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PLO #2 -

"Analyze the nature, transmission, pathologic processes, prevention, and control of human
diseases from a public health perspective."
The artifact I have chosen that best allowed myself to analyze the nature, transmission,
pathologic processes, prevention and control of human diseases from a public health
perspective is taken from the Health Science Core Course HLTH 301 Introduction to Public
Health Administration. In this course we took a more indepth look at what Public Health means
and how to best create a more aware public in responses to the analysis of human
communicable diseases. The very first assignment required us to write a short essay in a free
form quiz format to allow us to explain to someone who does not know what public health
means to the average person. This question helped me to understand the concept of exactly
what public health means and the impact it has on a society’s health and general wellbeing. As
we are social people with a community in mind, it is best to analyze this nature and the
processes to allow both prevention and control on the disease in a set community.

The PLO#2 artifact was taken as a copy- paste arrangement intentionally so that each
question and my response could be laid out. I must admit that although the questions are to
the point it did take time to answer them with thought and care. After reflecting on this artifact
I see how the perspective of public health has more to do with the larger group of the
community as a whole due to the many individual members that contribute towards that
whole. This artifact has helped me to successfully achieve the PLO#2 of the Health Sciences
Course undergraduate degree.

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