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--from Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy, by scholar Georg Feuerstein

Smile, breathe right, and keep your tongue up,

Tao Semko of

P.S. A big thank you to all our friends who took advantage of the tremendous savings of our holiday sale, which
ended last night. Enjoy your purchases and enjoy a warm, wonderful holiday season!


"Tantra is a creative mystery which impels us to transmute our actions

more and more into inner awareness: not by ceasing to act but by
transforming our acts into creative evolution. Tantra provides a
synthesis between spirit and matter to enable man to achieve his
fullest spiritual and material potential. Renunciation, detachment,
and asceticism -- by which one may free oneself from the bondage of
existence and thereby recall one's original identity with the source
of the universe - are not the way of tantra. Indeed, tantra is the
opposite: not a withdrawal from life, but the fullest possible
acceptance of our desires, feelings, and situations as human beings.

Tantra has healed the dichotomy that exists between the physical world
and its inner reality, for the spiritual, to a tantrika, is not in
conflict with the organic but rather its fulfillment. His aim is not
the discovery of the unknown but the realization of the known, for
'What is here, is elsewhere. What is not here, is nowhere' (Visvasara
Tantra); the result is an experience which is even more real than the
experience of the objective world."

-- from The Tantric Way: Art, Science, Ritual; by Ajit Mookerjee and
Madhu Khanna

Smile, Breath Right, and Keep Your Tongue Up!

Tao Semko of


If you need to relax, try this right now. For greater physiological
relaxation, try closing your eyes and aiming them gently downwards as
you breathe.

1. Inhale through your NOSE for 5 seconds.

2. Hold your breath (gently) for 10 seconds.

3. Exhale gently through your MOUTH for 15 seconds.

4. Repeat nine times.

5. Then breathe normally.

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