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2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590

(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science



Moses L. Singgih1, Dyah L. Trenggonowati2, Putu D. Karningsih3

Manufacturing System Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111

Abstract : Each company must carry out product development to maintain or build sales.
Relationship between specifications and parameters of quality products to the wishes of the
customer is an important consideration in doing product development. Product development
methods QFD (Quality Function Deployment) has been widely applied in industry to
maximize customer satisfaction based on quality, cost, time and other, become source of
constraints. Quality, time and cost are important factors for a company to maintain
existency of the company in the industry. This study will provide customer deployment
requirements to consider not only the quality factors are more often a point of view
assuming the successful development of a product, but also on the factors of time and cost.
Factors to be considered in stages creating new products or improving old products are not
only detailed data about the four phases of phasing as product planning, product design,
process planning, process control and planning is needed, but also a complete view of the
overall technical response . The final integration of the four phases of QFD is influential in
producing and marketing the products. Team of product development must plan how to
design new products to exploit existing technical response. Matters relating to the quality
characteristic and the voice of stakeholders is very relevant and should be well understood
and thoroughly. Technical approach to a more detailed response can lead a team of product
developers to pay attention to the changes of each phase to obtain the allocation of
resources for each of the responses are perfectly.

Key words- cost, four-phase QFD, quality, and time

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

1. INTRODUCTION product design (Zhai et al., 2010), among

QFD product development several issues that it is called a research
methods have been widely applied in topic that is often discussed and
industry to maximize the customer considered. While the technical response
satisfaction based on quality, cost, time and the process planning, process control
and other, these factors are considered as and integration of the four phases of QFD
constraints. Quality, time and cost are less attention (Chen and Ko, 2009).
important factors for a company to
maintain its existence in the This study will provide customer
industrialized world. In some previous deployment requirements to consider not
studies focus more on the quality factor is only the quality but also factor in the time
how to help the company to obtain and cost factor in developing a product. In
satisfaction of the consumer, while the this case QFD is considered able to
cost and time factors have received less support the success of this research. QFD
attention, if any, are not calculated and four phases may provide some short-term
discussed in detail. benefits such as reducing barriers
associated with cross-functional product
The things that must be development team and help change
considered in stages creating new corporate culture. In the long run, QFD
products or improving old products not has been shown to have tangible benefits
only detailed data on product planning, such as further reducing cycle time,
product design, process planning, process reduce development costs, and increased
control and planning is needed, but also a productivity. An important benefit of
complete view of the overall technical QFD is its effectiveness in capturing,
response. Where the end result is the prioritizing and stabilizing customer
integration of the four phases of QFD needs (Delgado and Aspinwall, 2003).
influential in producing and marketing the
products. Product development team According to Cohen (1995), QFD
should plan how to design new products benefits for companies seeking to
to exploit existing technical response. improve their competitiveness and
Matters relating to the quality productivity through improved quality is
characteristic and the voice of continuously improving product
stakeholders is very relevant and should reliability, improve product quality,
be well understood and thoroughly. increase customer satisfaction, shorten
Approach to a more detailed technical time to market, reduce design costs,
response can lead a team of developers to improve communications, increase
pay attention to changes in product productivity and increase corporate
product planning, product design, process profits.
planning, process control and planning.
Departing from problems such as
However, most of the existing research
those described above, developed a new
has been discussed about the issues of
concept of how to respond to customer
new product development requirements
requirements is a good category to
are dominated by the respective technical
integrate all technical respond that there is
framework respond regarding product
commonly called the QFD 4 phases to
planning (Chen and Weng, 2006; Kwong
et al., 2007; Chend and Ko, 2008) and

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

obtain the form of resource allocation for phase four. Kano and classification
each response is perfect. process on the production requirements as
well as performed in phase three to finally
obtain fulfillment production
requirements. At this integration process
MODEL FOUR PHASE QFD we will get a good important weight for
Four phases of the integration quality, cost and time, so we get a trade
process of QFD is described in the off between the three. More specifically
flowchart in Figure 1. illustrates the we will get a comparison between the cost
process of the integration is done. In the and time of manufacturing processes.
first phase of QFD using Kano method to
classify customer requirements and design
requirements. Kano questionnaire will be
calculated based on the value of the
influence of consumer satisfaction and

Values influence consumer

satisfaction and dissatisfaction will be
input in the planning matrix. So we get
the output fulfillment requirements
engineering. In the phase two QFD using
Kano method to classify the design
requirements and part characteristics.
Output important weight in phase one will
be used as design input requirements in
phase two. Kano classification process on
the part characteristics similar to that
carried out in phase one until finally
found fulfillment part characteristics. In
the third phase QFD using Kano method
to classify part characteristics and process
parameters. Output important weight in
phase two will be used as input phase
three on the part characteristics. In
addition to the results of operation time
and manufacturing cost will also be used
as input process parameters. So that they
become input to the planning matrix and
to obtain fulfillment process parameters.
In the fourth phase QFD using Kano
method to classify process parameters and
production requirements. Output from
phase three (important weight) will be
used as the input process parameters on

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

Kano classification for

Customer Requirements Part Characteristics
Costumer Requirements

Calculation of
the influence of Kano classification for Kano Classification for
Design Requirements weight phase Process Parameters
satisfaction and Design Requirementss Process Parameters
Calculation of Kano
calculation of Kano
(M, O, A, I, R)
(M, O, A, I, R)

Classification of
cost and time

Planning Matrix
Planning Matrix

Phase 1 Fufillment Engineering Phase 3

requiremnets Fulfillment Process

Design Requirements Process Parameters

weight phase
weight phase1 Kano Classification for
3 Production Requirements
Kano Classification for Production Requirements
Part Characteristics
Part Characteristics

Calculation of Kano
Calculation of Kano (M, O, A, I, R)
(M, O, A, I, R)
Classification of
cost and time

Planning Matrix
Planning Matrix

Fulfillment Part Phase 4

Phase 2 Characteristics Fulfillment Production

Figure 1. Flowchart Integration Model Kano Concept in Four Phase QFD Framework

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

3. FRAMEWORK INTEGRATION will be the basis of classification of

FOUR PHASE QFD technical response in the next section.
Framework Four Phase QFD  Extent of satisfaction
Integration that has been modified with a This section shows the effect of
development Integration Model QFD - the value of each customer
concept Kano Model from research requirement on the level of customer
satisfaction that is symbolized by the
Singgih, Tansiah dan Immanuel
letter S. That is, it measures how
(forthcoming). Integration of the results of much the value of customer
four Phase QFD - Kano can be seen in satisfaction will increase when the
Figure 3 to Figure 6 which consists of the relevant customer requirements
following parts: embodied in a product. The more
positive value, then this indicates that
Customer requirement (CRi) customer requirements are referred to
the effect on the level of consumer
Column customer needs / customer satisfaction. Extent of satisfaction can
requirements is the main column of the be generated using the following
HOQ (House of Quality), which contains equation.
the desires of consumers and the basic AO
Si 
characteristics of the product. Part is still AO M  I
the same as the conventional QFD. The (1)
term Customer needs / customer
Si : Extent of satisfaction
requirement is symbolized by CRi.
A : Atrractive Category
Planning Matrix
O : One-dimensional Category
There are some parts that are the
same as part of the planning matrix of M : Must-be Category
QFD Conventional namely:
I : Indifference Category
 Importance to customer (di)
 Current satisfaction performance The values Si indicate that the
(CSPi) customer requirement (CR) i will
 Competitive satisfaction increase customer satisfaction when i
performace (CoSPi) met CR. Each CRi will have all the
 Goal (Gi) elements of Kano categories, i.e.,
 Improvement Ratio (IRi) must-be, one-dimensional, attractive,
 Sales Point (SPi)
indifference or reverse the
 Raw weight (RWi)
Some additional columns proportions vary by consumer
integration Kano Model is as follows: preferences. Proportion to the value
of each category is derived from the
 Kategory Kano to CRi (Qi) questionnaire Kano.
Kano Category for CRi that
include categories must be, one- The value Si indicates the
dimensional and attractive, and then magnitude of the positive effect on
reverse and indifference categories customer satisfaction customer
does not include the input of the requirements in the product when it is
HOQ. This categorization process raised. The value is in the range of
numbers from 0 to 1. Value of 1

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

indicates the existence of a very large This section describes the

influence on the level of customer translation CRi on Technical Response
satisfaction as customer requirement i (TRj) will be elected as the concept of
displayed. Vice versa when the Si is 0 product design. There is one additional
which indicates that no significant columns:
effect on the level of customer
satisfaction as customer requirement i  Kategory Kano to TRj (Qj)
As in the CRi, this section will
contain the Kano categories for each
of the TRj is derived directly from
 Extent of dissatisfaction
CRi category. Decrease in Kano on
This section will show the
technical response categories is done
impact of each CRi to levels of
so that the product development team
consumer dissatisfaction. This value
to learn more about the technical
can be generated by the following
response which will affect the focus
of the development of CRi, CRi
OM suppose that category attractive. In
Si '  addition, the cost allocation process,
( A  O  M  I )  (1)
the model will consider the Kano
where:  Relationship Matrix (Rij)
Si‘ : Extent of dissatisfaction This section will contain inter -
Extent of this dissatisfaction is CRi. As is the case with conventional
basically a value that measures how QFD, at even this section will use a
much influence the disappearance of value of 1, 3 and 9 to denote the
the level of consumer dissatisfaction relationship or relationship. The value
CRi. Unlike Si, Si‘ value aims to 9 shows the value of the most robust
measure the negative impact on the positive relationship.
level of satisfaction that can be  Technical Correlation (  kj )
interpreted as the level of consumer
Correlation are shown in this
dissatisfaction with the product.
model is limited to the positive
The value Si‘ will be in the range
correlation as has been done on the
-1 to 0. A value of -1 indicates a
model Bode and Fung (1998).
strong influence on the level of
Positive relationship when the
consumer dissatisfaction when a
relationship in question is the value
customer requirement is not shown.
TR1 will go up by a certain
Vice versa, the value of 0 indicates no
prosesntase, TR2 also raised the value.
influence on the rate of disappearance
Symbol correlation used in this study
customer requirement of consumer
were 1, 3 and 9 for the relationship is
dissatisfaction. By looking at the
weak, medium and strong and 10 to
magnitude of thiss value, the
illustrate the value of correlation with
company can look at customer
TRj same.
requirements which need to be given
special attention. Customer Technical Matrix
requirements with value Si‘
approaching -1, remembering to note In the technical part of this matrix
the disappearance customer are the combination of the conventional
requirements will significantly affect
QFD models and QFD models Bode and
consumer dissatisfaction.
Technical response (TRj) Fung (1998). Sections are as follows:

 Threshold Value (TQ )

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

Threshold value (TQ) is the part or Rij

. Normalization process used
that contains the value limits the
extent to which the allocation of is a normalization process
technical response development costs Wasserman.
allocated to meet a category of Kano. wQi value can be determined
TQ value of this will be the percentage using the following equation.
of the amount of funds that can be m
allocated on a set of TRj for certain w j   d i Rij
categories. Where these categories i 1
denoted by the letter Q in which the (3)
value is 1, 2 and 3. A value of 1
indicates the category must-be, a  Resource Importance (w*Qj)
value of 2 indicates the category of Resource importance is the
one-dimensional and 3 show values contribution of technical response to
attractive category. the fulfillment of customer
TQ value will depend on the requirements j, i when allocated a
type of company concerned. Each resource unit. This value provides
company will have its own decisions information about the contribution of
in the product development process. technical response to customer
For a company that offers innovative satisfaction with regard to the value
products, sometimes attractive of each correlation the technical
category will get more attention, response. Bode and Fung (1998)
while for companies with the type of calculated the resource importance by
follower can be a category of must-be the following equation:
and one-dimensional first importance. n

,k   w j  jk
However, that would be the order of *
the parameters is that the allocation j 1
will follow the rules of the category (4)
of interest must-be > one-dimensional
> attractive. Must-be is the basic w*Qj value will increase when j
function of the product so that the technical response has a lot of
basic function must exist in the correlation with other technical
product, while the one-dimensional is response. This suggests that the more
a performance improvement of the a technical response has correlation
basic functions and attractive are the with the other technical response, it
additional features that will be related indicates that the j realizing the
to the competitive advantage of a technical response will increase
product. another technical response. Thus, to
show an increasing contribution to
 Technical Importance (wQj),
realizing customer requirements.
Technical Manufacturing Cost,
Technical Manufacturing Time,  Technical Satisfaction (wsQj)
Technical Assembly Cost, This value is the theoretical
Technical Assembly Time. value of Rijnorm normalization was
The value of relationship (Rij) is done with grades Extent to
the importance to the customer (di) satisfaction (S). This value indicates
for the entire CRi. wQi value how much influence j technical
calculated for each TRj in each response to customer satisfaction
category Kano Q. This value indicates when it developed a technical
the value of each TRj effect on the response will cause realization of CRi
fulfillment of CRi. Rij values used in in a product.
this calculation is the value of Rij has Each CRi will have a different
been done the normalization process amount of impact on the level of

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, Value of influence index will always

the influence of satisfaction on the '
be positive while the value wsQj will
value of each CRi is associated with
the relationship at any technical always be negative. Therefore, the
response will then generate values value of this ratio using the absolute
influence satisfaction TRj technical sign to avoid negative ratio values
response to the realization of the that are difficult to interpret. Value
entire CRi. wsQj value can be ratio > 1 would indicate that the
calculated by the following equation: emergence of technical response will
greatly affect the level of satisfaction.
m  Raw weight technical response
wsQj   S i .Rijnorm (RWj’)
i 1
This value is the weighted
(5) value of each technical response
m : Number of customer based on the value of sales points,
requirements improvement ratio and the level of
Q : Kano category interest. This calculation aims to
 Technical Dissatisfaction (ws’Qj) determine the contribution of each
ws’Qj value is a value that states technical response when seen from
TRj influence on the level of the sales point and the improvement
consumer dissatisfaction if the ratio which will be done by the
technical response is not embodied in company to the customer specific
a product. ws’Qj value can be requirements. Here is the equation to
calculated using the following calculate this value:
equation: m

RW j '   RWi .Rij
ws 'Qj   S i '.Rijnorm i 1

i 1 (8)
(6)  Primary resource commitment
 Technical *
( cQj ), Primary Manufacturing
Cost, Primary Assembly Cost
Dissatisfaction Primary resource commitment (
This value indicates the *
absolute value of the ratio between cQj ) is part of the technical matrix
technical satisfaction and that contains the amount of the costs
dissatisfaction technical. This ratio is incurred by the company to realize a
calculated in order to determine how technical response TRj. In this case,
much impact an increase in the ratio the value of each TRj considered as
between satisfaction and independent variables. Independent
dissatisfaction impact. By knowing variable in question is the value of a
the value of such comparisons, the variable that does not consider the
development team will get value of TRj correlation with other
information about the extent of the TRj.
effects when an attribute is raised or
not in a product. Here are the
equations used. Allocation Process Product
Influence Index  ' Allocation process steps are as follows:

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

1) Grouping technical response by Kano

2) The determination of the threshold
ws Qj
Qjws '
The calculation of the value of
1) The calculation of the value of
2)  * wsQj  *
 wQj  '
 / cQj
 wsQj 
3) The calculation of the value of RW‘j

1.1 Trade-off between Time and

In the product development
process or produce new products will
usually arise problems in achieving a
particular goal (the trade-off). During the
process would take time and cost, where
the time and costs associated with being a
problem to determine the manufacturing
cost of the product being made. In
determining the cost of the product and
the estimated time of completion is
influenced by many factors such as
product below.

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

Manufacturing Cost

Components Assembly Overhead

Equipment Indirect
Standard Custom Labor Support
and Tooling Allocation

Processing Tooling

Figure 2. Structure of Manufacturing Cost by Boothroyd and Dewhurst

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

The manufacturing cost is the

cost of manufacturing (production
process) + assembly cost + overhead With the application is expected
(cost of product development). To get the to produce products in accordance with
value of the amount of labor, labor time the specifications and manufacturing costs
and the output can be calculated with the and optimum time. Where the time and
following formula : costs associated with quality, and
manufacturing has actually always been
closely associated with quality, whether
the products are produced according to
𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑟 the specifications are expected to cost and
(𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑥 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡) time estimates are in accordance with the
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 product so that it can be easier to sell

𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 4. APPLICATIONS

(𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑥 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡) This study used a product that
𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑟 have quite complex manufacturing
process. This is done because the process
of model development is the integration
of QFD 4 phase, researchers will focus on
the calculation of the cost and time in the
manufacturing process. Thus the expected
behavior of the model will be more
𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 apparent with the increasing complexity
(𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑥 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑟) in parts of the manufacturing process.
= Products chosen as an object of
𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒
observation which meets these criteria is
the city bike products bike brands XX.
(5.3) Bike is a product that has a manufacturing
process and also have a spare parts are
quite complex. Therefore, the product is
Amount of Labor : Labor used by able to Bike perceived as an object of
the production or assembly parts per hour observation on the development of the
integration model of the QFD Four Phase.
ST (Standard Time) : Standard time
production or assembly process

Output : Output is issued

by the production or assembly per hour

Working time : hours of

production or assembly process used in
one day

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

QFD Phase 1
Technical Correlation

Kano Category

Kano Model Design Requirements

Competitive Satisfaction Performance

Customer Importance Satisfaction
Current Satisfaction Performance
Extent of Disatisfaction
Extent of Satisfaction

Improvement Ratio
Kano Category

Raw weight
Sales Point
Relationship Matrix

Nilai Threshold

Technical Importance

Technical Satisfaction ( ws j )
Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws' j )
Resource Importance (w*k )
Cost Engineering with Technical Satisfaction/Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws j / ws'j )
consideration Kano
Primary Resource Commitment Required

Actual Resource Required

w *
j  ws j / ws '
j / c *

Raw Weight’

% Allocation

Figure 3 Application Model QFD Phase 1

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

QFD Fase 2
Technical Correlation

Kano Category

Model Kano Part Characteristics

Competitive Satisfaction Performance

Customer Importance Satisfaction
Current Satisfaction Performance
Extent of Disatisfaction
Extent of Satisfaction

Improvement Ratio
Kano Category

Raw weight
Sales Point
Design Requirements Relationship Matrix

Nilai Threshold

Technical Importance
Technical Satisfaction ( ws j )
Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws' j )
Resource Importance (w*k )
Cost Engineering with Technical Satisfaction/Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws j / ws'j )
consideration Kano
Primary Resource Commitment Required

Actual Resource Required

w *
j  ws j / ws '
j / c *

Raw Weight’

% Allocation

Figure 4 Phase 2 QFD Application Model

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

Phase 3
Manufacturing Technical Correlation

Kano Category
Model Process Parameter

Competitive Satisfaction Performance

Customer Importance Satisfaction
Current Satisfaction Performance
Manufacture Operation Time

Manufacture Operation Cost

Assembly Operation Time

Extent of Disatisfaction
Assemby Operation Cost

Extent of Satisfaction

Improvement Ratio
Kano Category

Raw weight
Sales Point

Characterist Relationship Matrix

Technical Importance

Resource Importance (w*k )

Primary Resource Commitment Required

Technical Satisfaction ( ws j )
Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws' j )

Technical Satisfaction/Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws j / ws'j )

Raw Weight’

Rasio*resource importance

Rasio*resource importance/primary cost commitment

Technical Manufacturing-Assembly Cost (MC-AC)

Primary Manufacturing-Assembly Cost (MC-AC)

Rasio*MC-AC Importance

Rasio* MC-AC Importance/ Primary MC-AC

Technical Manufacturing-Assembly Time (MT-AT)

consider the time and cost of
manufacturing Primary Manufacturing-Assembly Time (MT-AT)

Rasio*MT-AT Importance

Rasio* MT-AT Importance/ Primary MT-AT

Output/ hours

Working Time/ hours

Worker/ hours

Figure 5 Application Model QFD Phase 3 (Production)

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

QFD Phase 3
Assembly Technical Correlation

Kano Category
Model Process Parameter

Competitive Satisfaction Performance

Customer Importance Satisfaction
Current Satisfaction Performance
Manufacture Operation Time

Manufacture Operation Cost

Assembly Operation Time

Extent of Disatisfaction
Assemby Operation Cost

Extent of Satisfaction

Improvement Ratio
Kano Category

Raw weight
Sales Point

Characterist Relationship Matrix

Technical Importance

Resource Importance (w*k )

Primary Resource Commitment Required

Technical Satisfaction ( ws j )
Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws' j )

Technical Satisfaction/Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws j / ws'j )

Raw Weight’

Rasio*resource importance

Rasio*resource importance/primary cost commitment

Technical Manufacturing-Assembly Cost (MC-AC)

Primary Manufacturing-Assembly Cost (MC-AC)

Rasio*MC-AC Importance

Rasio* MC-AC Importance/ Primary MC-AC

Technical Manufacturing-Assembly Time (MT-AT)

consider the time and cost of
Primary Manufacturing-Assembly Time (MT-AT)

Rasio*MT-AT Importance

Rasio* MT-AT Importance/ Primary MT-AT

Output/ hours

Working Time/ hours

Worker/ hours

Figure 6 Application Model QFD Phase 3 (Assembly)

QFD Phase 4
Technical Correlation

Kano Category
DFM DFA Model Production Requirements
Competitive Satisfaction Performance
Customer Importance Satisfaction
Current Satisfaction Performance
Manufacture Operation Time

Manufacture Operation Cost

Assembly Operation Time

Extent of Disatisfaction
Assemby Operation Cost

Extent of Satisfaction

Improvement Ratio
Kano Category

Raw weight
Sales Point

Relationship Matrix

Technical Importance

Resource Importance (w*k )

Primary Resource Commitment Required

Technical Satisfaction ( ws j )
Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws' j )

Technical Satisfaction/Technical Dissatisfaction ( ws j / ws 'j )

Raw Weight’

Rasio*resource importance

Rasio*resource importance/primary cost commitment

Technical Manufacturing-Assembly Cost (MC-AC)

Primary Manufacturing-Assembly Cost (MC-AC)

Rasio*MC-AC Importance

Rasio* MC-AC Importance/ Primary MC-AC

Technical Manufacturing-Assembly Time (MT-AT)

consider the time and cost of
manufacturing Primary Manufacturing-Assembly Time (MT-AT)

Rasio*MT-AT Importance

Rasio* MT-AT Importance/ Primary MT-AT

Output/ hours

Working Time/ hours

Worker/ hours

Figure 7 Application Model QFD Phase 4

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

5. CONCLUSION as to know how the effect of each

Integration model development process parameters on the level of
four phase QFD in this research aims to part characteristics.
get engineering characteristics, getting 4) In the fourth phase of the obtained
production requirements, where
part characteristics, process parameters
production requirements are used as
get, get production requirements, input integration framework QFD
determine the cost and length of time and Kano concept in phase four.
required to develop the final product and Kano theory application will serve as
determine the ratio of cost and time. the basis of grouping parameter
Where in this study, the cost and time is process and technical importance so
divided into two parts, namely the cost as to know how the effect of each
production requirements on the level
and time of manufacturing process itself
of process parameters.
which of them is the time and cost of the 5) To make the kind of bike products
assembly process. Based on model XX at PT. XYZ takes the value of
development and implementation process the manufacturing cost of Rp.
that has been done, it will get the 835,842.50, assembly fee of Rp. Rp.
following conclusion 1,659,170.30 and product
development costs amounting to Rp.
1) In the first phase of engineering 1,027,600.00. while the time required
characteristics is obtained, where the for manufacturing is 6 hours / 1
engineering characteristics used as million output and the time required
input integration framework QFD for the assembly is at 7.53 hours / 1
and Kano concept in phase one. million output.
Kano theory application will serve as 6) The trade off level interest of
the basis of grouping customer expense and the time when the
requirements and technical production of the satisfaction will be
importance so as to know how the used in accordance with the
effect of each design requirements on conditions of the company at that
the level of consumer satisfaction. time.
2) In the phase two, part characteristics
are obtained, where the part is used 6. REFERENCES
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2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
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Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

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