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A C C O U N T S U M M A R Y F O R T H E P E R I O D N O V 22, 2020 - J A N 21, 2021

As y o u r f i n a n c i a l p a r t n e r , it i s o u r g o a l t o h e l p y o u g e t t h e
Beginning Balance 173.20
m o s t out of your hard earned m o n e y . W e are pleased to offer
deposit p r o d u c t s that allow you to build u p your savings a n d
enjoy high interest earnings beyond a regular savings
Plus: Total Credits 38,613.58 account:

from Branch Over-the-Counter Deposit Transactions 8,610.00 BPI Maxi-Saver, for maximum savings and ready
from A T M Deposit Transactions 0.00 access:
from ExpressPhone Transactions 0.00
from E O L / Mobile Transactions 3,000.00 * E a r n high interest that increases a s your account

from Credit M e m o s 27,003.00 balance grows

from Checks Warehoused 0.00 * G e t b o n u s 0 . 5 % i n t e r e s t r a t e if n o w i t h d r a w a l i s m a d e

from Interest Earned 0.58 within a calendar month
* Available in P H P a n d our new variant, U S D
Less: Total Debits 38,724.54
BPI Advance, s o y o u can get the benefits of your
from Branch Over-the-Counter Transactions 0.00
savings ahead of time:
from A T M / E P S Transactions 27,928.42
from ExpressPhone Transactions 0.00 * Interest is credited to a n affiliate a c c o u n t a d a y after

from E O L / Mobile Transactions 10,751.00 the deposit is m a d e

from Debit M e m o s 0.00 * E n j o y flexibility w i t h t h e a d d a n y t i m e f e a t u r e

from Checks Issued / Charges 0.00

from Service Charges / Withholding Tax 45.12 E n j o y convenient a n d e a s y a c c e s s to your f u n d s via our 2 4 / 7
banking channels - A T M (through BPI Debit Card), Express

Ending Balance 62.24 Online, Express Phone, and Express Mobile.

For more information, visit any branch or log on to

Member: PDIC. Maximum Deposit Insurance for Each

For 24-Hour C u s t o m e r Service, please call
Depositor Php500,000.
(02)889-10000 : for Metro Manila
1-800-188-89100 : for d o m e s t i c toll-free calls
(632) 889-10000 : for International calls

Y o u m a y also: Express Advice:

* s e n d a n email to e x p r e s s o n l i n e @ b p i . c o m . p h , or
*text A S K < s p a c e > y o u r full n a m e < s p a c e > y o u r With Bank Anywhere, you can encash checks, replace
m e s s a g e a n d s e n d to 0 9 1 7 - 8 9 - 1 0 0 0 0 your Debit card, and d o other transactions not only in
your h o m e b r a n c h but in any b r a n c h * nationwide.

P l e a s e e x a m i n e this statement a n d enclosed paid checks, m o r e particularly the *Applies to B P I to B P I a n d B P I Family S a v i n g s B a n k to

signatures a n d endorsements therein a n d report immediately any discrepancy
BPI Family Savings Bank branches
to our 24-hour customer service.

It i s a g r e e d a n d u n d e r s t o o d t h a t if n o c o m p l a i n t i s r e c e i v e d w i t h i n 2 0 d a y s f r o m
s t a t e m e n t cut-off date, s a i d s t a t e m e n t a n d all transactions therein a s w e l l a s
the enclosed paid or i m a g e d checks shall b e considered correct a n d any claim
against the bank shall be waived.

Please advise u s of any c h a n g e of address

Member: PDIC. M a x i m u m D e p o s i t Insurance for E a c h Depositor P 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

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P E R I O D C O V E R E D N O V 22, 2020 - J A N 21, 2021 N O : 2939-1380-08



Nov 23 4348 ELINK PAYMENT 293 INTER-BANK FUND TRANSFER 1,500.00 1,673.20
Nov 23 1411 ATM W I T H D R A W A L 438 1,000.00 673.20
Nov 24 1417 EXPRESSNET/MEGALINK W / D R W 291 500.00 173.20
Nov 27 4345 ELINK TRANSFER 708 ELINK 8,098.00 8,271.20
Nov 27 1414 EPS @ EXPRESSNET 000 FROM:NON-BPI TERMINAL 102.28 8,168.92
Nov 30 SERVICE CHARGE 15.00 8,153.92
Dec 01 1414 EPS @ EXPRESSNET 172 FROM:NON-BPI TERMINAL 549.00 7,604.92
Dec 01 3445 EOL/MOBILE B N K G TRANSFER 979 TO: ANECITO SELLORA,A/C#9799208825 1.00 7,603.92
Dec 07 4348 ELINK PAYMENT 293 INTER-BANK FUND TRANSFER 155.00 7,758.92
Dec 09 3448 EOL/MOBILE B N K G PAYMENT 1890 TO: GCASH CASHIN .....XXXXX18974 100.00 7,658.92
Dec 09 3448 EOL/MOBILE B N K G PAYMENT 1890 TO: GCASH CASHIN .....XXXXX17024 4,000.00 3,658.92
Dec 14 4345 ELINK TRANSFER 708 ELINK 8,558.00 12,216.92
Dec 14 1411 ATM W I T H D R A W A L 438 2,000.00 10,216.92
Dec 14 3448 EOL/MOBILE B N K G PAYMENT 1890 TO: GCASH CASHIN .....XXXXX60520 1,500.00 8,716.92
Dec 15 3448 EOL/MOBILE B N K G PAYMENT 1890 TO: GCASH CASHIN .....XXXXX25958 1,250.00 7,466.92
Dec 15 3448 EOL/MOBILE B N K G PAYMENT 1890 TO: GCASH CASHIN .....XXXXX24361 1,500.00 5,966.92
Dec 16 1417 EXPRESSNET/MEGALINK W / D R W 291 900.00 5,066.92
Dec 21 1411 ATM W I T H D R A W A L 438 4,000.00 1,066.92
Dec 28 4345 ELINK TRANSFER 708 ELINK 8,192.00 9,258.92
Dec 28 1414 EPS @ EXPRESSNET 000 FROM:NON-BPI TERMINAL 225.14 9,033.78
Dec 29 1417 EXPRESSNET/MEGALINK W / D R W 291 900.00 8,133.78
Dec 29 1450 ATM BAL INQ FEE-OTH N T W R K 293 1.50 8,132.28
Dec 31 INTEREST EARNED 0.58 8,132.86
Dec 31 TAX WITHHELD 0.12 8,132.74
Dec 31 SERVICE CHARGE 30.00 8,102.74
Jan 04 1417 EXPRESSNET/MEGALINK W / D R W 291 500.00 7,602.74
Jan 04 1414 EPS @ EXPRESSNET 466 FROM:NON-BPI TERMINAL 549.00 7,053.74
Jan 04 1411 ATM W I T H D R A W A L 438 2,000.00 5,053.74
Jan 15 0311 CASH DEPOSIT 913 CEBU NORTH RECLAMATION 8,610.00 13,663.74
Jan 18 4348 ELINK PAYMENT 293 INTER-BANK FUND TRANSFER 500.00 14,163.74
Jan 18 3345 EOL/MOBILE B N K G TRANSFER 293 FROM:CHIELOU BELLE S LIPANG 3,000.00 17,163.74
Jan 18 1417 EXPRESSNET/MEGALINK W / D R W 291 500.00 16,663.74
Jan 18 1417 EXPRESSNET/MEGALINK W / D R W 291 4,200.00 12,463.74
Jan 18 1417 EXPRESSNET/MEGALINK W / D R W 291 10,000.00 2,463.74
Jan 18 1450 ATM BAL INQ FEE-OTH N T W R K 293 1.50 2,462.24
Jan 18 3448 EOL/MOBILE B N K G PAYMENT 1890 TO: GCASH CASHIN .....XXXXX35033 2,400.00 62.24


TOTAL DEBIT 38,724.54

TOTAL CREDIT 38,613.58

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