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Jezzy Ann F.


PROMPT:  Choose an image/images and explain the significance of your chosen image/images

in the play. You may use both plays studied in class to explain the chosen image/images. An
image is not literally a picture that depicts poverty. An image refers to an object in the play that
represents or symbolizes something. An image appeals to the senses. 

A heart of Desperation
Clinging to a knife means in Filipino, “Kapit sa Patalim” wherein this phrase means that a
person is willing to die or get injured despite knowing how dangerous the situation is. For some,
scavenging the dead is better than robbing those who are living. A desperation of choosing to
surviving today or die tomorrow. People tend to do what is wrong and justify it as right because
that is the only option they have. They do various illegal ways even if it downgrades their being
as a human being. It is a very common situation to the poor income class in the Philippines
wherein these Filipinos would go to cemeteries and scavenge for golds and precious items—
these are items buried with the dead—and sell it to local pawnshop for money. It is one of the
outcomes of poverty, inequalities, and corruptions of the public figures in the Philippines that
the country has been facing for decades.

If these problems were given attention to and formulate a solution, then poverty would
not be this bad in the country and people would not resort to doing heinous crimes just to
survive every day, professionals would not leave their country for a better opportunity in the
overseas and children would not have to face hardships in their early years. We would have a
better country.
It is not only the government, but also the people as well. Even if there are different
income classes in the country it should hinder us from helping. If people would not be afraid in
extending their hand to those people below them and do not pull the legs of those above them
then we would have a chance, a chance of improvement. As the saying goes, “If everyone ate
only what they needed, the food would reach the lowest level”. This is the change we all want
to see.

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