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You’ve decided to launch an event planning company. Congratulations!

This is an exciting time filled

with anticipation, nerves, and a to-do list a million miles long — including choosing a name for your

The name you pick for your event planning company can make or break your brand. It’s your calling card
— so make sure it says what you want it to say. A great event company name captures attention,
establishes the vibe of your business, and clarifies what your event design service is all about. That’s
heavy lifting for a handful of words.

Once you get going, you’ll likely hit a roadblock: your favorite event planning name is already taken by a
local company, a friend points out your choice is too generic, or the clever name you thought of in the
middle of the night strikes you as silly the next day. These bumps are inevitable, so begin brainstorming
company name ideas early and look for inspiration everywhere.

To guide your brainstorming, answer these three questions first. Then follow the brainstorming advice
below them. In no time, you’ll craft a unique name that’s perfect for your company and — more
importantly — helps you generate business.

What’s your company’s brand and mission?

As you begin brainstorming, it’s helpful to think about your company’s focus and brand. Chances are you
did this while developing your business plan, but this is an excellent opportunity to clarify your business
goals and values. Are you focused on planning luxury events? Corporate events? Non-profit events? Are
you committed to eco-friendly event planning?

Next, think about what makes your event planning service special. Is it your lighthearted approach to
event planning? Your ability to set clients at ease? Your artistry or strength in creating one-of-a-kind

Know your niche and your differentiators, and keep them in mind as you brainstorm. Jot down any and
all words and phrases you think of to describe your approach to event planning, and what you want to
convey to clients about your business. (As a bonus, all these ideas will be helpful when the time comes
to build your event planning website.)

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