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Do you know, how can oxygen be produced? This is related with many plants in around us.

have chlorophyll that can be convert Carbone dioxide into organic compounds by using energy taken
from sunlight. That process is called photosynthesis. Process photosynthesis start when carbon
dioxide in the air enters leaves plant through stomata. Roots of plants absorb water and then
transport that water to body of plant. Leaves of plant capture the sunlight using chlorophyll. and
then energy of the sun is used to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is combined
with carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. That glucose is used as food for plant, while
oxygen is released by plants through stomata. This is the formula of photosynthesis: 6CO₂ + 6H₂O +
Sunlight ----> C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂. Honestly the biggest producer of oxygen is not plants but it is green
and blue algae. That is microorganism in the sea, it also has chlorophyll that is used to
photosynthesis. So when oxygen is released by plants through stomata, the oxygen is used by
organisms for breath and produce energy.

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