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Engineering Management:

 Human relationships, the principles of economics and government.

 Management can be defined in many ways, most of which include reference to
planning, organizing, controlling, leading, directing, allocating resources,
communicating and coordinating
 They ask why and they look for logic. They have a system approach, they look for
system boundary, system components, input, output, process. They are practical
They have inspiration to change things
 Time, cost and quality sensitive. Need to lead and work in teams.
 Distinct purpose, deliberate structure and people
 Low waste, high attainment- efficiency and effectiveness
 Planning, organising, leading and controlling
 Informational, interpersonal and decisional – Mintzerb’s managerial roles
 Conceptual, technical and human skills

Project management –
 set deliverables/objectives
 Cope with environmental changes
 Satisfy customers, address complex issues and outsourcing

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