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What is an Arrhythmia?

 Underactive thyroid gland

An arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rhythm. It (hypothyroidism)
may feel like fluttering or a brief pause. It may  Smoking
be so brief that it doesn’t change your overall  Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine
heart rate (the number of times per minute  Drug abuse
that your heart beats). Or it can cause the heart  Stress
rate to be too slow or too fast. Some  Certain medications and supplements,
arrhythmias don’t cause any symptoms. Others including over-the-counter cold and
can make you feel lightheaded or dizzy. There allergy drugs and nutritional
are two basic kinds of arrhythmias. supplements
 Bradycardia is when the heart rate is too  Diabetes
slow — less than 60 beats per minute.  Sleep apnea
 Tachycardia is when the heart rate is too  Genetics
fast — more than 100 beats per minute.

What are the signs of arrhythmia? How are arrhythmias treated?

 When it’s very brief, an arrhythmia can have Before treatment, it’s important for your
almost no symptoms. It can feel like a doctor to know where an arrhythmia starts in
skipped heartbeat that you barely notice. the heart and whether it’s abnormal.
 It also may feel like a fluttering in the chest An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is often
or neck. used to diagnose arrhythmias. It creates a
graphic record of the heart’s electrical
 When arrhythmias are severe or last long
impulses. Using a Holter monitor, exercise
enough to affect how well the heart works,
stress tests, tilt table test and electro
the heart may not be able to pump enough
physiologic studies (“mapping” the electrical
blood to the body. This can cause you to feel
system of your heart) are other ways to find
tired, lightheaded or may make you pass
where arrhythmias start. Treatment may
out. It can also cause death.
 Bradycardia can cause fatigue, dizziness,
 Lifestyle changes
light-headedness, fainting or near-fainting
spells, or, in extreme cases, cardiac arrest.  Medicine to prevent and control
 Tachycardia can reduce the heart’s ability to
pump, causing shortness of breath, chest  Medicine to treat related conditions such as
pain, lightheadedness or loss of high blood pressure, coronary artery
consciousness. If severe, it can also cause disease and heart failure
heart attack or death.  Anticoagulants to reduce the risk of blood
clots and stroke
What are the causes of arrhythmias?  A pacemaker to help your heart beat more
Many things can lead to, or cause, an regularly Cardiac defibrillation and
arrhythmia, including: implanted cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs)
 A heart attack that's occurring right now  Cardiac ablation
 Scarring of heart tissue from a prior  Surgery
heart attack What are the complications of arrhythmias?
 Changes to your heart's structure, such Certain arrhythmias may increase your risk of
as from cardiomyopathy developing conditions such as:
 Blocked arteries in your heart (coronary  Stroke. When your heart quivers, it's
artery disease) unable to pump blood effectively, which
 High blood pressure can cause blood to pool. This can cause
 Overactive thyroid gland blood clots to form. If a clot breaks loose,
(hyperthyroidism) it can travel from your heart to your
brain. There it might block blood flow,
causing a stroke. Certain medications,
such as blood thinners, can greatly lower
your risk of stroke or damage to other
organs caused by blood clots. Your
doctor will determine if a blood-thinning
medication is appropriate for you,
depending on your type of arrhythmia
and your risk of blood clots.
 Heart failure. Heart failure can result if
your heart is pumping ineffectively for a
prolonged period due to a bradycardia
or tachycardia, such as atrial fibrillation.
Sometimes controlling the rate of an
arrhythmia that's causing heart failure
can improve your heart's function.


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