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A person feels good when in love. The roller coaster of feelings makes one truly human.

was once in love with Esperanza but there are a lot of things has changed including his feelings
towards Esperanza and that could be the reason why he fell in love with Julia. It shows that it is
not just about the idea of love but also how a person conquers himself by understanding his true
feelings. Most people think that the victim of the story was Esperanza or Julia, or both, but I
think it was Alfredo who was the victim of lifes cruel circumstances. The pressure of being a
man, the pressure of being successful and the pressure of providing that it takes a toll upon ones
time here on earth, thus wasting his youth and not enjoying life to the fullest. Love is unfair.
Alfredo, Esperanza and Julia were all victims of this strange and unexplainable feeling that we
call love. It was love that made Alfredo dream and reach for dead stars, it was love that made
Esperanza cling on, and it was love that made Julia hope. Love is really unpredictable. Love has
a way of messing and screwing up with our lives, but love is the best teacher that could ever have
in our life. Love teaches us to be a better person, love teaches us to appreciate and understand
others. Love teaches us to give back and offer that love to those who really deserve it.

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