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Jenny, my teacher of first grade, was in a field trip.

All the students were there, some students were

swimming others was playing in the asphalt Court, everything was fine. But Jenny had and special
student called Ana Louisa, a distracted girl, who always had an accident when there was a field trip, but
this was not an obstacle anyway she always was going to the field trips. Her mother after to star the
trip told her to be careful, obviously she answered with an affirmation. When she arrived to the place
she didn’t go to play or swimming just sat watching the landscape, quietly, but this was not for a long
time, at lunch time she beginning to play with her coca- cola and this one spilled into her pants, this
was not a big deal, when the lunch time have finished, the director said that all can walk around the
place, and Ana Louisa done it, but suddenly when she was walking around the pool she stumbled and
fell into this, she didn’t know swing , fortunately this was watching for another student, but this
studied didn’t know swing , so quickly she ran to where Jenny was and told her what happened, Jenny
ran as fast as she could and she walk into the pool to save her. And so it was, Jenny was able to get her
out of the pool and I give her the first aid, Ana Louisa was very scared, and she started crying, she had
been close to dying. If the student had not saw the accident, jenny had not been able to save Ana
Louisa. When asked to Ana Louisa what had happened, she answered that she had been walking
around the pool quietly, but suddenly she felt how someone push her into the pool, also said that
when she was into the water she remembered that her mother had told her to be careful, and that’s
why she tried to swing but it was worse, because when she tried to breath the water came through her
nose and this was painful. As she answered the questions jenny pulled her out with a towel y tried to
dry her clothes. Finally, Ana Louisa beginning to calm her and Jenny embrace her and told her that
always will be fine, but for the next time, she couldn't go for a walk alone.

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