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Task 1

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a student put up in room 1105, a shared
accommodation provided by the college. I’m writing to you
to bring to your notice certain challenges I am facing with
my roommate.
My roommate often brings his friends over, around 5-6 of
them and they are awake till wee hours chatting and
playing games. This not only happens during the weekends
but also during the weekdays. Furthermore, they leave the
room in a mess that it almost seems inhabitable.
I need to wake up early for college and it is getting very
difficult for me to manage sleep timings or to get my lessons
done with so many people in the room all the time.
My attempts requesting him to correct the situation seems
futile, hence, request you to kindly provide another
suitable accommodation. I prefer to share a room with
someone who has decent sense of cleanliness and is equally
determined to study and do well as I am.
Request your urgent support in this matter.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,

Task 2
Now-a-days many elders live in senior homes with
professional help for their needs. Many a times this is
sponsored by the government, which in my opinion is not
the right approach and families should take the
responsibility of looking after elders.
There is a need for old age homes. Old age brings with it
many ailments which need additional care which due to
busy lifestyle, children may not be able to provide. Thus,
gover nment has established special homes with
professional help for their emotional, physical and medical
needs. Hence, there is a need for such senior homes for the
well-being of elders.
The main reason why elders are the responsibility of the
family is because they are also part of the family. Parents
spend most of their lives looking after and providing for the
needs of children, even in extreme situations they provide
for education, health and security. Many children, as heirs
receive estate money or some form of pension when parents
retire. Such sums should be first put to us for the well-
being of the elders. Hence, at their old age shunning away
from the responsibility of looking after them is not morally
Furthermore, when families pay for care they also tend to
make a visit to their elders. Elders tend to feel lonely,
unwanted and unloved, knowing their family is there to
support them will help them feel better. Further, It is also a
good lesson to teach younger ones in the family about
togetherness and being unselfish, hence the family should
look after them.
Therefore in my opinion it is necessary that families look
after and pay for the required special care.

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