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Assigment 6: Vocabulary Journal five

1. audible (audible) – able to be heard

2. wandering (deambular, vagar)- to move without a definite destination or purpose
3. firm (firme) – having a solid surface or surface; unlikely to change
4. believe (creencias) – accepts something as true; holds something as an opinion
5. threat (amenaza) – a statement of an intention to inflict pain; a person or thing likely to cause
6. population (población) - all the inhabitants of a town, area or country
7. instance (instancia, ejemplo, caso) – an example or simple occurrence of something; as an
8. informed (informado) – having knowledge of a particular subject or situation
9. landed (aterrizó, desembarcó) – owning land; consisting of or including land
10. perform (ejecutar, desempeñar) – carry out, accomplish or fulfill
11. aging (envejecimiento) – the process of growing old
12. in particular (en particular) – belonging or associated with a specific person, group, thing or
13. find (encontrar) – discover or perceived by chance or unexpectedly
14. detect (detector) – discover or identify the presence or existence of
15. solution (solución) – a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation

a. The dog made an audible moan of pain.

b. My grandmother gets lost and start wandering on the streets.
c. The union expressed their firm resolution to end the strike.
d. You have to believe in yourself.
e. The hurricane is not a thread to the island.
f. Puerto Rico´s population is decreasing.
g. The parties want to maintain their anonymity in this instance.
h. The state government should maintain their citizens informed about the hurricane trajectory.
i. The hurricane landed on the west coast.
j. If you keep practicing you are going to perform well in the competitions.
k. The aging process is inevitable.
l. The situation in the west coast in particular is troublesome.
m. Roy could not find his sunglasses.
n. A virus was detected in her blood.
o. Carl offers a peaceful solution to the strike.
Assignment Seven: Journal Six

1. transformed (transformer) – make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance or


2. implications (implicaciones) – the action of being involve in something; conclusion that can
be drawn from something although is not explicitly stated
3. generation (generación) – all the people born or living in the same time; the production of

4. compatible (compatible, conciliable) – when two things are able to exist or occur without

5. challenge (reto, desafío) – invite to engage in a contest; dispute the truth or validity

6. accessible (accesible) – able to be reached or entered; a person that is easy to talk to

7. nuclear (nuclear) – relating to the nucleus of an atom or a cell

8. objective (objetivo) – a persona that is not influence by personal feelings or opinions when
representing the facts; a thing aimed at or sought

9. implement (implementar) – a piece, utensil or equipment that can be used for a particular
purpose; put a decision, plan or agreement into effect

10. goal (meta) – an aim or desire result; a pair of posts forming a space into or over which a ball
has to be sent in order to score.

11. revenue (ingres) – income

12. vision (vision) - the ability to think about or plan the future; the faculty of being able to see

13. ultimately (por ultimo) – finally; in the end

14. projects (proyectar) – an individual or collective enterprise that is carefully planned to

achieve a particular aim

15. options (opciones) – a thing that is or might be chosen

a. The caterpillar transformed in a butterfly.

b. The decision´s implications are of great concern for the community.

c. Younger generations are looking for social changes.

d. The program is compatible with the system.

e. Diversity is a challenge for modern companies.

f. The building is wheelchair accessible.

g. All nuclear bombs must be disarmed.

h. The company stated clear and measurable objectives.

i. The company is going to start implementing their new strategies soon.

j. One of the company´s goals is to increase their revenues.

k. KLJ revenue for this year was $1 billion.

l. The company vision is to become the leader in their industry.

m. Ultimately, Jack is going to answer the phone.

n. The company projects a revenue increase for this year.

o. Peter ran out of options.

Assignment Eight: Vocabulary Journal Seven

1. survive (sobrevivir) – continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship

2. emerge (emerger, surgir) – move out or away from something and come into view
3. unaware (inconsciente; desprevenido) – having no knowledge of a situation or fact
4. invisible (invisible) – unable to be seen; not visible to the eye
5. global economy (economía global) – economies of the world´s countries considered together
as a single economic system
6. chemical (químico) – relating to chemistry; a compound or substance that has been purified
or prepared
7. create (crear) – bring something into existence
8. sustained (sostenido) – continuing for an extended period or without interruption.
9. image (imagen) – a visual representation of something
10. expand (expandir) – become or make larger or more extensive
11. constantly (constantemente) – continuously over a period of time
12. decades (décadas) – a period of ten years.
13. network (red) – an arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines; a group of
system of interconnected people or things
14. ultimate (final, definitive) – being or happening at the end of a process; the best achievable or
imaginable of its kind
15. perspective (perspectiva) – a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; the art
of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of
their height, width, depth

a. Animal have a strong instinct to survive.

b. The butterfly emerged from the cocoon.
c. Philip was unaware of the situation.
d. I watched the Invisible man movie.
e. The global economy is getting stronger.
f. Carlos used the incorrect chemical for the solution.
g. KJP created a new product.
h. The company has a sustained grow for the last five years.
i. The product has a new image.
j. The CEO wants to expand the company.
k. Families are constantly seeking a better live.
l. We used this method for decades.
m. The Internet is a very large network.
n. The CEO has the ultimate word in this decision.
o. We hope that people change their perspective about racism.
Assignment Nine: Journal Eight

1. individual (individuo, individual) – single, of or for a particular person

2. major (importante, mayor) – important, serious or significant
3. feature (característica, rasgo) – a distinctive attribute or aspect of something
4. version (version) – a particular form of something differing in certain respects from an earlier
form; an account of a matter from a particular person´s point of view
5. isolated (asolado) – far away from places, buildings, or people
6. precisely (precisamente) – in exact terms, without vagueness
7. previous (previo, anterior) – existing or occurring before in time or order
8. draft (borrador) – a preliminary version of a piece of writing
9. expanding (expandir)– increase the size, volume, quantity or scope of
10. similarly (del mismo modo, de forma parecida) – in a similar way
11. focus (enfocar, concentrar)– the center of interest or activity; a state or quality of having or
producing clear visual definition
12. require (requerir, necesitar)– need for a particular purpose
13. innovation (inovación)– the action or process of innovating
14. concentrate (concentrar) – focused one´s attention or mental effort on a particular object or
15. quote (citar, cotizar) – repeat or copy out a group of words from a text or speech; give
someone the estimated price of a job or service

a. Every individual has human rights.

b. Racism is a major issue in this country.

c. This model of car has more features than the other.

d. The movie producer´s added many details to this version.

e. We stayed in an isolated bed and breakfast rental.

f. The conditions of this hotel are precisely the reasons some tourist refused to stay in here.

g. The previous chapter was better than this.

h. We turned in the draft for the final essay.

i. The company is expanding its operations abroad.

j. The bridesmaids were similarly dressed.

k. The mayor is focused on solving his town problems.

l. This part is required for this particular machine model.

m. The consumers are waiting for the product´s innovations.

n. The governor will concentrate his efforts in reducing poverty.

o. You have to include a citation if you want to quote this author.

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