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Good morning students, I’m America Velasquez your English teacher, and today we are

going to talk about Age.

"Age" has to do with, the different "stages" that every human being has in its life. For
instance, we are born; then we are children; after that, teenagers, young, later on, adults and
finally, we become elderly people. In each of these ‘ages’ we have different changes in our
body and in our behavior. In other words, we have physical and psychological changes.

- Do you remember when you were a child or teenager?

- What do you remember from those ages?

Good, excellent!

Now, here, we have two sentences. Let´s read it, please

- I have played video games since I was a Teenager.
- Have you played video games when you were a kid?

Ok, guys, you can observe that, when the sentence is affirmative, the intonation goes down
at the end.

But, when the sentence is a question the intonation rises at the end of the sentence.

Did you understand me?

Good, excellent!

Now, could you give me an example when the intonation rises and when the intonation goes
down, please?

Well guys, as we can see in this class today.

It is very important that all human beings enjoy all stages of their life, doing appropriated
activities for each age.
And finally,
Could you give a brief opinion about the different ages of life, please?
Thank you,

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