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Martin Luther King Alan C.


1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 3 Which of these people said these things? gandhi,
a Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta, Stokely Carmichael, Condoleezza Rice, Martin Luther

Georgia. King's father, Rosa Parks.

b Martin Luther King first knew racism as a a ‘Segregation is wrong, but things will get better
young boy. in time.’ …………………
c White farmers needed slaves to work on b ‘I don’t think I should have to stand up.’

their farms. …………………

d In the Second World War black soldiers and c ‘If you love your enemies, you can beat them.’
white soldiers fought together. …………………
e Martin Luther King always wanted to be a d ‘Go home and get your guns.’ …………………
minister. e ‘Martin Luther King told America it should be
f After 1807 it was against the law to own true to itself.’ …………………
20 marks
g Joe Louis and Muhammad Ali were both
h Gandhi believed in the use of violence to 4 What do the words mean? Match a number from A
with a letter from B.
change unfair laws.
1 slavery
i Rosa Parks was arrested because she would
2 right
not get off the bus.
3 racism
j The Montgomery bus boycott succeeded.
4 freedom
20 marks 5 boycott
a refusing to buy or use something as a protest
2 What happened where? Match a number from A with b the belief that some people are better or worse
a letter from B.
than others based on the colour of their skin
A c what you are allowed to do by law
1 John F Kennedy was killed in . . . d being able to say or do what you want
2 The first restaurant sit-in was in . . . e when one person is owned by another person
3 In 1954 black students tried to enter the
high school in . . . 20 marks
4 Martin Luther King made his ‘I have a
dream’ speech in . . . 5 Martin Luther King quiz. Can you answer these
5 He was shot dead in . . . questions?
a How old was Martin Luther King when he died?
a . . . Greensboro, North Carolina.
b What was the name of Martin Luther King’s
b . . . Memphis, Tennessee.
killer? …………………
c . . . Little Rock, Arkansas.
c Which war did Martin Luther King protest
d . . . Washington DC.
against? …………………
e . . . Dallas, Texas.
d Where did Martin Luther King ask children to
20 marks
join in a protest? …………………
e When is Martin Luther King Day?

20 marks

Total marks

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Martin Luther King Alan C. McLean

Places 13 _____ was a famous black singer.

a F Duke Ellington b F Langston Hughes
Choose the best answer.
c F Paul Robeson d F Elton John
1 Martin Luther King was born in _____. 14 In 1937 _____ became the world boxing
a F Alabama b F Atlanta champion.
c F Washington DC d F New York a F Max Schmeling b F Louis Armstrong
2 Men and women from _____ became slaves in c F Jesse Owens d F Joe Louis
America. 15 Rosa Parks _____.
a F Africa b F Britain c F Portugal a F was friends with a white woman
d F Russia b F killed a white woman
3 Nat Turner led slaves in _____ against their c F gave her seat to a white woman
owners. d F was arrested by the police
a F Haiti b F Alabama c F Africa 16 When Ernest Green entered Little Rock High
d F Virginia School, white students _____ him.
4 _____ was a country for people who were once a F spat at b F laughed at
M U LT I p L e - C H O I C e

slaves. c F didn’t talk to d F helped

a F Haiti b F Liberia c F Spain 17 _____ordered the police in Selma to protect the
d F Britain marchers.
5 In 1954 Martin Luther King became the minister a F President Kennedy

of a church in _____. b F President Johnson c F George Wallace

a F Boston b F Montgomery d FMartin Luther King
c F Atlanta d F Washington 18 _____ killed a police officer.
6 Little Rock is the state capital of _____. a F Bobby Seale b F Malcolm X
a F Georgia b F Alabama c F Arkansas c F Huey Newton d F H. Rap Brown
d F North Carolina 19 _____ wrote a song for Martin Luther King.
7 The restaurant sit-ins began in _____. a F Bob Dylan b F Stevie Wonder
a F Greensboro b F Montgomery c F Jesse Jackson d F Duke Ellington
c F Atlanta d F Albany 20 _____ was the first African-American Secretary
8 Bull Connor was chief of police in _____. of State for Foreign Affairs
a F Little Rock b F Selma a F Condoleezza Rice b F Dexter Scott King
c F Birmingham d F Montgomery c F Jesse Jackson d F Colin Powell
9 Martin Luther King made his famous speech in
_____. 20 marks
a F Montgomery b F Memphis
c F Birmingham d FWashington
10 Martin Luther King led a march _____. Facts
a F from Montgomery to Memphis
Choose the best answer.
b F from Montgomery to Selma
21 Martin Luther King was born in _____.
c F from Selma to Montgomery
a F 1963 b F1929 c F 1938 d F 1968
d F from Selma to Washington
22 In 1929 _____ of black people lived in the
20 marks South.
a F 90% b F 80% c F 75% d F 66%
23 More than _____ million Africans were taken to
People America to become slaves.
a F six b F ten c F five d F four
Choose the best answer.
24 America ended the buying and selling of slaves
11 Martin Luther King’s father was a _____. in _____.
a F teacher b F lawyer c F minister a F 1808 b F 1807 c F 1776 d F 1860
d F doctor 25 Segregation in the US Army was ended in _____.
12 President _____ wanted to end slavery in America. a F 1954 b F 1941 c F 1945 d F 1948
a F Lincoln b F Kennedy c F Johnson
d F Truman

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Martin Luther King Alan C. McLean

26 _____ black students tried to enter Little Rock Events

High School.
Choose the best answer.
a F Four b F Six c F Nine d F Twelve
27 John F. Kennedy was elected President in _____ 41 The American government made Martin Luther
a F 1960 b F 1963 c F 1954 d F 1968 King’s birthday a holiday in _____.
28 In 1963, Martin Luther King led a march of a F 1983 b F 1980 c F 1968 d F 2003
_____ people. 42 When he won a prize for speaking, Martin
a F 100,000 b F 500,000 c F 50,000 Luther King was _____ years old.
d F 250,000 a F fourteen b F eleven c F sixteen
29 In Selma only _____ of black people were d F eighteen
registered to vote. 43 Britain ended the buying and selling of slaves in
a F 10% b F 5% c F 1% d F 3% _____.
30 In _____ Muhammad Ali went to prison. a F 1776 b F 1807 c F 1808 d F 1861
a F 1964 b F 1968 c F 1963 d F 1967 44 In 1941 _____.
a F the Second World War began
b F the Second World War ended

M U LT I p L e - C H O I C e
20 marks
c F America entered the Second World War
d F Britain entered the Second World War
Vocabulary 45 The Ku Klux Klan was an organization of _____.
a F Black Panthers b F slaves

Choose the best answer.
c F students d F white racists
31 start fighting or hurting somebody
46 Joe Louis’s greatest fight was against _____.
a F beat b F attack c F hit d F hate
a F Muhammad Ali b F Max Schmeling
32 a group of people who control a country
c F George Foreman d F Joe Frazier
a F gang b F government c F band
47 President Eisenhower ordered the army to Little
d F president
Rock to _____.
33 to make someone do something by talking to
a F stop black students entering school
b F stop the riots c F protect black students
a F tell b F discuss c F control
d F close the school
d F persuade
48 When people heard Martin Luther King’s speech
34 to keep someone or something safe
in Washington, they were full of _____.
a F protect b F protest c Fsave d F decide
a F love b F fear c F anger d F hope
35 pleased about something someone has done
49 The Civil Rights Law of 1964 was signed by
a F happy b F awake c F proud
President _____.
d F bored
a F Kennedy b F Johnson c F Truman
36 to put your name on an official list
d F Eisenhower
a F write b F clear c F register d F pay
50 In 1967 Martin Luther King attacked the US
37 surprised and upset
government because he thought that _____.
a F afraid b F worried c F crazy
a F the war in Vietnam was wrong
d F shocked
b F too many Blacks were poor
38 someone who controls a group of people
c F education for Blacks was not good enough
a F governor b F leader c F president
d F Blacks still did not have equal rights
d F supporter
39 a group of people who work together to get 20 marks
something done
a F organisation b F company c F team
d F gang Total marks
40 the best player in a sport
a F greatest b F runner c F fighter
d F champion

20 marks

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