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Every person has an imagination. Thanks to this ability, we can dream.

At first,
our dreams are small and simple. For example, every child dreams of having a
candy or receiving a small toy as a gift. As people grow up, their desires change,
so our dreams change with us. First of all, when I was 4-5 years old, I really
wanted a kitten for myself, unfortunately, then I was too small, and by this time we
still had a dog, and there was st no benefit to have another pet day, the whole
family decided to go to grandmother, as soon as we left the city, my mother started
asking me what I would call my cat, I had a lot of options. So we arrived, relax,
and then, fortunately,just at that moment I see a gorgeous tricolor cat, I got up
immediately and decided to approach her, to my surprise she did not run away
from me, but on the contrary, I took her, and came back to my parents in order to
show her. This cat was very calm and sat quietly with them. The next morning, d
call my cat, I had a lot of options. So we arrived, relax, and then, fortunately,just
at that moment I see a gorgeous tricolor cat, I got up immediately and decided to
approach her, to my surprise she did not run away from me, but on the contrary, I
took her, and came back to my parents in order to show her. This cat was very
calm and sat quietly with them. The next morning, Every person has an
imagination. Thanks to this ability, we can dream. At first, our dreams are small
and simple. For example, every child dreams of having a candy or receiving a
small toy as a gift. As people grow up, their desires change, so our dreams change
with us. First of all, when I was 4-5 years old, I really wanted a kitten for myself,
unfortunately, then I was too small, and by this time we still had a dog, and there
was st no,

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