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Hello, assalamualaikum Wr.


My name is Ayu Restianah, I’m from II RE. This is the last project of English class in this
second semester. The project is we have to make a review about a product, such as food, good,
activity, song, book etc. So, have you ever getting confused to choose what the perfume you
must to buy because I think it’s little bit hard to find perfume product which are cheap, long
lasting, and secure, right? So, I used to change my perfume product a lot. But, I felt those
products I used not long lasting till I found this (sambil nunjukin produknya). As you know this
is one of famous baby product in Indonesia that is MITU Baby. I choose to review a product
from by PT Megasari Makmur, Bogor which is MITU cologne Baby. I choose the variant fresh
and clean cologne.

OK, what will I tell you guys about this product in this video are:

1. The price of product.

2. The plus point of product
3. The manner to use this product

1. The price of product

It is only 7,000 Rupiahs for 50 ml and 14,500 rupiahs for 100 ml. The price is so friendly,
right especially for student like me. wkwkw
2. The plus point of product
I like to use this product and every day never late to use it. Maybe some of you are
wondering why I use the baby product. Well, I’d like to tell you my reason is. So you know
this product is very cheap and non-alcohol, so it is exactly halal to use. Unfortunately, this
product is not available in my city, Kebumen. But, luckily my friend who works at
Semarang told me that she uses it too. So, I asked her to buy me the product.
3. The manner to use this product
To use this product is very easy, you just spray in your skin or clothes anytime and

So that is the little information of the product, I hope it will useful for you, and I’m sorry if I did
not completely review this product. See you and bye!

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