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Directions: Circle the choice (A, B, C or D) that gives the best answer to describe the following groups of

Example: Go to the store

A. a sentence B. a clause C. a phrase D. both A and B

1. After school, we met and played games.

A. a sentence B. a clause C. two clauses D. both A and B

2. in the park

A. a sentence B. a clause C. a phrase D. both B and C

3. When it rains, I go to the store.

A. a sentence B. a clause C. a phrase D. both A and B

4. Through the store, gently the people with their family and friends.

A. a sentence B. a clause C. Neither A or B D. both A and B

Directions: Circle the number of clauses in the following sentences:

5. After we go to the store, it will be raining, so I should try to bring my umbrella.

A. 0 clauses B. 1 clause C. 2 clauses D. 3 clauses

6. I often go there with my friends, and she does too.

A. 0 clauses B. 1 clause C. 2 clauses D. 3 clauses

7. Sometimes it’s better to think about many things besides shopping and eating like Mr. Davis.

A. 0 clauses B. 1 clause C. 2 clauses D. 3 clauses

8. John, Susan and Bill often go swimming and sailing in the ocean.

A. 0 clauses B. 1 clause C. 2 clauses D. 3 clauses

9. I go, but Mike does not.

A. 0 clauses B. 1 clause C. 2 clauses D. 3 clauses

10. If you think about it, the best way to experience Japan is to travel to its smaller cities and see the

A. 0 clauses B. 1 clause C. 2 clauses D. 3 clauses

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