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Write at least three (3) paragraphs. -First describe your parents' generation.

-Second, describe your generation. -Third, compare. Talk about the generation

When my mom was a teenager everything was different. My grandparents were very strict and
overprotective. It was forbidden to play with other children around the neighborhood. Parents
used to set a lot of restrictions and rules, that’s the reason kids in that generation were often
grounded and there was a lot of corporal punishment.

My generation is very different because parents are not overprotective at all. They’re too lenient
and their children are spoiled. When I was a kid, I was spoiled but everything changed in my
teenage years. I can see that teenagers nowadays are sometimes disrespectful to their parents,
that didn’t happen in the 70’ or 80’s.

I think beliefs, customs and actions have changed. The technology and the way people see the
world have changed the way parents raise their children. However, it doesn’t mean that they are
supposed to do whatever they want.

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