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Activity 2

Personal Reflections

Using theories of aging with biological, psychological, and

sociological perspectives, hypothesize how these frameworks influence
the older adult’s development.

Wear and tear theory of biological theories states that aging occurred when the body and
its cells were damaged by overused and abused. As we age we abuse and overuse our body
which can destroy cells in our body. For example, our skin. The skin is one of the most neglected
organ of the body and one that is exposed to harsh environments. Environmental exposure to the
ultraviolent rays of the sun causes damage to the skin. It alters the cellular structure and affects
the production of collagen and elasticity which gives our skin its youthful and hydrated
appearance. The prolonged exposure to the environment over many years contributes to age-
related changes. In fact, skin changes are the most outstanding evidence of aging. Our body‘s
response to stress changes over time. During younger years, the body’s ability to endure stress
and changes is greater. However, according to the wear and tear process can be reversed with
proper nutrition and specific treatments. These will rejuvenate the cells which influence tissue
and organ functions. Once the body is stimulated to replenish itself, the vital functions will be
recovered.  Nutritional supplements and other treatments can help reverse the aging process by
stimulating the body’s own ability to repair and maintain its organs and cells. 
Activity theory of psychosocial theory attempts to explain that successful ageing is the
product of an individual staying active within social interactions. This theory states that there is a
direct connection between life and satisfaction and social relations and that the individual will
not lose special aspects but substitute them new roles, hobbies and relationships. When the
individual does fewer activities, their life satisfaction will suffer. But when an individual who
does activities carrying out through her entire life stages can improve its life expectancy and
quality of life.
Immunologic theory of programmed theory describes the normal aging process of
humans as being related to faulty immunologic function. There is decreased immune function as
we age elderly due to decreased function of the body, decreased cell mediated and humoral
immune response of the body. As we age as elderly we are more susceptible to diseases and
infections due to low immune system such as cancers. Autoimmune disorders rises in old age
due to decrease immunologic fators.

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