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Ikrame Kiyadi

Video News Releases 

Video news release is a tool that is used by government, institutions, individuals or any
type of corporations to promote a specific goods or services. VNRs appealed in a professional
way. It looks like a real news story. Even if VNRs are considered one of the most expensive
marketing strategies, many businesses choose to use it because it affects the decision of
consumers in an effective and indirect way. However, sometimes this later is used in an unethical
way. Furthermore, the main issue of using VNRs in unethical way is because there is much
information remained unsaid which resulting a huge loss in transparency and credibility. Second,
they are using indirect instrument to capture a good reputation from public. Additionally,
choosing actors to say or to promote something that is inaccurate is also considered as a bad or
unethical behavior. The most dangerous way that VNRs can do is affecting young generations or
children. For example, they can show how successful and helpful this product? Or how it’s made
your life much easier? Actually, there is no doubt that children are easily affected because they
still don’t have the power to analyze or judge things. However, I strongly believe that playing
with children’s mind is considered a criminal behavior. Another unethical behavior that VNRs
using is being biased. Actually, VNRs are done to help a segment of organizations or institutions
to convince public. Thus, VNRs videos are always biased with their customers (their Customers
can be government, business, institution etc.). VNRs is using in different types of industries such
as education, health, construction etc. The huge unethical behavior is when VNRs throwing fake
news about health which can harm the society in an aggressive way. Form my own prospective, I
think that the biggest unethical issue is playing with public health to earn profit.

The first video in the link above used VNRs to promote vaccines. They showed the
importance of doing a flu vaccine by convincing the public that the vaccines will help each
individual and community as a whole from spreading the virus. In this video, we can see that the
women who is talking looks like a normal person working in health department. However, if we
really focus on how she talks (good eye contacts, body gesture, her willingness to convince etc.),
we can realize that she is a good professional actor. In other words, it really shown that she
wasn’t talking in a spontaneous way. Additionally, we can see how this VNR tried to play in
consumer’s mind. In the video, they tried to show that they care about people. (Women said “we
want to make sure that people are really well protected”). Another intelligence way to persuade
the public is by showing the question that most of individuals asking their selves (“getting the flu
vaccine will actually give you a flu”). However, after that, the women stated that this is
inaccurate without giving enough evidence for her statement.
The second video is also focusing on how important is doing a vaccine. However, this
time it is more focusing on children. I think that this VNR have done a good job for giving some
statistics to public to make things more transparent. However, I think that this video is created to
convince public. Additionally, they just give statistics on how many children are hospitalized due
to the influenza complications. In contrast, they don’t show any statistics on how many children
that are affected in a negative way by using those vaccines. Thus, they hided other side of
information. Furthermore, there are many mistakes in the second video. First, they said that
many children are hospitalized. Then, the video showed only adults who are sitting in the
hospital. Second, they stated that children should wash their hand after eating rather than saying
that they should wash their hand before eating. Moreover, there are many people in the
comments who criticize this video which means that the public starting to be more aware of
knowing fake news.

The final video talked about Walmart. It’s also created to imply and persuade the public
in an efficient way. Actually, they showed that they care about their clients by choosing for them
good products. Moreover, many people in comments sated that they are not satisfied with the
brand. From my own perspective, this video looks like an advertising video for many reasons.
First, we can easily realize that the woman who talked in the video is a professional actor.
Second, why don’t they show products that are not good for the consumers? The third issue is
playing with consumer mind. For example, they don’t show people when they are paying. In
contrast, they showed that consumers are receiving money back.

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