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pasa £4 Af EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY Photographs by Bruce Lyne Activities by Madeline Bovin aud Joan Dundas Every Picture Tells A Story consists of seventy-five reproducible black and white photographs, and it can be used with students of all language levels. Every Picture Tells A Story is a great addition to any ESL conversation class. Different people from several cultural backgrounds are featured in Every Picture Tells A Story. The scenes in the photos range from the everyday to the humorous and the dramatic. Every Picture Tells A Story makes for lively conversation...each photo comes with an activities page to guarantee success. Besides the 5Ws and other questions, suggestions are given to prompt students to use their imaginations and to get them to discuss wider world issues presented in or related to the photographs. Your students will never have nothing to say about the photographs in Every Picture Tells A Story! Ape BLAST eon - Bie xt A ddatals-H4 -_ a = = TF) = es Sant a a4 Caray = Con — pA 5 WER PICTURE TELLS A STORY hotes by Bruce ee ee Copyright © 2000 FULL BLAST Productions IN CANADA IN THE UNITED STATES FB Productions FB Productions Box 408 Box 1297 Virgil, Ontario Lewiston, New York 14092-8297 LOS 1TO Photocopying rights are granted to the individual teacher or the single school purchasing the materials. A copy of this book purchased by an individual teacher is that teacher's property and can travel with her from school to school. A single copy of this book may not be kept at a resource center and used to service several schools. To be entitled to copy this book, a teacher in the school or the school itself must own an original copy. Please respect copyright. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Lyne, Bruce, 1963- Every picture tells a story ISBN 1-895451-28-0 1. English language -- Study and teaching as a second language." 2. English language -- Conversation and phrase books. 3. Pictures in education. I. Bovin, Madeline L. (Madeline Leda), 1965- . II. Dundas, Joan, 1958- . III. Title. PE1131.L96 2000 428.3°4 €00-932983-8 Printed in Canada. ISBN 1-895451-28-0 Teacher’s Notes It has been well-documented by expert linguists that using visual stimuli in the language classroom is of great benefit to language learners. Every Picture Tells A Story provides seventy-five black and white photographs to use in your ESL conversation class. With each photograph there is an activities page. Each activities page includes at least twelve ideas for ways to keep your students talking. The photographs in Every Picture Tells A Story may be photocopied. The photographs depict a wide variety of situations, people and cultures. Every Picture Tells A Story can be used with beginning, intermediate and advanced level ESL students. Teachers should always read the activities page before presenting a photograph and choose the prompts and discussion questions that are right for your students’ level. The majority of the activities in Every Picture Tells A Story can be described as follows: Vocabulary Brainstorming: This is done to start each unit. In pairs or groups, students think up and write down as many words or expressions that they can think of that relate to the photograph. As a class, you should discuss the vocabulary your students have generated. Giving the Photograph a Title: Each student comes up with a title. The titles are discussed, and the class chooses one title for the photograph. Describe the Photograph: The teacher can decide whether this is done as a class, in pairs or in groups. The students are asked to decribe the photograph in detail. 5Ws: Where appropriate, the photographs have some combination of Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How questions. Personal Response: Students are asked to relate any personal experience they have similar to the situation depicted in the photograph. Discussion: The photographs often have wider world significance and suggestions for discussions are given. Dialogues: Each activities page includes a prompt for your students to invent a dialogue on a topic related to the photograph. Paragraph Writing: The final activity in each unit is writing a paragraph based on the photograph. Every Picture Tells A Story makes for lively conversation. Your students will never have nothing to say about these photos! Photograph 1 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is happening in the photograph? Whose car is it? 5) What type of car is it? What is happening to the car? Why is this happening? 6) Who is the man near the car? 7) Who are the children watching the car? Where did the children come from? 8) Why are the children interested in what is going on? 9) Have you ever seen a movie being filmed? What movie? What did you see? 10) If you were to star in a movie, what type of movie would it be? 11) Give your movie a name. What would happen in the end of your movie? 12) Where would you film your movie and who would you choose to star with you in your movie? 13) Does your family own a car? What type is it? Describe your family's car. 14) If you could own any car you wanted, what kind of car would you choose? Describe your ideal car. 15) Do you have a driver's permit? How long have you had it? Where did you get your driver’s permit? Describe the process of getting a driver's permit to a partner. 16) With a partner, invent a dialogue between a movie director and a movie star. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 17) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 2 Z ydeisojoyg Photograph 2 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. ’ pees 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is going on in the photograph? Is it a parade or a protest? Or something else? 5) Using adjectives, describe the expression on the faces of the two main people in the photograph. 6) What are reasons why workers sometimes go on strike? 7) Have you ever used a video camera? Do you like being video-taped? 8) Do you or does your family have any home movies, videos, or photographs of you when you were younger? Describe what you have. 9) Most people would agree that doctors should not be allowed to go on strike because public health and safety would be at risk. List three to five other professions that you feel it could be argued should not be allowed to go on strike. Give a reason for each. 10) Should school teachers be allowed to go on strike? 11) Do you wear hats? When? What do your hats look like? 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between a student and a teacher. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. ¢ ydeasojoyg Photograph 3 Ee 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as ' many words and expressions that you ws, can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe i in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who are the three men in the photograph? Describe each of them in detail. 5) What are the three men doing? Where are they? 6) Are they students or working people? 7) What is the relationship between the men? 8) What is the man who is talking telling the other men? 9) Do you know any jokes? 10) Do you think you have a good sense of humor? 11) Where are the three men going? What will they do when they get there? 12) Form groups of three or four. Make up a joke. It can be a knock knock joke, or anything you can think up. Tell your joke to your classmates. 13) In groups of three, invent a dialogue that the the three men in the photograph might have. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. Photograph 4 a i Hy alates; Ha Bh Photograph 4 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is going on in the photograph? What is the woman doing? What are the men doing? How many people are in the photograph? 5) What is in the bags on the ground near the men? Besides clothing, what else could be in those bags? List five things. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. 6) Do you think all of the men know each other? 7) What kind of store is in the background? 8) In what season was the photograph taken? What clues in the photograph reveal this? 9) Choose one person in the photograph. Describe that person in detail. 10) Do you think the shopping cart belongs to the lady? Where did she get it? What is she transporting in it? 11) What do all the people in the photograph have in common? List three things. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. 12) With a partner, make up a short story about this photograph. Your story should focus on the mysterious contents of the bags. 13) Where will all the people in the photograph be in one hour after the photograph was taken? What will they be doing? 14) With a partner or in groups, invent a dialogue that people in the photograph might be having. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 15) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. ¢ ydeasojoyg Photograph 5 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. ‘ 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who is the man in the photograph? 5) Who is the man in the photograph talking to on the telephone? What are they talking about? 6) From the expression on his face, how is the man feeling? Explain. 7) Why is the man making this call from a telephone booth? 8) Where was the photograph taken? Discuss the setting. 9) What do you think the sign in the background at the top of the picture that says, “Brave New World Order” means? 10) Where do you think the photographer was when the photograph was taken. 11) What is the weather like in the photograph? What season is it? 12) In the city it seems many motorists do not like bicyclists and have little tolerance for them. What are your views about bicycles and cars both on busy city streets? 13) Different states and provinces have different bicycle helmet laws. What is the law where you are? Should all bicyclists have to wear a helmet? 14) Do you ride a bicycle? Do you own a bicycle? Where do you like to ride? Do you wear a helmet when you ride? 15) With a partner, invent a dialogue between a police officer and a young person on a bicycle. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 16) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 10 9 ydessoj0yg Photograph 6 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who is the woman in the photograph? Who is the child? What is the relationship between the woman and the child? 5) Where was the photograph taken? 6) What are all the other people around the woman and child doing? 7) What is the woman doing in this location? Why is she there? 8) What adjectives best describe the woman's expression and her mood? Why do you think she could be feeling this way? 9) How do you think the child is feeling? 10) Where do you think the woman was prior to this photograph being taken? 11) Where do you think the woman is going? 12) How do you feel about the photograph? What is your personal response to it? Do you like it? Hate it? Are indifferent? 13) If the woman in the photograph’s husband just arrived home to find a note from the woman, what would the note say? How might he react? 14) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the woman and the child. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 15) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. Photograph 7 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As aclass, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Where do you think the photograph was taken? What season is it in the photograph? 5) Why do you think the man is doing what he is doing? 6) Do you think the man likes his job? Why would he like it? Why would he not like it? Would you like this job? Do you think this job is difficult? 7) Describe what the man is wearing. 8) What would you call the machine in the photograph? How do you think the machine works? 9) The machine in the photograph is designed to make the man’s job easier. List ten other appliances or machines that make our lives easier. Rank the appliances and machines in order of importance, starting with the one that helps humans the most. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. 10) You are a weather reporter. With a partner, prepare a television report or radio broadcast about the storm that brought the snow. 11) What problems can be created by a snowstorm? 12) Often times when there is a big snowstorm, schools and businesses are forced to stay closed. How do you think adults and children view this type of day? Could they view this type of day differently? Explain. 13) Describe the biggest storm you can remember. 14) With a partner, invent a dialogue between two people in a big snow storm. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 15) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 14 8 ydeaisojoyg 15 Photograph 8 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. La 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is happening in the photograph? 5) What is the location in the photograph? 6) What is unusual in the photograph? 7) What do you think the man is going to build? 8) Can you explain why the man has the wood in his car? And why at night? 9) What color is the man’s car? What kind of car is it? Would you like to own the man’s car? Why? Why not? Can you parallel park? Would it be easy to parallel park the car in the photograph? 10) What types of vehicles have you driven? Cadillac? Tractor? RV? Hummer? Tank? Another kind of vehicle? 11) Have you ever been to an auto show? Are you interested in cars? Do you know anything about car mechanics? 10) What do you call someone who makes things with wood? 11) Have you ever built anything out of wood? Describe it. 12) List ten things that can be constructed with wood. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. 13) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the man in the car and his wife when he arrives home with his car full of wood. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 16 ae 6 Ydeasoj0yg 17 Photograph 9 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is happening in the photograph? 5) What is the location of the photograph? 6) Describe in detail what the men are wearing. 7) Are you afraid of heights? Could you work on a ladder? Could you wash windows on a skyscraper? 8) Where is the highest place you have ever been (e.g. tall building, mountain, bridge, etc.)? 9) Some people refuse to walk under ladders because they are superstitious. Are you superstitious? Do you know any other superstitions? 10) For what kind of company do these men work? 11) What kind of sign are the men about to put up? An information sign or an advertisement? 12) Take a blank sheet of paper and create your own sign. Show your sign to your classmates and describe it to them. 13) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two men. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. OL ydeasojoyg 19 Photograph 10 1) 9) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. In what country do you think the photograph was taken? Who do you think owns the portable stereo? What do you think they are listening to on the portable stereo? What do you imagine is their reaction to what they hear? What is the relationship between the man in the center and the other people in the photograph? What do you think is the social status of the man in his community? Why? 10) How did the photographer come to take this picture? 11) Pretend you are a reporter along on the trip with the photographer. What questions would you ask these people? With a partner, list five questions. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. 12) Do you think this shelter is their home? 13) Make a list of step by step instructions on how to build the shelter in the photograph. Include a list of the materials to be used. 14) Explain how the man got his tattoos and what they symbolize. 15) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the man listening to the portable stereo and the photographer. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 16) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 20 TL ydeasojoyg Photograph 11 1) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1) 8) 9) With a partner or in a group, write down as \ many words and expressions that you can ee ' c think of that relate to the photograph. Share ; ee, A your list with your classmates. wai ‘ tp Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe the clown in the photograph. When and where do we usually see clowns? Some children and adults are frightened of clowns. How do you think this is possible? Are clowns not supposed to amuse and delight? Have you ever been or wanted to be a clown? If you have been a clown, describe your experience. If you have never been a clown, discuss why you would or would not want to be a clown. Do you think only a person with a certain personality can be a clown? What are some personality traits you think a person should have to be a clown? Would you make a good clown? Do you think being a professional clown would be a good job to have? Why? Why not? If you could be a clown for a day, what would you do? Describe your day from beginning to end to a classmate. 10) Make a list of five things clowns do. Share your list with your classmates. 11) Draw a picture of what you would look like if you were a clown. Show your picture to your classmates. 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue about the day you became lost at the circus and befriended a clown. One of you is the lost person and one of you is the clown. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 22 SoG Oscoh MB IOOHOS OINAT me 8 86S1Vd3 OV ZI ydeasojoyg Photograph 12 1) 10) 11) 12) 13) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share 3 your list with your classmates. 5 ST Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. What is odd about the sign? Explain. What are some ways that this advertising sign could be improved? List at least three. If you were walking by this store, would you notice this sign? Explain your answer. Would you feel confident about taking lessons from this driving school? Why or why not? With a partner, prepare a radio or television commercial for the driving school. Perform your commercials for your classmates. Design a new sign for this company. Be creative. As a class, list items that are put on a dinner table. What are some pros and cons of being taught how to drive by someone you know as opposed to being taught how to drive by a professional driving school instructor? What type of personality traits do you think a driving instructor would need? With a partner, invent a dialogue between a driving instructor and his or her student. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 24 ? €1 ydessojoyg 25 Photograph 13 f 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who are the people in the photograph? 5) Where was the photograph taken? Explain. 6) What is written on the paper each person is holding? 7) What are some things these people have in common? 8) Describe the feelings of the people in the photograph by looking at facial expressions. 9) Write a cartoon bubble telling what he is thinking for the man in the middle wearing the black and white shirt. 10: Pretend your teacher just gave you back a test and you did not do very well. With a partner, discuss the test and why you did not get a very good mark. 11 Acensus is a gathering of information about a group of people. Conduct a census in your class or in your school. Create a list of ten to twenty questions to ask. You can ask people to name their favorite sport, their favorite movie, musical group, their favorite season, etc. Ask your chosen respondents the questions, collect the data and share it with your classmates. 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the student with the lowest grade on a test in the class and that student's teacher. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 26 I ydesBojoug Photograph 14 1) 9) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a Class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. What do you think happened to the man's leg or foot? Have you ever broken a bone? Did you ever have to use crutches? What kind of restaurant do you think is in the photograph? What is your favorite restaurant? Why? What is your favorite meal? What is your least favorite food? Can you cook? What is your specialty? 10) Do you have a doctor? Do you like your doctor? 11) Have you ever been in a local hospital? How were you treated? Did you like the food? 12) List ten meals you absolutely love and five foods you would rather not eat. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. 13) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the man with the crutches in the photograph and his grandchild. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 28 29 Photograph 15 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is happening in the photograph? 5) Describe the man in the photograph. 6) Describe the object on which the man is working. 7) What is the object? List all the suggestions you and your classmates come up with. 8) For what do you think the object is used? 9) When the man finishes gluing that last piece on the object he takes the object somewhere. Where does he take it? What happens there? With a partner or in a group, invent the story of what happens next. Tell your story to your classmates. 10) Do you think this man is at work or is what he is doing a hobby? Why? 11) Do you have any hobbies? Why do people have hobbies? 12) Do you think the object would make a good a toy? Why? Why not? 13) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the man and a child who has just received the object as a gift. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 30 OT ydeasoj}04g VIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAFFVPPPPIDFIFDIFDPIPOPEPEDEPPIIIO>D® vee IVPOUVVUVUOVVOUVVVOVVIVVOVVVOVIVVVIUVIVIIVVIVVVVIVVUV0000 Photograph 16 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Where are the two people in the photograph? In what country could the photograph have been taken? 5) What might the man in the chair be thinking? 6) Why is this man getting someone else to shave him? 7) Describe how you would feel if you were the barber? 8) This type of shaving is no longer popular. Why not? 9) Who do you think has the most famous beard in world history? 10) Do you like beards? 11) Could you be a barber? Explain your answer. 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two men. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 32 LI ydes3oj04g DUP VO GVO VU VVUVU VU VUV DDD DVD VDD VVV DUD VU DV0U 0000 U0 00000000 Photograph 17 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What time of day is it in the photograph? What season? Explain. Where do you think the people are going? Explain. ) 6) What city do you think this is? Why? Are there any clues? 7) Why is the mannequin outside? 8) Do you think the people on the street will notice the mannequin? Is the mannequin a good form of advertising? 9) If the mannequin had one wish, what would it wish? If you had one wish, what would you wish? 10) Can you think of any other advertising gimmicks that you have seen? 11) If you saw someone talking to the mannequin, what would you do? 12) Pretend you are the mannequin and you have suddenly come to life. With a partner, invent a dialogue that the mannequin would have with one of the people in the photograph. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. SI ydeaisoj0yg 35 Photograph 18 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Where was the photograph taken? During what holiday season? What clues help you with your answer? 5) What does the store in the photograph sell? 6) Why is the girl sitting on the luggage? 7) How does the girl feel? What is she thinking? Explain. 8) Is the girl alone? 9) Where do you think the girl is going to or coming from? Give reasons for your answer? GIGUTGCGVISEEEIIEIESIVITEIIBOGES & 10) How did the girl get on top of the luggage? 11) List five helpful travel tips for parents who travel with children. Share your list with your classmates. 12) Look at the signs in the background on the left of the girl and directly above the girl’s head. What do you think these signs mean? 13) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the girl in the photograph and the next person she speaks with. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPVPPPPPDPPPPDPPPDPD PDD DDD DRDDDDOD 2 > 36 61 Yydeasojoyg 37 PYVITVIIII LILI TT Treen rrr rari iit VRVVAAVAAAAAAAAVV9999999:999:9.99999999999999999999000000 Photograph 19 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who are the people in the photograph? 5) As aclass, list adjectives to describe the photograph? 6) What are the people in the photograph wearing? 7) What is the relationship between the two people? 8) What is the women thinking? Is she looking at something? What? 9) What happened before the photograph was taken? After? 10) Write an eight line poem describing the relationship between the people in the photograph. Share your poem with your classmates. 11) Your teacher will tell one student a secret. That student will tell the same secret to another student. And that student will tell another student, and so on until the secret has been passed to the last student. That student tells the secret out loud to the class. Did the secret stay the same? 12) Can you keep a secret? 13) Pretend the woman in the photograph is telling the man a secret. What is the secret? With a partner, invent a dialogue between the man and the woman in the photograph. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 38 Photograph 20 39 PPPPPPPPPEDIDAAD POVUOOVOY GV VUVUVUOUVUUUUVUUUUVOVOVVUVUVUVUBOUVUVUVUUUUUOU VVVVVVVVVVFVVVVVVFIVEDIDPPPPPPIDIVIDDD?D Photograph 20 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Where was the photograph taken? 4) How do the two boys in the photograph know each other? 5) Why does the older boy have his arm around the younger boy? 6) Approximately how many people are in the photograph? 7) What are some water safety rules everyone should know and follow? 8) Do you know how to swim? If yes, explain when, where and how you learned. If no, explain why you have not learned to swim. 9) Have you ever swam in a swimming pool? A lake? Ariver? An ocean? Which is your favorite place to swim? 10) There is an expression that says, “Sink or swim.” What do you think this expression means? 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two boys. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 40 IZ ydeasojoyg Ann BEE WEY BReEEE VVVVD POOVOOOOGOGDVOOOOVOVUOVVYV VOY VVUVYVVOVVVVVVVOVVVVVUVVOVVVVU000 Vv AR RE HE BBB BBB BBB BB BB BBP BBB BBB BB eee eee eee VVVVVVVAVAAAAAAAAVAVVVAVIDVVIVPVIVVPDDD Photograph 21 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who are the people in the photograph? Do you think they know each other? . 5) Where are the people in the photograph? 6) What are they doing? 7) What is being put inside the bottles? Explain the reason for your answer. 8) What time is it in the photograph? 9) Do you think the people work where they are in the photograph? Or is ita place they visit on their free time? 10) Why would people brew their own beer? What could be the advantages and disadvantages of brewing your own? 11) Do the people in the photograph look like they are enjoying themselves? 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two people in the Photograph. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 42 7 ydeasojoyg 43 Wy a Photograph 22 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. WKY eee rin VOU OV OOVOVOV OOO OVO UUY YY VOUOY VUVOVUUDVUO VV VOVUVUUUVUUOUUOU 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. yy it 4) Who are the three people in the photograph? Where are they? What are they doing there? 5) Are the two people purchasing tickets travelling together? How can you tell that they are, or that they are not? 6) What is the man behind the counter doing? At what is he looking? 7) Describe what the travellers are wearing. Why are they wearing this type of clothing? 8) What holiday season is it in the photograph? What clue is there in the photograph? 9) What unusual things is the man is carrying? Name the things. Describe the things. For what are the things used? 10) What is your favorite way to travel? Bus? Train? Car? Plane? Other? What is your least favorite method? 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two travellers when they are riding the train or bus together. Where is the man going? Where is the woman going? Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. AAAAAAAANAAAAANNAAAAAAVAVDVVDDDAVA JHE HERB EB BBB EBB BEB Bee Bee eee eee eee 44 Photograph 23 VVVVVVVFVVDPPPPPVFTEDEDPPEPEPEDEPEPERPPP PPD PPDEDIIRIVIIG PIVOGOVGVOD GOV OGDOVGIITIDIVIIIIIDEIBIITIVI GOVINO UOON Photograph 23 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. pl a ees EN 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who are the people in the photograph? 5) What are they building? Why are they building it? 6) How is what they are building going to be used? Who is going to use it? 7) Where are they doing this construction? 8) How many tools can you count in the photograph? How many of the tools can you name? 9) Is one of these men the leader? If so, which one of the men is he? Why do you think the person you chose is the leader? 10) At what is the man in the dark shirt on the left looking? 11) Have you ever played a part in a play? Which play was it and what was your part? 12) Have you seen many plays? What plays or shows have you seen? Which one is your favorite? 13) What is your favorite type of movie or play? Do you prefer a comedy, drama, tragedy, romance, documentary, musical or other? 14) With a partner, invent a dialogue between two carpenters. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 15) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 46 bz ydess0j04g 47 VVVVFEFVAVVVPPVVPVPVVDPPPPPPPPEDPPEPEPEPPEPPRPPEDPEDRPPDRPIDED see Ree RB ee Re RR ee Re Bee B BEB BRE BBB BE BEBE BeBe eee eee eee eee VOVVOVYUYVEY VOLE VOY VOVVVYV VV VVOEVOVVVDVVIVVVVVUVVUVVVOU Photograph 24 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as . many words and expressions that you 1 can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who is the man in the photograph? On what is he riding? What is his job? 5) Describe the man’s expression? Why does he look this way? 6) Why is his arm raised? What message is he trying to convey? 7) Why may he not want his photograph taken? What might he do next? 8) What is he wearing on his head? Why? 9) The officer is wearing a uniform. List five professions for which uniforms are often worn. Share your list with your classmates. 10) Mounted police officers are used in crowd control situations and mounted officers can be seen in parades. In which situation do you think this photograph was taken? Are there any clues in the photograph which support your opinion? 11) Have you ever rode on a horse? Did you enjoy the experience? 12) Do you think horses should be used for police work? List reasons why horses should or should not be used. Share your list with your classmates. 13) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the police officer and the person taking the photograph. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 48 Photograph 25 49 — oe => a> 0 a4 > eo , LL BEEREEEEEEEREEE VOVVVIVVVVOUVUVUN yr, BREE betel LVVVVVVVAVVROVVVEVEVVV DEDEDE D PED PD kk WWOVVVOVVVVVVDVVVVVVUVVDVVVVVVVVVVON Photograph 25 1) 2) 4) 5) 6) i) 8) 9) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As aclass, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Where do you think the photograph was taken? Where is tobogganing done? Put yourself in the minds of the two young people in the photograph. As a class, list adjectives to describe how you are feeling at the moment the photograph was taken. Describe the boy's facial expression. At what might he be looking? Look at the sled the young people in the photograph are using. Compare their sled to a regular toboggan. Can you think of any safety tips for tobogganing? Every year children are hurt while tobogganing. Should a law be passed requiring children to wear helmets while tobogganing? 10) With a partner, describe tobogganing. What is tobogganing? How is it done? 11) Name other types of winter sports where people use equipment to go downhill. 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two young people in the photograph. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 50 Photograph 26 51 k oh VWOVVOOVOV VV VOVOYVVOVYVVOVOVVVVQOVVOGVOUDVVVVVVVUVUVVVOVUUON0 VVVVVVVAAAVVAAVVVAVVVVFVPPEPPEPEDED EDD PPP DDD PPD DPR D DID Photograph 26 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2) 8) 9) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. What kind of truck is in the photograph? What does it sell? Describe the people in the photograph? What could the women be discussing? What is the man outside the truck doing? What is the man inside the truck doing? What is different about the way the people are dressed in the photograph? What different kinds of ice cream treats does the ice cream truck sell? 10) Do you like ice cream? What kind of ice cream do you like best? 11) Write a four line poem describing your favorite ice cream. Share your poem with your classmates. 12) On the truck there is an advertisement for a peanut buster parfait. Invent your own recipe for a peanut buster parfait. Compare recipes with your classmates. 13) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two ladies in the photograph. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 52 LZ ydeasojoyg VVVVEVVAVAAAAAAADAAAAADVAVADA AA PDAAD PRD AAA DARA AAA RAA RA Photograph 27 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. FF FF TS FETS FTF FTF FSS FESS 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Whois the man in the photograph? Why is he playing the musical instrument? 5) Where is he playing? Why is his instrument case open beside him? 6) What instrument is he playing? baTu 7) What does a trombone sound like? Can you imitate the sound of a trombone? Do you know the song “Hold That Tiger”? PVVVVOVGVOO DOOD DOUT TTT TITIES 8) What type of tune is he playing? Is it fast or slow? Loud or soft? 9) What do you imagine the man does when he is not playing the trombone? 10) What type of shirt is he wearing? What do you think the writing and the symbols on his shirt mean? Do you wear shirts with writing on them? 11) Street musicians play to earn money. Have you ever seen a street musician? Do you like listening to people who play on the streets? Does it add to your day or do you find it annoying? 12) Do you play a musical instrument? Which one? Describe your instrument and your favorite piece of music to your classmates. If you do not play a musical instrument, which instrument would you like to play? 13) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the conductor of an orchestra and the trombonist. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 87 Ydexsoj0yg VVVVAFVAVODEPEVAVAIVVDPPIPIPIPAPIAAIIDIAAAA AAR AAA AAA ADA ig lg TITITILILTILIT IP rrrrrriririrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rr rrr ri) Photograph 28 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1) 8) 9) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Describe what the boys in the photograph are doing. Where is this taking place? What season? What time of day? What could be in the box beside the boy on the right? How do you think the game the boys are playing works? Explain. Why might the boy on the left have his arm raised? Look at the car in the background on the left. From what you see of it, what can you tell about the car? What is unusual about it? Assuming there are to be two cars on the track, what might happen to the cars at the jump? 10) What is or was your favorite toy? Describe it. Why did you like it so much? 11) Do adults have toys? Discuss. 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue that boys playing cars or girls playing dolls might have. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 56 — a 67 ydes30}04q VUTIGCOGVG VV UO UUUUUES VUVOOVOVOVGVVUVOUUVUUVVU0 0000 COSCO SVVVVVANAVE RAVAN AAV RPDF PPD BPO RRR Photograph 29 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is the vehicle the man in the photograph is sitting on called? What is it used for? 5) Judging by the photograph, what does this man do for a living? 6) Do you think the photograph was taken in North America? In what country or countries might the photograph have been taken? 7) Describe what the man in the photograph is wearing? What are the people in the background wearing? 8) Have you ever been for a ride on a rickshaw? Where? When? What is the most unusual mode of transportation you have ever experienced? 9) What would be the good points and the bad points of being a rickshaw driver? 10) What would be the good points and the bad points of being a taxi driver in a large North American city? 11) Do you think North Americans use their automobiles too much? Discuss. 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the rickshaw driver and his friend, another rickshaw driver. The two drivers can describe their day on the job to each other. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 58 eet 0¢ Ydeasojoyg 59 TITTIITIIIITILTT ITT rrrrrirrirrrrrrirrrirrirririrririr ii VVVVAVVAVVDAVDEDODVVVPVPOPPPPEDVEPIPIPIBBVIP?IPIDAIADAAND Photograph 30 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Are the people in the photograph getting ready for an event or just finishing an event? Is there any way to tell? Do the costumes give any indication of the event for which the people have put on the costumes? What is unusual about the man near the car. Besides his costume! When do people put on costumes? Describe a costume you have worn in your life. Have you ever been to a costume party? 10) List five things you need to have a great party. Compare your list with your classmates lists. 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between two famous performing people. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 60 1¢ Ydeasoj04g 61 Aan BEEEEEEE ” POPP GAPPIIPDDPIVGOIGVGVIGD GBP VVGGOBOVOO VV OVO VVVVUV EVES iv VDVVVAVVAVAVDVDVVAVAVVVVPVPVDVDPPPDPDPP DDD ED DDD Photograph 31 Wi ri is 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as “-? eel an many words and expressions that you iv e AS in can think of that relate to the photograph. gy UW Share your list with your classmates. a 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What has happened to the young man in the photograph? What time of day did this happen? What is the young man’s reaction to what has happened? 5) Describe what the young man is wearing. 6) Let us say that the young man just missed the bus which takes him to school. List all the things you think the young man had done that morning before missing his bus. 7) Pretend he missed the bus on purpose. He is being absent from school intentionally. Where might he be going? What is he going to do there? 8) Have you ever been late for an important meeting or appointment? 9) Do you take buses often? From where to where is the farthest you have ever gone on a bus? 10) Describe the route you would take if you were going from your school to city hall in your town. 11) Have you ever missed school on purpose, when you were not sick? 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the young man and his mother. Pretend the boy arrives home in the afternoon and the school has alerted his mother that he missed (skipped) school. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 62 VUTUE TU V UE CEU FVVVVPVIVAVADVIDIDAAAAAAA AAA AAA APA RAR RAPA RAR RRAR Ae VOVOVUVVVVVVUOUUUUUUUUE vuE Photograph 32 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who owns/owned the shoes in the photograph? Where is that person now? Is the person wearing shoes now? 5) How did the shoes end up on the sidewalk next to the building? What is the story of the shoes? Is it a happy story? 6) Why are the shoelaces missing? Is the fact that the shoelaces are missing significant? 7) What would you do if you found a pair of magic shoes? What would your magic shoes allow you to do? List five things you would do while wearing your magic shoes. Share your list with your classmates. 8) Could the photograph be considered art? What is your definition of art? 9) How many different kinds of shoes can you name? 10) Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? Do you have a favorite kind of shoes? 11) Do you think it is possible for someone to disappear? With a partner, invent a dialogue of one person trying to convince his friend that a third person, the person who owns the shoes, disappeared from right out of his shoes. One second he was there...the next he was gone! Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 64 VVVVVVPPVPPVPD APDIP PRR ANANAAAAAAAAAAD vv" VREVVVVVEEUUE I Photograph 33 1) 3) 4) 5) 6) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Where do you think the scene in the photograph is taking place? What type of vehicle is in the photograph? Where is this type of vehicle usually used? Have you ever had occasion to ride in a trailer similar to the one in the photograph? Where was it? Have you ever ridden on a tractor? How many people can you count in the photograph? Write a six line poem about your favorite animal. Share your poem with your classmates. As a class, discuss reasons why zoos should exist and reasons why zoos should not exist. 10) With a partner, discuss your favorite place or places in the world. 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue about a trip to the zoo. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 66 eat me be ydeasojoyg VOVTODDUTUUV S000 VO VOOVOU CUO VVVVVVVVVADEPAPAPVEDPDPPPPPPPPPPPDEPPEPPPPPPPPPPPIDPPIDIDOD 3 > 2 = —] 3 3 > > Photograph 34 1) 2 3 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. ¢ ime) /\ Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Why are all the people in the photograph crowded on this street? What are they doing? Where was the photograph taken? Do you think any of the people know each other? Do the people appear happy? What are the buildings in the background? What do you notice about the buildings? List five reasons why taking public transit is better than driving an automobile. List five reasons why taking an automobile is better than taking public transit. Share your lists with your classmates. Does it bother you to be in crowds? Why? Why not? Pretend you are a young person and the bus on which you are riding is crowded and an older person gets on the bus. Would you give up your seat to the older person? Do you think young people today are less or more likely to give up their seat than they were 30 or 40 years ago? Discuss. With a partner, invent a dialogue between two strangers who meet at a bus stop. Do the two people have anything in common? Do they become friends? Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 68 s¢ ydeasoj0y4g 69 VVVVVVVFVTVTFF TTT T DPT DTD TDR R PDP RDP ER PIRI WOOO OVO COVOOEOEOVOVYVO GOUL CEEOL EEEBOEEV EEL VOVEEVUUOLVUEE Photograph 35 1) 9) 10) 11) 12) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Where was the photograph taken? What is unusual about the scene in the photograph? Where is the person who owns the wheelchair? What do you think the people on the side of the road are doing? Have you ever gone fishing? Do you think fishing with a hook is cruel? Explain. How many vehicles are in the photograph? Describe each of them. There is a road sign on the right of the photograph. List as many types of roads signs as you can (e.g. no parking sign, street sign, etc.). Share your list with your classmates. With a partner, invent a dialogue that somehow explains the empty wheelchair. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 70 9¢ ydeisojoyg 71 TIS TI IFT VIVE TTS TITIES yyy y PIVVIVDIVVIVVVVIVDVVVVVVDIIIIDGNG NANI IANA NARA ANAAAA AFAR RARADRARAADAAEAAAannan Photograph 36 os ene 7) 8) 9) many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. With a partner or in a group, write down as & Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. What are the children in the photograph doing? Why is one child sitting on a chair? Why should helmets be worn when skating on ice? Is skating dangerous? Do you know how to skate? Describe how you learned how to skate? Would you like to learn how to skate? Why? Why not? Describe the equipment the one child on the far right is wearing. Do you prefer watching hockey or figure skating? Do you enjoy winter sports? Which? What is your favorite season? What is your favorite sport? 10) Should girls be allowed to play on boy's sports teams? Why? Why not? Discuss. 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between a hockey coach and a hockey player. The situation is the coach must tell the player that he or she is not good enough to play for the team. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 72 Photograph 37 73 ANVVVIVVVAVAVVVVVAVAVVVVVVVVVVVOVVVP PPD E Thy MOVOOO VOY VVVOVVVVYVVVVVVVVOVVUVOVUVUUGVGVEEVVOVEGBUGUVOES Photograph 37 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Where was this photograph taken? 5) The man in the white shirt is wearing a tool belt. What tool is hanging from the tool belt? What do you do with this tool? Have you ever used one? When? What were you doing? 6) What are these men doing? At what might the man in the dark shirt be pointing? What might the man in the dark shirt be saying? 7) List three things that the man in the white shirt might be thinking? Share your list with your classmates. 8) We all have jobs or chores that we have to do. What is the least favorite of the jobs or chores you have to routinely do or have ever had to do? 9) If you were able to change one thing about where you are living, what would you change? 10) Write a six line poem about your dream home. Share your poem with your classmates. 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two men in the photograph. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 74 Photograph 38 75 AANAAD AANA AIAAAAAAANAAAAAAAVAAAVAAAAIADADA®ADIADAAAAAAAADARARDAAND VVVVVVVVDVV VU VODUUUVUD000 00000000 Photograph 38 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is the man in the photograph cooking? 5) What does he have on his head? What else is he wearing? 6) Which superhero’s picture is in the photograph? Who is your favorite superhero? 7) Do you like corn on the cob? What is your favorite vegetable? What is your least favorite vegetable? 8) Do you eat a balanced diet? 9) There is a Pepsi cooler in the background of the photograph. What is your favorite soft drink? What is your favorite beverage? What beverage do you drink the most? 10) Imagine you are in charge of planning an outdoor event. With a partner, make a list of the foods you will serve and the activities in which your guests will participate. Share your list with your classmates. 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue discussing an event or activity that happens outdoors. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 76 6¢ Ydeassojoyg 77 VVVTIIVIT VU VU VND UU USB V USO S OTITIS O OUTST SS AAVAAVAAIAAAAAAAANANAANAAAVIIVIIDVIID®IIMAEDIIANANAAAAAANAANA Photograph 39 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Asaclass, list adjectives to describe the photograph 5) What sounds might you hear if you were in the forest like the people in the photograph? 6) For what other activities do you think people could use this trail? 7) Write a four line poem about this photograph. Share your poem with your classmates. 8) Have you ever rode on a horse? Would you like to own a horse? 9) What are some jobs horses did in earlier times before the invention of machines? 10) Why do people need leisure time? Discuss. 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two women. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 78 Or Ydeisoj04g 79 Photograph 40 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is sold at the kiosk in the photograph? 5) At what time was the photograph taken? How do you know? 6) What was the weather like when the photograph was taken? 7) What do you think the woman purchased at the kiosk? 8) What is your favorite store? What does that store sell? How often do you go there? 9) Do you buy lottery tickets or do you know anyone who does? Have you or anyone you know ever won anything in a lottery? Are lotteries a form of gambling? 10) Do you read newspapers? Which one or ones? Do you read books? Comic books? What do you like to read? VVVVVVPVVPVVPVDDDDVD9999999979000007 VOUDGUUUUEUEGUUUUEUE UGE EE SEEKU SESE EEF EEE CEU UEUEUUUUUS 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the man in the kiosk and the woman leaving the kiosk. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 80 NANNAANAANAAARAAAANAA Ip ydeasojoyg VOUVVAVVAADD DPV VVDDV9F9999797797IPIDIDDIOIAADADADADAD WIAA AAADRD WO VOVOVVVVVVUVVUDDUUVVU000VUVV0V VU UV 00000 OUUTUUUTUUUUUN i te ee st Photograph 41 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Where are the people in the photograph? Why do you think they are there? 5) At what do you think the young man in the photograph is looking? 6) Howare children raised differently in the city from the way children are raised in the country? ~N ) List five differences between living on a farm and living in the city. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. 8) Would you rather live in the country or in the city? Why? 9) Have you ever been to an agricultural fair? If yes, explain what it was like. If no, describe what you think it would be like. 10) Pretend you are judging the cows in an agricultural fair. What qualities do you think a judge looks for in a cow? 11) What kind of cows are in the photograph? Can you name any other varieties of cows? 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two people in the photograph, or a dialogue between the two cows in the photograph. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 82 o BS Zp ydeasojoyg PITIUTTIIIITIT Tri rir a VFIFPFPPEPEPPPOPP PEPPER ERE Ree Rederiet Photograph 42 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is the man in the photograph doing? 5) What is your favorite color? 6) Have you ever painted a house? Inside or out? 7) Have you ever painted a picture? Do you consider yourself an artist? What kind of artist are you? 8) Look at the sign on the light post. How is this neighborhood protected? 9) Do you consider your neighborhood safe? Is there some form of protection in your neighborhood? What is it? 10) What is a break-in? Make a list of three things you can do to make your home safer against break-ins. Share your list with your classmates. 11) There is a saying that says, “Good fences make good neighbors.” What do you think this means? 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the house painter and the person who owns the house. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 84 er ydeaisojoyg 85 + SUV Photograph 43 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. VUVOUUVV VDDD UD VD0V VV UV NOU VU UUU UU OTC UU 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) What is the young man in the photograph wearing? What is the young man holding in his hands? 5) From what do you think this young man is graduating? 6) All of us have taken some kind of lessons, or gone to school. What course or lessons did you complete that makes you the most proud of yourself? 7) What is the most difficult thing that you have ever had to learn? 8) What would you like to learn how to do? 9) There is an expression that says, “You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.” What does this mean? Do you agree with the saying? 10) In modern times, more people are choosing to educate their children at home. This is called home schooling. List three advantages and three disadvantages for children being home schooled. Share your list with your classmates. 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between this young man’s mother and father. His parents can discuss their son's achievements and their pride in his accomplishments. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. LVVVVVVVVVVVVAVVAVAVFPDPPPEPPPPEPPPPPPPPR PPP PrP PR PRID 86 Pr ydeasojoyg 87 AAAAAAAAAAADANAAAAAAAAAAAIAD®AI AD AAR PARRA RRR eR RAED PIII rrr rrr rrr rrr Photograph 44 1) 2) 23222 10) 11) 12) 13) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. p What kind of building do you think is in the photograph? What catches your eye as you examine the photograph? Is the photograph scary? What plant could be hanging from the wooden beam inside the barn? Why would this plant be hanging there? Do you believe in ghosts? Are there good and bad ghosts? Has there ever been a house that you knew of that you, or other people, said or thought was haunted? Do you enjoy scary movies? Scary books? What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? What is the scariest book you have ever read? Write a six line scary poem. Share your poem with your classmates. With a partner, invent a dialogue between a person and a ghost. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 88 Sp ydeasojoyg 89 SR ee ARARAD VOVVUVUEDUVUUOU0N Photograph 45 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Where was this photograph taken? What is the name of this subway station? What is the man in the photograph carrying? Why is the man carrying the pot? Where is he going? What kind of party might he be attending? Have you ever been to this kind of party? What did you bring? Who makes better chefs, men or women? Give reasons. Discuss. Who does the cooking in your home? Is that person a good cook? What is that person's best dish? 10) There is an expression that says, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” What does this saying mean? Do you agree with it? Does it hold equally true that the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach? 11) Pretend the man spilled some of the food from the pot onto another subway rider. With a partner, invent a dialogue between the man with the pot and the subway rider. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 90 fa Or ydeaZojoyg 91 VOVVVUU0N Photograph 46 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. xy 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Who are the people in the photograph? 5) What are they doing? 6) Have you ever worn a uniform? For what reason did you wear it? 7) Have you ever been in a parade? What parade was it? What did you do in the parade? 8) Would you like to be a police officer? Why? Why not? Would you like to be a soldier or a firefighter? Why? Why not? 9) Do you like to walk, march, hike, jog or run? Do you do much exercise? What do you do? 10) Are both sexes equal in their ability to carry out the duties of a police officer? Explain. VPOVOPPVV SVP FVII VOVVVVO OU AA AN AAAAAAR ARRAN AAA ARR ARR AA AAR ARAGaAnaT 2 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between two of the police officers after the — parade. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. > "> 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, = . write a paragraph about this photograph. — -5 c's el e% ets "> e's i) el i) c's ce 92 Lp ydeasojoyg PVVRPVPARPRPPPPAAPPRMPAMRPAAPR MPP Pe Peer rere eRe eARARAA (POO ODGDGOEEDUVOOGEIGUSUIOBGOOSO Photograph 47 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Where are the young people in the photograph? What are the young people doing? Why do you think they are doing this? How old are these people? How many young people are in the water? What will the young people do after wading through the water? Above the young people are monkey bars. Why do you think these are called monkey bars? Have you ever gone to summer camp? Where? When? List five things that are typically done at summer camps. Share your list with your classmates. 10) Do you think that military style training is good for young people who have been caught breaking the law? 11) Do you think that military style training is good for all young people? 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between one of these young people and one of his or her parents. The two people discuss summer camp and what the young person does there. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. Sb Ydeasojoyg 95, AMAR ARARe VID TVVS FISTS PAIMAAAAAD ARPA AAAR AAA AAAAA AA AAO AAA RAR AAA PDVVVVDVVVIVIIVVVVN Photograph 48 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. =e 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Do you think the men in the photograph are close friends or simply acquaintances? 5) Does it appear that the older man is giving the younger man good news or bad news? 6) What is the best news you have ever received in your life? 7) Who is your favorite person with whom to talk? Why? 8) Do you consider yourself a talkative person or a quiet person? Explain. 9) List three excuses the younger man could use to end his conversation with the older man. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. 10) People today are less inclined to speak to strangers than they used to be. Why do you think this is so? If a stranger stopped you on the street to talk to you, what would you do? 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two men. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 96 nN wt = a S iw on o 2 ° = a N9190009000090720000000000000079000002000020 0008 AAA Photograph 49 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. VUVIVVUVUN Ip Share your list with your classmates. L 3 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. (2 As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 5 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Ss 4) Where are the people in the photograph? Explain. f 2 5) Why is the boy crying? I 3 6) What is the boy with the white shirt thinking? Why is he laughing? What - country’s flag is on his shirt? r-4 7) What might the woman be telling the boy? I e 8) What do you think the person entering the photograph with the broom might 2 be about to do? > 1 9) Have you ever been bitten by an animal? S 10) Are you afraid of any animals? Which? 1 2 11) Have you ever been to a z00? Where? When? Describe your visit. I > 12) Many people are vegetarians. List three reasons why people are vegetarians. Share your list with your classmates. 13) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the two boys. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 14) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. Tok atk fk ak Sf i es kk YVVVUOVVOVVVDVVVO000 98 0S Ydeasojoyg 99 PIII’: VPIIDIOVIVIVIIIVIVO VIVO VVVVVVVVVOV0U0N0 = AAAAARAARARIIRIR AAA NARA IIR IAAI Photograph 50 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you can think of that relate to the photograph. Share your list with your classmates. 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. Where was the photograph taken? What are the women in the photograph doing? What are the ladies buying? 5) List three ingredients that are often found in Chinese cuisine. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. Can you name any dishes that are considered North American (i.e. Canadian or American) cuisine? 6) What types of fruits and vegetables do farmers grow near where you live? If you live in a city, what do farmers nearby outside the city grow? 7) Have you ever planted a garden? Does your family plant a garden? What do you grow? Fruits? Vegetables? Flowers? 8) Where do you or the person who does do it do your food shopping? Do you like shopping for food? Do you like shopping for other things? What? 9) Do you enjoy any foods that are native to a culture different than your own? > Which foods? Do you enjoy spicy foods? 13 10) If you were shopping and a person grabbed something for which you were t > reaching, what would you do? > Is 11) With a partner, invent a dialogue between two of the women or one of the =) women and the shopkeeper. Perhaps you could be discussing food prices. i: Perform your dialogue for your classmates. : > 12) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, I . write a paragraph about this photograph. r ~ 100 Photograph 51 FAAP AAAAAA7779IA7799999999779799779777777 7 AAAI IAA ARARAD CVO0 C0000 00 TVG CO IST TIES O OS SOS TESTS SSS T TSE TS SOS Photograph 51 | 1) With a partner or in a group, write down as many words and expressions that you g can think of that relate to the photograph. a Share your list with your classmates. i 2) Write a title for the photograph. Share your title with your classmates. As a Class, choose a title for the photograph. 3) Describe in detail what you see in the photograph. 4) Where is the man in the photograph? What sport does the man play? 5) What sports do you like to play? What sports do you like to watch? 6) Do you think sports should be part of a school's curriculum? 7) Do you think it is right that professional athletes are paid so much money? 8) What is the most popular sport in your native country? What are some other popular sports in your native country? What are some popular sports in North America? 9) Which sport do you think is the most violent? Explain why. What are some other violent sports? 10) Playing team sports teaches several important lessons about life. Discuss. 11) List in order of preference your five favorite sports. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists. 12) With a partner, invent a dialogue between the man on the bus with the hockey stick and his friend. His friend can be expressing fear that hockey is too rough and dangerous and that his hockey playing friend should quit. Perform your dialogue for your classmates. 13) Using a title of your choice and using vocabulary from number 1 above, write a paragraph about this photograph. 102

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