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Part 1.

* What is Cream? How does it work?

RTA//The cream was a kind of solution for everything

* At this point is Cream something you consider benefitial?

RTA// In almost everything, in my opinion not for the dead

* Create a little comparison chart with the positive and negative characteristics of using Cream.

Positive Negative
Because he fixed machines – Towards more To raise the dead -
you’ve people – to grow grass with the cream

Part 2.

* What are the new advantages of Cream?

RTA//that possibly the cream was going to help people improve their fields .

* How these improvements benefit humanity? Which problems did it solve?

RTA//That in itself helped the community so that the caps had and could get faster food and

Part 3

* Who do you think are the men saying "no"? What do they represent?

RTA// They are like those who want to defend the community
* What are the allegations against Cream? Do you think they are true?

RTA//From my point of view I do believe because with that cream I cause many bad things

Part 4

* What are the main differences between Cream and New Cream?

RTA// That it is not duplicated and it is not as efficient

* Is New Cream as benefitial as Cream? Why?

RTA// Yes a lot because it doesn't make people duplicate

* What happened with Cream's creator? Was it fair?

RTA// They sent him to jail and yes of course because he did things that wow, re bad

Your experience

* Write down your general opinion about the video (aestethic, topic, treatment of the topic, etc.)

RTA// Well, there are parts like very ugly, also the characters are super rare but it seems like a
scary television show

* What does it criticizes?

RTA// That the characters are super scary

* Do you think the topic presented could be relatable to any real-life situation?

RTA// If with the women's beautifiers a little

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