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Choose the definition which is closest in meaning to the expression: 'go the extra

A. do more than is necessary or put in extra effort
B. steal customers
C. run faster
D. networking

Choose the best terms to complete the following text: Multiple _________ point to a
crisis in global order. The uncoordinated international response, the resulting
economic declines, the __________ of nationalist politics, and the strengthening of
state borders all seem to _________ the emergence of a less cooperative and more
fragile international system.
A. signs; rise; announce
B. lives; decline; oversell
C. was; recycle; buy
D. computers; software; refuse

Read the following text and decide which is the best title for it: Successful
interactions with people of other cultures involve knowledge of rules of global
etiquette to avoid offending them during cultural encounters. With the increased
globalization of business and multiethnic composition of the workforce, such
encounters are becoming more frequent.
A. Global etiquette is of real help in present times
B. Global etiquette does not help business
C. Global etiquette is to be banned
D. No global etiquette, please

Which of the terms a-d best complies with the definition �the part of economics
concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions�?
A. microeconomics
B. telemarketing
C. recession
D. welfare

Insert the right verb form: Eye contact, or oculesics, _________ more emphasis in
some cultures than in others.
A. is given
B. expected
C. is working
D. has worked

Find the appropriate term for the following definition: �the concealment of the
origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means of transfers involving
foreign banks or legitimate businesses�.
A. money laundering
B. spending
C. business upscale
D. wholesale

Choose the most appropriate sentence to complete the paragraph: Oral and written
communication varies around the globe because it is part of culture. With 97
percent of outgoing international correspondence being sent in English, _________
A. this is the language of international business.
B. all messages are in French.
C. it is the past.
D. there is no solution.

Choose the most appropriate option to complete the sentence: When you�re a new
business owner _________ because there are always 10 things you need to do at the
same time.
A. you have to learn to multitask
B. start producing
C. additionally, it makes sense
D. there is less effort

Select the term which best matches the verb phrase at the end of the following
sentence: When you open a new business, like a cafe, or a restaurant, or you
release a product and you get your first customers, clients, or you start making
profit, you can say that you �got the ball rolling�.
A. to see results
B. to damage
C. to speak up
D. to be upset

Choose the most appropriate words to complete the sentence: Prices _________ when
demand _________ .
A. will go up; increases
B. going down; goes down
C. will have gone up; increased
D. will go; goes

Choose the definition which is closest in meaning to the expression: 'pay per click
A. online advertising in which an advertiser pays for each click on their ad
B. face to face commercial
C. street poster for detergents
D. social media

Choose the best terms to complete the following text: Market research includes
collecting information about customers� __________ and location. In addition, it
can help entrepreneurs monitor __________ and keep an eye on the competition.
A. buying patterns; market trends
B. selling points; lives
C. clarity; trending vision
D. buying minds; stopping trends

Read the following text and decide which is the best title for it: The COVID-19
pandemic has generated fears of an impending economic crisis and recession. Social
distancing, self-isolation and travel restrictions have led to a reduced workforce
across all economic sectors and caused unemployment. The need for some personal use
supplies and manufactured products has decreased. In contrast, the need for medical
supplies has significantly increased. The food sector is also facing increased
demand due to panic-buying and stockpiling of food products.
A. The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic
B. The medical efficiency of COVID-19
C. Unemployment benefits of the pandemic
D. What are the demands of the coronavirus disease?

Which of the terms a-d best complies with the definition �the branch of economics
concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and
national productivity�?
A. macroeconomics
B. supereconomy
C. economical status
D. international economy

Insert the right verb forms: If you _________ of investing for the long term and
have a long time to retirement, it is important to develop an investment
philosophy, so you have guidelines _________ you on track.
A. are thinking; to keep
B. would thinking; to keeped
C. think; to would keep
D. are being thinking; to keeping

Find the appropriate term for the following definition: �liquid assets that get
their value from a contractual right or ownership claim, such as cash, stocks,
bonds, mutual funds and bank deposits�.
A. financial assets
B. property
C. risk avoidance
D. financial

Choose the most appropriate sentence to complete the paragraph: In the US, the
racial pay gap is well-documented and persistent. _________ . Even when looking at
wages by education level, blacks with advanced degrees are paid 82.4 cents for each
dollar earned by whites with an advanced degree.
A. According to data from the Economic Policy Institute, black workers earned in
2019 only 75.6 percent of white workers� salaries, a 3.6 percent increase from
B. The gender discussion was finished.
C. Knowing how much women were paid in the past is irrelevant.
D. It would be a concrete action that they could take.

Choose the most appropriate option to complete the sentence: Companies in the
luxury goods sector are considering _________ : through the interaction of
blockchain, they can create a unique digital identity for every garment, helping to
give luxury brands the confidence to stand behind their goods.
A. the commercial benefits of transparency
B. the badly
C. indeed it is transparent
D. past

Select the term which best matches the phrasal verb �write off� in the following
sentence: If you are permanently unable to work, it may be worth asking your
creditors to write off your debts.
A. to cancel
B. to create
C. to announce
D. to show

Choose the most appropriate words to complete the graph description: Sales
_________ the year at 30,000 units in January and increased slightly to 32,000
units in February. There was a sharp _________ to 38,000 in March _________ to the
introduction of a new price discounting scheme.
A. began; rise; due
B. have began; risings; due
C. will begin; raise; is due
D. began; rosing; during

Choose the best term to complete the sentence: Faced with the economic challenges
caused by the covid-19 pandemic, most European governments have announced spending
packages aimed to _________ the economy.
A. support
B. prevent
C. slow down
D. turn down

Choose the best ending for the statement: Market analysis is an important step in
any business plan and should not be overlooked, since it forces the entrepreneur
A. to become familiar with the market he will operate in.
B. to ignore the competition.
C. to go bankrupt.
D. to apply for European funds.

Choose the most suitable expression to complete the sentence: The purpose of a
thorough competitive analysis is to help business owners identify the _________ of
their competitors.
A. strengths and weaknesses
B. strong and weak
C. for and against
D. pros and cons

Choose the best summary for the text: For many months now mainstream media has
focused on the way in which the new coronavirus has affected rich countries, often
ignoring its negative impact on poor countries. Crowded, with a medical system that
cannot deal with this challenge, poor countries will probably be hit by the
pandemic harder than rich ones.
A. People in poor countries may be hit by the pandemic harder than those in richer
B. The pandemic will not have a serious impact.
C. Poor countries are in a better position than rich countries when it comes to
dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.
D. Poor countries should help rich countries deal with the pandemic.

Choose the best term to complete the sentence: Millions of people around the world
were left _________ when the companies they were working for stopped their activity
due to the covid-19 situation and decided to fire them.
A. jobless
B. employed
C. hired
D. engaged

Choose the best terms to complete the sentence: While many US economists predict
that home prices _________ significantly, much will depend on the economy�s ability
_________ from the pandemic.
A. will not decrease; to recover
B. did not decrease; for recover
C. do not decrease; will be recovered
D. to decrease; recover

Read the text and choose the statement that is false: Because of coronavirus, going
on holiday in the summer of 2020 will be different to what everyone is used to. If
they do decide to travel, governments advise their citizens to prepare well, get
updated information about the rules in their holiday location and avoid crowded
A. Travelling in 2020 is the same as in any other year.
B. The coronavirus has changed travelling conditions in 2020.
C. Governments advise people to gather information about the places they will
D. Crowded places should be avoided even during the holiday in 2020.

Choose the best term to match the definition: �the activity of working from home,
communicating with your office through the use of technological devices�.
A. teleworking
B. texting
C. trolling
D. typing

Choose the best word to complete the statement: Timing is important in any
negotiation. It is definitely important to know what to ask for, but you should
also pay attention to _________ you ask for it. Making a request at the wrong
moment may result in a refusal.
A. when
B. however
C. each
D. never

Choose the best terms to complete the sentence: As a business owner, you should
have a set of _________ principles and values that you do not want to give up. If
any of your partners are trying to make you compromise on those principles, it
might be a good idea to end your business relationship with them.
A. guiding
B. illegal
C. unethical
D. worthless

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