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Often, work takes precedence over everything else in our lives. The desire to succeed
professionally leads people to set aside their family and friends. As a result, they deal with anxiety
and stress and end up with serious health problems. That’s why balancing work and home life is
the key to be successful at work, while at the same time, you get to spend time with your family.

My cousin is a nurse and she works six days a week. She leaves her home every day at 7am and
arrives home at 7pm, which means she spends the whole day at work. However, every weekend
she spends time with her family. She goes to the beach or the mall with her husband and
daughters every chance she gets because she sets limits. Recently, she took up a hobby which is

On the other hand, it’s my cousin who is a freelance artist. He doesn’t take a breather when he’s
working because he works all day long. In fact, he recently got sick because of it and he even had
to go to emergency room. Nevertheless, in the past few days, he has been spending time with his
son and his friends.

Taking up a hobby like practicing a sport can release stress and anxiety while you can stay in
shape. Making a schedule can also be really helpful and that way you can focus on relaxing. In
summary, even though work can be stressful sometimes, we have to power to draw the line and
respect our private time.

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