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Nama: Firdaus Eka Ngenca Sinuraya

NIM: 191071032


Noun Verb Adjective

Gas Boil Chemical
Fuel Burn Cool
Metal Freeze Electricity
Gas melt Heat
Oil Liquid
Oxygen Nuclear

2. The Future Energy

The future of energy is changing. Scienntist recommended that fossil fuels need to be
replaced by alternative forms of energy. These oldes fuels, such as oil and gas,are in
short supply and may run out in the future. So what are the alternative forms of energy
that could be used? Solar power is quite a popular choice for many. Harnessing the sun
for its energy has been claim by the governments Department for Energy as a cost-
effective and long-term solution for both bussiness and individuals. However, although
cost-effective in the in the long run, the setup costs can be high. Other have argued that
nuclear energy would be a better solution. This, however, is very contentious. The issue
of contamination is always raised by its destractors because of the fear of radioactive
waste if something goes wrong.

3. Alternative energy research project: process

Make a reading list which is general and related to the question.
Start reading as soon as posible →Remember to make notes while reading.
Organise notes into some system.
Analyse notes and reading for digest the material to question.

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