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Abdomen Exercises – 45 Seconds each

1. High leg sprint on spot

2. Russian twist
3. Leg Raises
4. Hip Raises (Legs tied together bring it in while lying and raise Hip up
5. Fultter Kicks (Lying on ground one leg up, one leg down…wd raised shoulders)
6. Plank one leg up towards elbow and then bring the other leg (Keep Core tight all the time)
7. Chair Situps
8. Seated in and out
9. Jumping Jacks

Biceps & Tricep – Dumbell only workout utube

1. Twist and Pull Hammer Curl 4 X 10

2. Skull Crusher into Press 4X12 Each (Twisting your wrist up as u come up) last do press from
chest (do press from below chest line to eliminate chest)
3. Wide into close curls 4X8 Each (Kneeling down with one leg do 8 wide curl and close curls 8
4. Overhead Extension Dropset 4X10 (After finishing set with two dumbbell do with one
dumbbell X 4 Sets)
5. Concentration Curls 4X10 (Make one twist at peak)
6. Cross Body extension 4 X12 (Bring dumbbell beside the head, lying down)

Chest and Back Exercises

1. Chest Press (Lying on floor raise hips up and then do dumbbell press keep dumbbells
straight as we do bench press) keep chest contracted
2. Flat Bench press lying on the ground control the weight down
3. Pushup using dumbbell Nice stretch at bottom and contraction at top
4. Lying down hold one dumbbell with both hands and try going as far as possible at the
back of head. Try bringing it back contracting your chest (U can raise hip while going
back )


1. Start with 20 pushups as warmup

2. Single Arm bent over rows 4X10 (when u bring arms up squeeze as hard as u can) last one
hold out slow
3. Dumbell Deadlift 12 (Stand with Dumbell at front squeeze as hard as you can , you want to
have a big chest with your shoulders back, feet shoulder width apart, core tight, this part
hips back come down then come up. Push chest out and hold shoulders back at top)- good
exercise of lower back
4. Bent over wide Rows for 12 Reps…remember to keep back straight don’t hunch your
back..have a wide grip when you come up. Last set bring the dumbells close to your chest
level hold as long as possible and bring it slow
5. Reverse Flies for 12 Reps…remember every time we come up we squeeze our back as hard
as we can
6. Shoulder Shrugs …Arms straight while doing this, core tight shoulders back …lift straight up
using your shoulders squeeze your hands squeeze your core and come back all the way
down, nice relaxed full range of motion 20 reps


1. Military press standing up 3 X 12

2. Neutral Grip Front Raise 3 X 12 (using only shoulders to raise weight up…use weight which u
are comfortable)
3. Sitted lateral raises 3 X 12
4. Bent over lateral raise 3 X 12


1. Dumbell reverse sumo walk (Holding one dumbbell, trying walking back by sitting things
parallel to ground ) weight is on your heels
2. Dumbell jumping squats (firm grip on the dumbbells, squeezing them, as hard as you can …
also you want to make sure that shoulders are engaged and retracted while maintaining a
tight core, a straight back and of course you need to be as explosive as possible in your legs…
trying landing as light as possible)
3. Stationary pause lunges each leg 10X
4. Weighted dumbbell calf raises 20X (Hold dumbells in each hand
5. Dumbell side squats 10 each legs (hold one dumbbell in both hands and do the side squats)
6. Assisted pistol squat (Hold one dumbbell in both hands and try sitting in a chair with only
one leg) 8 X
7. Hip Thrusters with only dumbells (lying at the edge of chair)

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