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March 13, 2021 Tegucigalpa M.D.

1. What's your opinion on the medicinal treatments employed on the Amazon?

All the medicinal plants that exist in the Amazons are really incredible, honestly,
I never heard of those that were presented in the program, it is very good that
these medicinal treatments exist since many times the pills harm the body and
medicinal treatments are very good for the human body, unfortunately people
exploit things a lot and run the risk of extinction, so it is very important that the
people who live nearby take good care of these incredibly amazing plants.

2. According to Zack Efron experiences which treatments are more reliable?

At the time of eating we must pay close attention to where that food comes
from, this means that when consuming food we must be the most natural
possible, also acquire products that or damage our planet we have to be more
aware with the products that we are consumed.

3. Will you be willing to change your lifestyle? Why?

Of course, if I am willing to change my lifestyle, after seeing how those forests
caught fire, seeing people who lost their homes and not only that, how many
animals died in those fires, it is time for all of us to change our lifestyle, it is not
fair that because of us so many animals die, there are fires so much pollution
until when we will understand. That we are going to run out of food, flora and
fauna at this rate we are going to end the planet earth.

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