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Kelly Johana cantillo de la hoz

1) Redness: it is something sudden that happens to the face or any part of the body either
from a blow or you wear makeup.
2) Upon: has various definitions like: It is to indicate that it is on top of something or that a
specific topic is being discussed. o indicate approximation in a quantity or a number, A,
towards, Then, it indicates a position higher than the one taken as a reference
3) Seizure: are the changes that occur in behavior that occur after an episode of electrical
activity in the brain. It is also when people have an attack that is an uncontrollable and
very fast shaking.
4) Dauntless: defined as courage or bravery in the face of danger or challenge Little
thoughtful or daring action.
5) Sagacious: He is a prudent, cautious person, seen as someone astute and far-sighted, who
has a facility to perceive things and their consequences. That it is difficult to deceive.
6) Depopulated: It is something that does not have a population that is alone or that at some
point was populated and for a strange reason it was abandoned.
7) Summoned: is a word that indicates a group of people who were quoted in a specific
8) Knights: indicates in a plural way the male gender
9) Castellated: indicates the Spanish language
10) Lofty: definition a height higher than what is considered normal or lower compared to
something else.also definition That it is located at a great distance from the surface.
11) Welded: He is an individual who has voluntarily decided to be part of the armed group.
12) Pestilence: It is a contagious or infectious disease that can become epidemic. although it
appears in different books
13) Pursued: It has several definitions such as: Following a fleeing person to catch it Trying to
achieve something by all possible means Inflict penalties on a belief or opinion or on its
14) Shrouded: means covered or surrounded by something or thing
15) Velvet: Fabric with a fluffy and soft touch, made with different types of fibers that form
small rings of thread that protrude on one of its faces and are cut once woven.
16) Ornaments: object that decorates an article
17) Emanating: It can be defined as Coming or deriving one thing from another or Leaving
radiation or a volatile substance from a body
18) Exceedingly: is defined as something that exceeds the limit
19) Pervaded: defined as that which is considered out of the ordinary or morally accepted,
especially on the sexual issue.
20) Masqueraders: defined as a person who wears a mask or hides something and discovers
21) Piquancy: is defined as something that is too spicy in food
22) Arabesque: It is defined as a short musical composition with a free structure and highly
ornate melody and harmony. Painted or carved ornament composed of geometric figures
Kelly Johana cantillo de la hoz

and floral motifs that intertwine in a complicated and diverse way; it is characteristic of
Arab architectural ornamentation.
23) Blackness: Defined as something that is very black or is he black.
24) Whisperingly: defined as speaking too softly, also for something to make a noise or when
a rumor or gossip is spread.
25) Assumptions: defined as assuming something or saying something hypothetical that has
not been proven.
26) Cowardice: defined as that person who does not assume its consequences but hides.
27) Gleaming: It is something that shines or that stands out from its characteristics.
28) Motionless: something that is static and cannot move.
29) Acknowledged: defined as that person who exalts a good or some favor given and also
who is shown as what it is.
30) Endured: It is defined as holding or carrying a weight or a load, also accepting or
supporting something that bothers or hurts

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