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; RainRGB4.exe is Copyright 2010, 2011 by Jeffrey Morley
; Released under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0
; Version 4 - Sep 12, 2011
; RainRGB when called with the appropriate command line parameters will open a
standard Windows color picker dialog.
; It will then change the desired color variable in the [Variables] section of
any .inc / ini file and refresh either
; a single config or all when completed. This can be used in combination with
@Include files to have a way to set
; the colors for an entire suite of skins, or with an individual .ini file to set
the colors for a single skin.
; RainRGB4.exe may reside in any folder.
; Usage:
; RainRGB4.exe VarName=xxx FileName=xxx Alpha=xxx RefreshConfig=xxx
; Example as called from Rainmeter:
; SomeAction=!Execute ["#ADDONSPATH#RainRGB\RainRGB.exe" "VarName=MyTextColor"
"" "Alpha=200" "RefreshConfig=RainRGB"]
; You MUST put quotes around the call to the executable and each parameter.
; Name of the variable you wish to set in the .inc / ini file. It must not contain
spaces or use the # character.
; The variable must be defined in the .inc / .ini file under [Variables]
; Full path and name of the .inc or .ini file you wish to change. RainRGB will
read the file, and look for
; an entry for VarName in the [Variables] section.
; Must be a decimal number from 0-255. Do not use hex numbers for this. If the
entry in the .inc / ini file is in hex,
; RainRGB will detect this and convert as needed. This entire parameter may be
left off if desired. If the entry in
; the .inc / ini has an alpha value on the setting, it will be preserved if you do
not specify Alpha on this command line.
; RefreshConfig OPTIONAL
; This is the name(s) of the Rainmeter config (ex: Enigma\Sidebar) you wish to
refresh after the variable has been set.
; If this entire parameter is left off, all currently loaded configs will be
refreshed. You may specify multiple configs
; to refesh by using " | " as a separator. Example:
"RefreshConfig=JSMorley\JSClock | JSMorley\JSWeather". The spaces
; before and after the "pipe" character are required.
; Notes:
; The variable must already exist in the .inc / ini file under [Variables] and be
set to some value. This addon is to change
; variables, not create them.
; If the setting in the .inc / .ini file is in hex currently (ex: MyColor=FFFFFF or
MyColor=FFFFFFFF) RainRGB will preserve this
; format. If the current setting in the .inc / ini is in RGB (ex:
MyColor=255,255,255 or MyColor=255,255,255,255) RainRGB will
; preserve that format.
; To leave a parameter off, remove the entire "ParmName=ParmValue" entry. Do not
set the parameter to "" (NULL) to achieve this.
; For example to call the addon without changing the alpha value, and refreshing
all skins instead of a specific one:
; SomeAction=!Execute ["#ADDONSPATH#RainRGB\RainRGB.exe" "VarName=MyTextColor"
; Remember that VarName and FileName are REQUIRED. RainRGB will just silently exit
without making any changes if they are missing.

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