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Pa eee YOGODA ShTLSANGA FORINIGHLY INSTRUCTIONS BY PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA ee (To Bo Confidentially Resorved FOR MEMBER'S USE ONLY) THY MAGIO POWER Make my eyes behold what Thou dost soc, Make my ears catch the burst of Thy voice In tho billows of all Creation, Make my speech the fountain of nectared words Showored o'er Souls scorched with bitterness. Make my lips utter naught but the songs Of Thy love and joy. Beloved, work through me the work of Truth, Keep my hands busy serving all my brothers. Keep my voice forever casting seeds of love For Thee on the soil of secking Souls. Keep my feet ever moving on the pathway Of right action. Lead me from dark ignorance to Thy light Of Wisdom, Lead me from temporary pleasures to Thy ever-new Joy within, Make my love Thy love, that I may know all Things as mine, Father, throb through my hoart and make me fecl Sympathy for all living creatures, Kindle in me the flame of Thy wisdom and burn The dark forest of my mundane desires. Let Thy reason be the preceptor of my reason, Tink through my thoughts, for it is Thy Magic Power which uses my mind as Thy mini, My hands as Thy hands, my feet as Thy feet, my Soul as Thy Spirit, to Perfom ‘hy Holy Works, ARIE IIGIILIL INIA LSID T RISA LTR LI ADL le PRAEGER TUM PRAXER "0 spirit, lot not my insatinble sense-oravings be fed with wrong actions. ‘Teach me to discipline thom, tmt thoy may want only trve happiness, Let ma, then, learn to wisely govern the finite for ces Thou has entrusted unto me, that each possession with two-fold potency may be used only for good. Lot mo, 0 Spirit, co-operate ey Wiss until all of my thoughts shall conform to Thy harmoni~ ous an. DESTROY DEPRESSION BY SUBSTIW TING PROSPERITY Aooording to the Law of God ana of Divine brotherhood this earth was to be the home where all the wealth of the mines and other resources would be caually distributed by equal labour. And the law of Divine birthright was established, which 1s, that all mon are the ohildren of God, and made in the image of God; all nations are of one blood, and all men are descended from the same stock. If you Jove the world and consider it as your own family, and believe in it and love it, recognising no difference between different nationali- ties, then you will establish your legitimate Astral right of owning your share of the carth's capital, Those who seck prosperity for themselves alone are bound to be poor for some time, or to suffer from mental inharmony, but those wh who take the world as their home and who really think and work for group or wrld prosperity, start the Astral forees to work, loading them to the place where they can find their lezitim te prosperity, This is the surest scoret law. Prospority is not dependent only upon creative ability, but also upon your past actions, and also upon the Astral law of cause and effect, which has the power to distribute prosperity equally to all without oxception. Those who rouse this Astral power to positive prosperity, succeed wherever thy go, whether or not they are in prosperovs or poverty-stricken environments. Therefore, seck prosperity, not only for yourself and your family, put for a wider group of fricnds, ana for your country, and the whole world. 1 Destroy luxury. Learn to use cheaper things in an\artistic wy, then belicve that you are a child of God and that as duch you have all the prosperity of God and the carth behind, you. As a ohild of God, and especially when, by meditation, you change froma prodigal son to a true son of God, you will know that whatever God has, you have, 1, Cut down lururies. 2, ‘Think yourself a child of God, 8. Think of all nationalities as your brothers. 4, Seek progerity for yourself and for others, 5. Develop the creative thought as success every day after deep meditation, . YOUR GOAL OF LIFE Most people live almost mechanically, unconscious of any 4dcal or plan of life. ‘They ocmo on earth, struggle for a living, and leave the shores of mortality without knowing why they came hore, and what their dutics were, No mtts5r what the goal of life is, it is obvious that man is so undermined with needs that he must strug- gle to satisfy them. he delicver and the disbeliever in God mst both struggle to moet their necds, ‘Therefore, it is very important to know that man should concentrate upon his neods and not create @ lot of useless extra desires, Do not wander aimlessly, lost in the Jungle of life, const antly bleeding your heppiness with the thorns of new desires, You must find the goal of your life ana the shortest road which leads you there, Do not travel unknown roads, piching vp new troubles, Too much wrong ambition is just as bad as too much passive content= ment, As human beings, we have been endowed with needs and we must meet their demands. As man is a physical, mental, Spiritual being, ho mst look aftor his nli-round welfare, avoiding one-sided, ovor= development, To possess wonderful health and a good appetite, with no money to maintain that health and to satisfy that hunger, is agonizing, To have lots of money and lots of indigestion is honrt~ rending. To havo lots of health, and lots of wealth, and lots of trouble with sclfand others, is pitiable, ‘fo have lots @& health wealth, and mental efficiency, but no knowledge of tho vitimate Truth, and with a lack of peace, is very uscless, disturbing, and dissatistying. EFFICIENCY THROUGH CONCENTRATION After establishing that the gonl of life is maximum offici~ cnoy, poace, honlth, and svecess, let us consider the surest way to prosperity. Prosperity docs not consist just in the making of monoy; it also consists in acquiring the mmtal efficiency by which man can vniformly acquire health, wealth, wisdom, and peace at will, Great wealth does not necessarily bring health, peace, or efficioncy, but acquirement of efficiency and pence are bound to bring a properly balanced material success, Most people develop mental officiency as the dy-product of their efforts for matcrial success, but vory few people know that money is made for happiness, but happiness cannot be found just by developing and insatiable Sovl-corroding desire for money. : .Mental efficiency donends upon the art of concentration, Man mist know the scientific method of-concentration, by which he oan disengage his attention from objects of distraction and focus it.on one thing at a time, By the power of concentration, man enn use the untold power of mind to accomplish that which he desires, an@ ho can guard all doors through which failure may enter, All men of success have been men of great concentration, men who could dive deeply into their problems and come out with the pearis of right solutions.. Most people suffocated by distraction are unable to fish out the pearls of success, Man often forgets to concentrate on his little physical neods and on his great need of developing mental efficiency in everything, and of acquiring Divine contentmont, Man is so busy multiplying his emditions of physical comfort that he considers very many unnece- ssary things o8 a necessary part of his existence, Tie man of powerful concentration must ask God to direct his toovsed mind on the right place for right success. Passive people want God to do all the work and ogotists asoribe all their success to themselves. Passive people do not use the power of God in intel-~ ligenee and ogotists, though using God-given intelligence, forget receive God's direction as to whore the intelligence should be used, I can blame inertia as the cause of failure, but it hurts me * to soe intelligent egotists fatl aftor making real intelligent effort However, one my bea man of concentration and pover and may dive deep into the sea of problems but still may not find the pearl of success atall. There are many men who have powerful. concentratin but they do not know where to strike success, This 1s where another factor in acquiring prosperity comes into consideration. Brilliant people with efficient minds also have starved, or have had only mea~ gre success, All prosperity is measured out to man according to the law of cause and offect, which governs not only this life, but all past lives, That is why intelligent people are often born poor or un= healthy, whereas, an idiot may be born healthy and wealthy, Men were originally sons of God made in his image, having free choice end equal paver of accomplishment, but, by misuse of his God-given Teason and will power man became controlled by the natural Jaw of cause and effect of action (Karm) and thus limited his lite, A man's success deponds not only upon h&s intelligence and efficiency but upon the natire of his past actions, However, there is a way to overcome the unfavourable results of past actions,, EH @reyomysthbne des6royed and a new cause set in motion, GOD'S WILL AND YOUR WILL Broadeast your message, - "This Soul of mine is God Himself". "My Father and I are Onc” until you feel this overpowering, all- solacing Bliss of God. Wham this happens, you have made the contact. Then demand your celestial right by affirming: “Father, I am Thy child, guide me to my right prosperity," or "Father, I will reason, I will, T will act, but leod Thou my reason, will, and activity to the right thing whidi I should do in order to acquire health, wealth, peace, and wisdom." Do not will and act first, but contact God first and thus harness your will and activity to the right gonl, As you cannot broadcast through a broken microphone, so must you temember that you cannot broadcast your prayer through the mental microphone which is @isordered by restlessness, By deep calmness, repair your mind mi~ orophone. Then again, as you cannot get an answor by just calling someone through a miorophone and thon running away, $0, also, you S-I'¥ Ps ~Page Four- must not first pray onco and run away, but you must continuously broadcast your prayer to God through your calm mental microphone UNTIL you hear His voice... Most people pray in restlessness and do not pray with the determination to receive a response. GOD ~ ‘THE REAL SOURCE OF PROSPERITY God is the secret of all mental power, peace, and prosperity, Thon why vse the limited impossible human method of prosperity? By visualizing prosperity, or by affirmation, you may strengthen your subconscious mind, which may in turn encourage your consoiovs mind, but that is all that visualization alone can do. The conscious mimi still has to achieve the success just the same and is hindered by the law of cause and offect, The conscious mind camot initiate a new cause which will bring positive success in any direotion, but : when the human mind can contact God, then the suporeonscious mind can be sure of success, due to the unlimited power of God and due to creating a now cause of success, THE APOLOGUE (For the Entire Family) : THR HOLY SQUIRREL It dees not seem possible that we, who are made in the im- mortal image of God, conn cease to oxist at death, Neither can wo think that imperfect Beings can, at death, all at once merge into the Being of God, It stands to reason that if we are cut off by un- timely death in an imperfect state, we have to be reborn on carth in order to wipe away all our stains of crror before we can merge in ——-God as His Perfect Image. So, I Hope you will understand the moral ef the story about the reincarnation of one of Indian's holy Saints in the body of a Holy Mother Squirrel. This Saint so loved baby squirrels that he wanted to inoar- nate as a mother squirrel so that he could actully bestow his mat~ ernal affection on the baby squirrels. ‘he story goes that this Saint reinoarnated as the Holy Mother squirrel, and with her tiny babies lived on the top of a tree by the sea. It is said that who- soever fed this Holy Squirrel became cither prosperous, or was healed of whatever affliction he possessed. Onco upon a time, when the Holy Sovirrel had gone far away from the shore in quest of food, a storm Inshed the ocean into high waves and swept away the troe with all the baby squirrels. ‘he Holy Mother Squirrel, on her return found the dark work of the soa and commanded: “Occan, give me back my babics or I will fixvyou.” When the oecan paid no attention to her warnings, the Mother Squir- rel was soon, day and night for seven days, to dip hor bushy tail into the water and then brush it on the sand. Seeing this continuous, evrious, determined activity, an angel of God appeared and sid! “Holy Mothor Squirrel, of all tho strange things, your action of dipping your tail in ihe ocean ana rubbing fib on the sand is tho strong Prithee, could you tell me the reason for your queer activity? the Holy Mother Squirrel replicd: "Mr, Angel, the avdaci- ous sea swallowed my babies in my absence and paid no heea to my Tequest to return them, so I om resolved to run the ocean dry." ‘The Angel laughed and said: "Why, Mother Sauireel, in seven days more you won't have any brush left on your tail wich which to attempt to run the ocean dry.” ‘the Mother Squirel, with the determination of Eternity written on her face, replied: “A thousand @illion lives or more will I be born again and again as a squirrel and I will grow as sr EIS =FPage FiIve= many bushy tails as required to dry the ocean," And saying this, the Holy Squirrel went on with her strange activity. Seven days later, when the brush of her tail had almost dis- appeared and yet the Mother Squirrel had not stopped her work, tho Angel of God came back, and with folded hands said: “Holy Squirrel, your will is law - please stop punishing the ocean and we will re- . turn your babies." Remember, dear frinnds, thet if all mortal methods of seck~ 4ng happiness have failed you, do not be discouraged, but rouse your slumbering, all-accomplishing Divine Determination. Tha™ you will fing that the Divine Laws of God are bound to give you the Dream happiness that you desire, BBBDLS DID DS ORGANIOG CHEMICALS The Youth principle is found in the following list of organic chanicals, 6 of the 16 of which the body is composed of: Ir, Silicm, Iodine, Fluorine, Sodium, and Potassium, We are listing the food items under ench chemical, for our students to became acquainted with thom, and what they ° stand for. Make them a part of your daily dictary consideration. IRON - Nocded by the anamio; in hemorrheges; retarded matal development, Oxydizes the blood, raisins, red cabbage, spinach, grapes, ovrrants, black cherries, rice bran, bran, carrots, blackberries, whole wheat, let tuce, grapefruit, watermelon, cumumbers, strawberries, beet tops, olives, poas, — SILICON - This is the chemical that has much todo with the building and nourishing of the hair and nails. With the chemi~ cal Sodium, it nourishes the ligaments, It is a strong antiseptic andallalinizer, Needed by the pessimist, the tubercular, and other wasting diseases, ovoumber, endive, stecl-cut oats, barley, rye, wheat, lettuce, raw cabbage, spinach, carrots, peas, gooseberrics, straw- dorries, olives, walnuts, figs. IODINE ~- Feeds the glands ond inoreases their activity. Prevents body poisons from injuring tho brain, Responsible for the creation of Beautiful Thoughts and tho Creative ability. Lack of it oausos thoarterics to break down, wrinkles, varloose veins, and go forth, Iodine stands for refinement, ovlture, and development of Inner Perception, soa kelp, pineapple, Irish moss, sea foods, mushrooms, spinach, potato skins, tanntoes, beets, stravberrics. FLUORINE - Contains the properties that*cement the bone ond tooth structure. Essential in 411 decaying diseases. Brittle teeth and faulty bone indicate a lack, It is a strong antiseptic. In this list is mentioned Goat's Milk and fresh goat's cheese, he goat is not subject to tuberculosis, and its milk, being so near , the consistency of Mother's milk, is recommended in cases where milk is needed and there is an idiosynorasy to cow's milk, pineapple, sca foods, mushrooms, spinach, potato skin, tomntoos, yaotitor EWAN HO" G's cheese, Swiss cheese, cabbage, mackerel, garlic, spinach, sea foods, SOLIUM - With Silicon, nourishes the ligaments, The ten= nis player, the long distance runner, needs an abundance of this chemical principally found in celery. Gives endurance, energy, and swiftness of movemant, Roduces hard deposits in the bhood-stream and keeps Caloium in solution, thus preventing stiff joints, and hardened arteries. It promotes seoretions that insalivate the foods LL , ee ee wo cat and Prepares them for digestion. Is known as the Malo chomi- cal. celery, spinach, carrots, tanntoes, lock, walnuts, okra, string beans, pistachio nuts, dandelion, radishes, apples, lentils , peaches, gizzard, cucumber, bect greens, pumpkin, almonds, pecans, olives, aalt, watermelon, milk, stravborrics, POTASSIUM ~ Gives enorgy to the heart, lungs, and all msq cles. It is thogreat honier of Mother Nature's garden. It is - know as the Female chemical, being specially needed by the repro~ duotive organs, Indicated in constipation, and by those easily fatigued. * bitter herbs, spinach, watermelon, dendelion, parsley, diil, dried olives, asparagus, potato skins, lentils, celery, peppe» mint, watercress, lottuce, bran, strawberries, carrots, peam es. YOUTH CogsTAILS Noel. Grind a large juicy cvoumber, skin, and all. Strain. Drink juice. ‘This is a poverful rejuvenator, cools the plood, clears the skin, and builds hair and nail cells. Now, With a large spoon, sorape the juice of a watermelon. Drink a glessful of this occasionally, Flushes the kidneys, and has many other curative qualities. Hee eve Hen ee ONENESS WITH GOD } Te surest wy to prosperity 116s, not in beseine throvgh wrong prayer, but in ostablishing first your Oneness with God and afterward demanding the Divine Son's smre, That is why Josus said that men of the world wrongly and unsuccessfully seck bread first, dut thot they should seck the Kingio of God First, then all things, all prosperity, unmasked, would be added unto them, This is casicr said than done. You have heard this before, but you must learn to demonstrate this truth in your life oven partially, Rishis and great Spiritual personages of all ages actually demonstrated this in thoir lives. You must remember that Jesus actually knew and felt jt when he said: "I and my Father are One." That is why Heacould damani the storms to stop, turn water into wine, wake Lazarus from sleep, and heal the physical and mental sufferers, and covld feed the mutitude, He was spiritvally officiont, and hence He know the art of mental and physical efficicney. So you must make the bliss oon= tact of God first by regular, decper and deeper meditation every day according to the Self Realization Techniques presented in the Prao~ copta from time to time. When you make the contact, your status will be do changed from that of a mortal beggar to that of a Divine Son and you will autamatically goin what you need without the beggary of prayer, The Onnisoicnt Father kmovs all the needs of a True San. Become a True Son of God by constantly feeling Him in the Joy of Silence and as Peace during Activity. "Since ovr thoughts and words are the secds we are planting that will dring forth our horvest of the future, I shall borin today filling my conselousndss witn ideas of abun~ dance and all good", AOTIVITY! PHAGE! ABUNDANGE:

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