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Learning Experience – week 08

Let’s create our ads

DATE 10 al 14 de abril GRADE 2°A,B, D,E, F TEACHER Neli Belleza Castro

Expected Identify and understand specific details related to different advertisement in English to promote a family
Learning business.
COMPETENCY Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés como MEDIO WhatsApp
lengua extranjera. UTILIZADO

The challenge: The Global Social Media Awards will give a prize to the most creative ads around the world in the
context of the pandemic. Present an ad to the awards. The ad should help advertise a family, friend or acquaintance

Answer the quedtions

What is your ad about? ………………………………………………………………………………..
Do you like your ad? …………………………………....................……………………………..
Ahora que ya terminaste las actividades 1, 2 y 3. Lee los siguientes criterios con atención y marca
con una “X” donde creas conveniente. Responde con honestidad.

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