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About the Product

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lesson to use as an introduction to a new social studies topic, a
closure to a unit, or as sub plans! There is a teacher guide that
walks you through what to do before and after the video J
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Learning with Lexie
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for ONE
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one classroom use only.

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Episodes Guide
Episode # Title/Topic
1 The Boston Tea Party
2 The Intolerable Acts
3 United We Stand (the First Continental Congress)
4 Liberty or Death
5 Midnight Ride (Paul Revere)
6 The Shot Heard Round World
7 Green Mountain Boys
8 Second Continental Congress
9 Bunker Hill
10 Washington Takes Command
11 Postmaster General Franklin
12 Common Sense
13 The Turtle
14 The First Fourth of July
15 New York, New York
16 One Life to Lose
17 Captain Molly
18 American Crisis
19 Across the Delaware
20 American in Paris
Main Characters Directions: Write the names of the different
characters and describe them!
Teacher Guide
Episode1 – Boston Tea Party
Key Vocabulary:
Parliament Colony
The lawmaking group in British A group of people from 1 country who build a
government (England) settlement in another land

Taxes Colonists
Ways government can collect money The people who lived in the colonies
from its citizens

Facts to Know for the Teacher:

The Boston Tea Party was a protest by the American Colonists against the British
government. They staged the protest by boarding three trade ships
in Boston Harbor and throwing the ships' cargo of tea overboard into the ocean.
They threw 342 chests of tea into the water on December 16, 1773. (This was part
of the American Revolution.)

Before the Video:

• Introduce the topic: the Boston Tea Party
• Fill out the K-W-L chart. Talk about what students know about the Boston Tea
Party. Write what they know in the “K” section. Then have students come up with
at least one question about what they want to learn and write it in the “W”
section. We will fill out the “L” section when the video is over!
• Pass out the video questionnaire.

After the Video:

• Collect the video questionnaires
• Talk about the key vocabulary terms – give the definitions. How were these
vocabulary terms used in the video?
• Fill in the “L” section of the K-W-L chart (What did students learn?)
• Ask the discussion questions below to close out the lesson.
Discussion Questions
1. What is Sarah confused about at the end of the video? What is she
2. How does Sarah’s attitude change throughout the video?
3. Do you think the colonists proved their point to Britain? Was the protest worth
it? Was it a smart idea?
4. Why would the harbor being closed be a problem for Boston? ©learningwithlexie
Episode Topic: The Boston Tea Party


Directions. Fill in the blanks while watching the
video. Pay close attention!
Episode 1 -
The Boston Tea Party
1. Where is Sarah planning to travel to? _________________________

2. According to Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia is the ____________

largest colony in the empire.

3. Sarah didn’t end up in Philadelphia like she planned. Where did

she end up? ___________________________

4. Sam Adams was giving a speech to the men in Boston about unfair
things Parliament (the government in England) did to the colonies.
Name 2 of the things he mentioned. ___________________________

5. The colonists dressed as ________________, went to the Dartmouth

and did what? ______________________________________________

6. Why did the throw the tea overboard? ________________________


7. Henri was yelling over the ship’s edge, “No ___________________

without representation.”

8. Who are the “red coats”? ___________________________________

9. Sarah is shocked to learn that Phillis Wheatley, a poet, is also a

slave. What is her story? ____________________________________

10. Benjamin Franklin is put on trial and is accused of being the

leader of what event? _______________________________________
Directions. Fill in the blanks while watching the
video. Pay close attention!
Episode 1 -
The Boston Tea Party
1. Where is Sarah planning to travel to? the colonies – Philadelphia

2. According to Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia is the second

largest colony in the empire.

3. Sarah didn’t end up in Philadelphia like she planned. Where did

she end up? Boston

4. Sam Adams was giving a speech to the men in Boston about unfair
things Parliament (the government in England) did to the colonies.
Name 2 of the things he mentioned. Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Boston

5. The colonists dressed as Indians, went to the Dartmouth and did

what? Threw the tea overboard

6. Why did the throw the tea overboard? Parliament raised the tea
taxes, so they wanted to send a message

7. Henri was yelling over the ship’s edge, “No taxation without

8. Who are the “red coats”? British soldiers

9. Sarah is shocked to learn that Phillis Wheatley, a poet, is also a

slave. What is her story? When she was 8 years old, she was
captured from west Africa and brought to America on a slave
ship. Her master taught her to read. Then she started to write her
own stories.

10. Benjamin Franklin is put on trial and is accused of being the

leader of what event? the Boston Tea Party

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