web sites that deal in illegal drugs. With a logo mimicking that of Google, it has become a de facto
site for those in search of such goods.

20 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

We even found TOR sites that offer information on an active cannabis grow house that shows live temperature
and moisture stats and a live camera feed of the plants growing over time.

Cannabis grow house live stats and streaming

We touched on drugs to further highlight a point we made in our Expert Insights video on the Deep Web [17],
that is, taking down a criminal marketplace like the Silk Road isn’t fundamentally a solution. On one hand,
you still have buyers looking to procure drugs; on the other, you have sellers who wish to cater to their needs.
The marketplace or forum merely acts as a middle ground. Even if you remove it, as long as the demand for it
is strong enough on both sides, another marketplace will unfortunately always rise to take its place.

21 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Bitcoin and money-laundering services

On its own, Bitcoin is a currency designed with anonymity in mind. As a result, it’s frequently used when
purchasing illegal goods and services [18]. While all Bitcoin transactions are anonymous (as long as you don’t
link your wallet code to your real identity), they are fully public. The fact that every transaction in the Bitcoin
blockchain is publicly available means investigators can examine them. Tracking money as it moves through
the system is thus doable, albeit quite difficult.

As a result, a number of services that add further anonymity to the system have surfaced, making the electronic
currency even more difficult to track. This is generally achieved by “mixing” your Bitcoins—transferring
them through a spidery network of microtransactions before returning them to you. In the process, you end
up with the same amount of money (normally, minus a small handling fee) but your transactions become
substantially harder to track.

EasyCoin Bitcoin-laundering service

Bitcoin-laundering services help increase the anonymity of moving money throughout the Bitcoin system.
Ultimately though, most Bitcoin users will wish to extract money from the system to turn it into cash or other
types of traditional payment means. Several anonymous services exist in the Deep Web for this purpose.
These allow users to exchange Bitcoins for money via PayPal™, Automated Clearing House (ACH), Western
Union, or even cash sent directly via mail.

22 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

WeBuyBitcoins, a service that exchanges cash or offers electronic payment means for Bitcoins

Sites like WeBuyBitcoins exchange real cash for Bitcoins at competitive exchange rates compared with
equivalent nonanonymous services that exist in the Surface Web. Criminals who are willing to take on more
risk for potentially greater rewards can take another option—buying counterfeit currency using Bitcoins.

23 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Sites that offer counterfeit US$20 or €20 for approximately half their face value;
others also offer counterfeit US$50 or €50 bills

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Stolen accounts for sale

Buying and selling stolen accounts are most definitely not restricted to the Deep Web. They are very common
practices across criminal underground forums that exist on the Surface Web. We’ve extensively written
about in previous reports on the Russian [19, 20] and Chinese [21] undergrounds. Credit card numbers, bank
account numbers, and online auction and gaming site credentials are probably among the most commonly
sold goods.

As in the Surface Web, prices vary across sites but more mature offerings (like stolen PayPal account
credentials) do tend to fetch high prices. Accounts like these are generally sold in one of two ways—as
“high-quality” verified accounts with their exact current balances or in bulk (a certain number of unverified
accounts that normally come with a guarantee that at least a certain percentage are valid). The first category
is normally seen as more expensive because they come with a greater likelihood of return on investment
(ROI) for a buyer whereas the second is significantly cheaper.

Stolen verified German PayPal accounts (US$500-700 balance) for sale for US$250

25 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Unverified PayPal accounts sold in bulk (80% valid or replacement offered)

One offering that can be quite readily found in the Deep Web but not so much on the Surface Web are actual,
physical credit cards. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist on Surface Web criminal forums. They most certainly
do. The sites that offer them on the Deep Web just seem a bit more professional in terms of approach.

Replica credit cards created with stolen details

26 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Passports and citizenships for sale

Passports and IDs are unique, powerful documents, and fake ones, even more so. They act not only as a form
of identification for crossing borders (including ones buyers could normally not easily cross) but also for
everything from opening bank accounts, applying for loans, purchasing property, and much more. It’s no
surprise then that they’re a valuable commodity. There are quite a few sites on the Deep Web that claim to
sell passports and other forms of official IDs at varying prices from country to country and seller to seller.

As mentioned earlier though, their validity is hard to verify without actually purchasing the goods, especially
in the case of citizenship. Related services may well be simple scams preying on the vulnerable who are
looking to obtain citizenship to remain in the country they currently reside in.

U.S. citizenship for sale for at least US$6,000

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Pricing information

28 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Sample fake passports and other documents

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Leaked details: Government, law enforcement, and celebrities

Among hackers and, to a certain degree, online gamers, it’s typical for groups of like-minded individuals to
come together in loosely formed or close-knit groups. Due to the nature of the activities they carry out, it’s
very common for rivalries and fallings out to occur among competing groups. When this occurs, it’s common
practice for one group to attempt to “dox” the other. Doxing is the act of researching and broadcasting an
individual’s personally identifiable information (PII), which, in hackers’ case, “unmasks” a rival, essentially
linking his/her real-world identity to his/her online one. The means to do this vary but they normally combine
accessing publicly available data, social engineering, and direct hacking.

Cloudnine doxing site (note that this requests for social security, medical, financial data, etc.)

But the phenomenon of doxing or exposing private information is by no means restricted to hackers versus
hackers; it’s also quite common for hackers to target companies, celebrities, and other public figures. A
company’s exposure can’t simply be restricted to hacking, of course, it can also be caused by insiders, as in
Wikileaks’s case (which involved the Deep Web in the form of a page that allows the anonymous submission
of new leaks).

It’s very hard to know if these details are factual or not but, in many cases, the leaked details include dates of
birth, social security numbers, personal email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, and more. For
example, one site—Cloudnine—lists possible dox information for public figures including:

• Several FBI agents

• Political figures like Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, U.S. senators
and others

• Celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Bill Gates, Tom Cruise, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Dennis Rodman, and more

30 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Apparent personal email account of Barack Obama (unverified)

Apparent leaked law enforcement agency information (unverified)

Kim Kardashian data, among other hacker-related doxing information

Even hackers who were sympathetic to Ross Ulbricht have deliberately targeted individuals involved in his
case. An example of this is a post of alleged doxing information on Judge Katherine Bolan Forrest, one of the
judges on the case.

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Alleged leaked information on a judge in the Silk Road case

32 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Assassination services

Perhaps one of the most worrying services on the Deep Web, one that anyone would be very foolish
to advertise on the Surface Web, are hit men or assassins for hire. Several such services exist on the
Deep Web. Even the sites that advertise them acknowledge the highly secret nature of their business.
One site, for example, clearly states that as all contracts are private, they can’t offer proof of past work or
successes or even feedback from previous clients. Instead, they ask users to prove upfront that they have
enough Bitcoins for the job with the help of a reputable escrow service. Only when a hit man has carried out
the assassination and provided proof will the funds be released.

C’thulu’s resume as an assassin for hire

33 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

As shown, prices vary based on the preferred manner of death or injury and the target’s status. Ross Ulbricht
who has been recently convicted of running the infamous Silk Road forum for illegal drugs, in fact, attempted
to have five of the partners he had fallen out with assassinated [22].

A different take on such services, one that we hope is not actually meant as a real service, is “crowdsourced
assassination.” One site—Dead Pool—allows users to put forward potential targets. Others can then contribute
funds in the form of Bitcoins to the “dead pool.” Assassins can then anonymously “predict” when and how the
targets will die. If the person actually dies, all predictions are revealed and the assassins who put forward an
exact match can claim the money. To date, four names have been put forward but no money has been placed
into the pools, leading us to believe that the site is a hoax.

Dead Pool, a site for crowdsourced assassinations

34 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web


The Deep Web and

the real world
The Deep Web and the real world
Mainstream adoption
Services that rely on rogue TLDs or Namecoins offer too high an adoption barrier to common users and very
few advantages for average users to be considered publicly significant. But we’ve witnessed more and more
usability improvements in systems like I2P and especially TOR that have slowly become viable solutions for
everyone to go anonymous with hardly any setup requirements.

TOR applications with anonymous browsers integrated are readily available for all major desktop and mobile
platforms, allowing everyone to go anonymous and to access hidden sites in just a few touches. For journalists
and people requiring an even higher level of privacy, a fully tailored OS integrating TOR and anonymous
browsers can be downloaded and installed on a USB key for use on any available machine.

Example of a downloadable anonymity program

36 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

True anonymity

In practice, traffic between two TOR nodes is not traceable, but that to and from entrance and exit TOR
gateways are. If an organization operates enough TOR gateways, there is a possibility that traffic using the
TOR network can be tracked. Using TOR in countries that don’t have enough budgets to operate a critical
mass of gateway nodes can be considered safe. But in other countries with high intelligence service budgets
like the United States or China, using TOR may not be as safe.

In addition, any anonymizing system is only as effective as its user. As advanced as an anonymizing system
may be, even those like TOR and I2P only cover the transport layer of communication but remain powerless
toward the content of communication. Simply put, no anonymizing system can hide a user who posts his/her
home address and details in the open.

We can, therefore, list two major types of risk linked to anonymity in the Deep Web:

• Environmental vulnerabilities

• Social vulnerabilities

Environmental vulnerabilities refer to every possible flaw that can be linked to other software used together
with TOR. For example, a notorious bug affecting the Adobe® Flash® version embedded in the browser that
comes with a version of TOR once put the whole system in jeopardy since it was possible to exploit the bug to
leak sensitive data despite the use of TOR.

Social vulnerabilities are related to user behavior and the precautions users may take other than simply using
TOR. Dread Pirate Roberts who was recently convicted to life in prison due to his Deep Web marketplace
was caught by the FBI due to his use of a private email address in a public forum. Correlating the identities
of Deep Web users with their Surface Web alter egos is an interesting research field that involves disciplines
like social network analysis and stylometry.

“If you go to the doctor and undergo surgery and you

wake up in your hospital room and violate all the
hygiene rules, you will die even if you have the best
surgeons, the best tools, the best hospital. Same thing
with anonymity, if you are behaving in an unwise
manner, even the best tool can’t protect you.”

—Martin Rösler,
Senior Director,
Threat Research

37 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Law enforcement and the Deep Web

Law enforcement agencies already face several existing challenges when it comes to international crime on
the Surface Web [23, 24]. With regard to the Deep Web, three additional aspects can make law enforcement
even more problematic.

• Encryption: Everything in the Deep or Dark Web is encrypted. That means the criminals in it are much
more aware about being trapped or monitored. Encryption is their very first countermeasure to evade

• Attribution: It’s extremely difficult to determine attribution. Everything happens on .onion domains.
Routing to these domains is also unclear.

• Fluctuation: The Deep Web is a very dynamic place. An online forum can be at a specific URL one
day and gone the next. The naming and address schemes in the Deep Web often change. This means
that the information we harvested two weeks ago is no longer relevant today. This has implications in
proving crime. Considering the time frame in which criminal cases are tried, law enforcers must be able
to rigorously document any criminal online activity via time-stamped screenshots in order to prevent
cases from becoming invalid.

The security vendors’ role

While a majority of normal Internet users will not find use for the Deep Web, security vendors must still be
able to protect their customers from the cybercriminal activities happening in it. As we’ve shown in previous
sections, malware are increasingly using TOR for stealth so security vendors must be able to create early
detection means and countermeasures against these threats, as they will, sooner or later, find their way to
victimize users on the Surface Web.

On the other hand, there are users who, for legitimate reasons, need to visit the Deep Web to avoid the social
pain of buying prescription drugs for certain conditions, access recreational drugs that are illegal in certain
geographical locations, freely discuss socially banned topics, or share information from repressive countries
with journalists. In these cases, security vendors still have a responsibility to protect their customers. This is
why Trend Micro and its Forward-Looking Threat Research Team continue to monitor these online territories.

38 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web


The future of the

Deep Web
The future of the Deep Web
While public awareness may lead to the increased use of or interest in the Dark Web and other similarly
intended sites in the Deep Web, users currently don’t have enough reason to migrate their Internet browsing
to specialized anonymizing software in the near future.

Meanwhile, it’s much more likely for technological developments related to the Dark Web to improve
the stealthiness of darknets. Right now, there seems to be a race between “extreme libertarians” and law
enforcement agencies, with the former trying to find new ways to become even more anonymous and
untraceable by the latter.

But since the commerce of illicit goods is one of the most predominant activities taking place in the Deep
Web, it has become essential in the context of high anonymity, to be able to guarantee trust and reputation
among sellers and buyers without having to rely on an external authority like a banking institution as in
“canonical” ecommerce.

We are foreseeing the rise of new, completely decentralized marketplaces that rely on the blockchain
technology that Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies already exploit for transport and storage. As such, the
technology will be used to implement full-blown marketplaces without a single point of failure and that rely
on particular aspects of game theory to guarantee safe transactions, escrow mechanisms, and trust between
actors who may be shady in nature to begin with.

Cryptocurrencies go hand in hand with Deep Web marketplaces. In that regard, we’ll see new, advanced ways
to make Bitcoins even less traceable than they are now. There’s also a huge possibility for malware to start
exploiting the blockchain technology to embed themselves and be carried around in a new, fully decentralized

40 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

The Trend Micro Forward-Looking Threat Research Team developed the Deep Web Analyzer—a robust
system that collects Deep Web URLs of interest—to take a closer look at what’s going on in the Deep Web
with regard to cybercrime. Based on two years’ worth of research into limited-access networks like the
Dark Web via the Deep Web Analyzer, we were able to determine that the Deep Web hosts a lot of benign
content, alongside some of the more disturbing activities ever seen on the Internet. We thus gained a deeper
understanding of its nature:

• While 47% of the successfully scouted domains used English, Russian ousted English from the top spot
when it came to URL count. This could be attributed to the existence of a large Russian forum at the time
of analysis.

• The most heavily traded goods based on analysis of the top 15 vendors in the Deep Web were light drugs,
followed by prescription medicine like Ritalin and Xanax and synthetic, prohibited drugs.

• The Deep Web heavily uses protocols outside the standard HTTP/HTTPS, most commonly IRC, IRCS,
Gopher, XMPP, and FTP.

• We were able to identify thousands of suspicious pages, ranging from those that host malicious adware
to those used for proxy avoidance and child exploitation.

• Certain parts of the Deep Web have become a safe haven for different cybercriminals and criminal

• Prevalent malware families like VAWTRAK and CryptoLocker are using TOR as part of their

• Takedowns of criminal marketplaces are not particularly lasting or impactful solutions against the
drug trade, as there continue to be dedicated online shops and forums that serve the demand for
illicit drugs.

• The Deep Web is also rife with Bitcoin-laundering services like EasyCoin to further increase the
anonymity of moving money through the Bitcoin system.

• A cybercriminal underground definitely operates in the Deep Web as well. Stolen accounts, passports,
and identities of high-profile personalities are sold in professional-looking forums with complete
pricing information and descriptions.

• Assassination services are also advertised and offered in the Deep Web.

42 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

While it’s not likely for a majority of Internet users to ever find reasons to use the Dark Web, anonymity in the
Deep Web will continue to raise a lot of issues and be a point of interest for both law enforcers and Internet
users who want to circumvent government surveillance and intervention. As such, security defenders like
Trend Micro need to continue keeping tabs on the Deep Web as its role in the Internet grows.

43 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Catching NionSpy (aka Mewsei or MewsSpy)
In the following example that is related to malware that steal confidential information, we looked for the
prevalent query string’s parameters in a short and recent time window. This allowed us to identify new threats
as soon as they appeared in the Deep Web. In particular, two parameters—xu and xd—experienced a surge
in popularity over the past week. Xu was associated with more than 1,700 distinct values consisting of binary
blobs. Further investigation revealed that xu was used by NionSpy to leak stolen credentials (online banking,
etc.) that are then captured by a keylogger and posted to a dropzone in the Deep Web. Xd, meanwhile, was
used to register a new infection to the botnet. This registration included information like the victim’s machine
name and OS version, communicated in form of a JSON string like the following:

[REDACTED]2xx.onion:80/si.php?xd={“f155”:”MACHINE IP”,”f4336”:”MACHINE

By counting the queries associated with the registration, we were able to build a profile of the number of new
victims per day, along with the amount of data leaked.

Most prevalent URI query string’s parameters (by value)

44 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

Number of new victims per day (in blue) and traffic to the drop zone (in green)

45 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

1. The Tor Project, Inc. Tor Project. Last accessed on 11 June 2015,

2. ulbr_mirror. Scribd. “Ulbricht Criminal Complaint.” Last accessed on 10 June 2015,

3. Vincenzo Ciancaglini, Marco Balduzzi, Max Goncharov, and Robert McArdle. Trend Micro Security Intelligence. “Deep Web and
Cybercrime: It’s Not All About Tor.” Last accessed on 10 June 2015,

4. Robert McArdle. (4 October 2013). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “Cybercrime in the Deep Web.” Last accessed on 10 June

5. Vincenzo Ciancaglini. (8 November 2013). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “The Boys Are Back in Town: Deep Web
Marketplaces Back Online.” Last accessed on 10 June 2015,

6. Vincenzo Ciancaglini. (10 March 2015). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “The Deep Web: Shutdowns, New Sites, New Tools.”
Last accessed on 10 June 2015,

7. Robert McArdle and David Sancho. Trend Micro Security Intelligence. “Bitcoin Domains.” Last accessed on 10 June 2015,

8. The Invisible Internet Project. Last accessed 11 June 2015,

9. Trend Micro Incorporated. Trend Micro Security News. “Cybercriminal Underground Economy Series.” Last accessed 11 June

10. Feike Hacquebord. (5 September 2015). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “The Mysterious MEVADE Malware.” Last accessed
on 10 June 2015,

11. Jay Yaneza. (28 January 2014). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “Defending Against TOR-Using Malware, Part 1.”
Last accessed on 10 June 2015,

12. Jay Yaneza. (4 February 2014). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “Defending Against TOR-Using Malware, Part 2.” Last
accessed on 10 June 2015,

13. David Sancho. (5 May 2015). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “Steganography and Malware: Why and How.” Last accessed
on 10 June 2015,

14. David Sancho. (5 May 2015). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “Steganography and Malware: Concealing Code and C&C
Traffic.” Last accessed on 10 June 2015,

15. David Sancho. (11 May 2015). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “Steganography and Malware: Final Thoughts.” Last accessed
on 10 June 2015,

16. Kate Vinton. (30 May 2015). Forbes. “Silk Road CreaTORRoss Ulbricht Sentenced to Life in Prison.” Last accessed on 10 June 2015,

17. Trend Micro Incorporated. (1 June 2015). Trend Micro Security News. “The Deep Web: Anonymizing Technology for the Good…
and the Bad?” Last accessed on 11 June 2015,

46 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

18. Damon Lavrinc. (6 December 2013). Wired. “Someone Bought a Tesla Model S with Bitcoins.” Last accessed on 11 June 2015,

19. Max Goncharov. (2012). Trend Micro Security Intelligence. “Russian Underground 101.” Last accessed on 11 June 2015,

20. Max Goncharov. (2014). Trend Micro Security Intelligence. “Russian Underground Revisited.” Last accessed on 11 June 2015,

21. Lion Gu. (2014). Trend Micro Security Intelligence. “The Chinese Underground in 2013.” Last accessed on 11 June 2015,

22. Andy Greenberg. (2 February 2015). Wired. “Read the Transcript of Silk Road’s Boss Ordering 5 Assassinations.” Last accessed on
11 June 2015,

23. Martin Rösler. (12 January 2014). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “Working with Law Enforcement in 2014 and Beyond.”
Last accessed on 11 June 2015,

24. Martin Rösler. (11 July 2013). TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog. “Law Enforcement Cooperation and Trend Micro.” Last
accessed on 11 June 2015,

47 | Below the Surface: Exploring the Deep Web

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