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1. Zealot (Noun)

Meaning: a zealous person especially a fanatical partisan OR a person who is fanatical and
uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals OR a fervent and even militant
proponent of something

Synonym: Fanatic, crusader, militant, ideologue, partisan, true believer, red hot

Antonym: non-militant

Sentence: The political zealot broke the law to create a disharmony in the state

Learning Trick: Zeal + lot; person who shows a lot of zeal

2. Confiscate (Verb)

Meaning: appropriated by the government OR forfeited OR take temporary possession of a security by

legal authority

Synonym: expropriate, sequester, take away, take over, take annex, impound, disseize

Antonym: give, offer, return

Sentence: The paratroopers confiscated the weapons of the Naxals

Learning Trick: fist means hand, therefore, confiscate is grabbing, taking away, seize, taking possession

3. Inadvertently (Adjective)

Meaning: Unintentional, not focusing the mind on a matter

Synonym: Fortuitous, accidental, unintended, incidental, chance, casual, unintentional, unpremeditated,

unplanned, fluky, unwitting

Antonym: Deliberate, calculated, intended, planned, intentional, premeditated, premeditative, set,


Sentence: We encountered a King Cobra when we were walking through the brush.

Learning Trick: in + advertisements - without getting an idea from the advertisement we end up buying
wrong product viz. inadvertently

4. Dire (Adjective)

Meaning: exciting horror OR fraught with extreme danger OR nearly hopeless OR warning of disaster OR
desperately urgent

Synonym: baleful, inauspicious, direful, menacing, doomy, minatory, foreboding, ominous, ill, ill-boding,
portentous, threatening, sinster


Antonym: Good, mild, unthreatening

Sentence: As the Tsunami approaching, therefore, people in the shore should be moved in a safe place
or will face dire consequences

5. Amnesty (Noun)

Meaning: The act of an authority like of a government by which pardon is granted to a large group of
individuals OR a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense

Synonym: Absolution, remission, forgiveness, remittal, pardon

Antonym: Penalty, retribution, punishment

Sentence: The government gave him amnesty because he helped the force in the mission of killing the

Learning Trick: am-nesty is related to ‘I am nasty’ but still my parents usually pardon my mistakes


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