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Learning Experience – week 07

Let’s Create Local and Global Ads

SEMANA 7 FECHA 3-07/04-21 Grado/Sección 2°. A B D E F
DOCENTE Neli Belleza Castro MEDIO UTILIZADO WhatsApp
COMPETENCIA . Lee diversos textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
PROPOSITO . Identify and understand specific details related to different advertisement in English to promote a
family business.
COMPETENCIAS . Se desenvuelve en los entornos virtuales generados por las TIC.
TRANSVERSALES . Gestiona su aprendizaje de manera autónoma.
THE CHALLENGE The Global Social Media Awards will give a prize to the most creative ads around the world in the
context of the pandemic. Present an ad to the awards. The ad should help advertise a family, friend
or acquaintance business.

Activity 2: Home Business!

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