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1. Consultar 10 paises donde se presenten las estaciones

2. Consultar las diferentes manifestaciones del clima en cada estación, escribir la pregunta
para cada uana como el ejemplo anterior y contestar con el clima correspondiente.


The seasons in Russia

 The Russian weather in Winter is extremely cold. Usually, it snows. The days are short and
the nights are long. The rivers and lakes freeze and people can go skating and skiing.
 The Russian weather in Spring is very nice and warm. There are many green trees in the
streets, in the parks and the yards. Sometimes it rains, but as usual the sun shines brightly.
The birds return from the hot countries and make their nests.
 The Russian weather in Summer range from mild on the northern coast to hot in the
interior and south. The warmest month is July and there are frequent thunderstorms and
rain in the northwestern region. The region near the Caspian and Black Seas has hot and
sunny summers. The Sukhoviei are warm winds that blow from Central Asia during the
 The Russian weather in Autumn is changeable. It often rains. The days become shorter
and the nights become longer. The birds prepare to fly to the South. One can see yellow,
red, brown leaves everywhere. It is time for gathering harvest.

The seasons in Portugal

 The Portuguese weather in the winter is best described as mild but unpredictable, it could
go from sunny and bright to wet and grey easily. In the big cities and coastal resorts, the
day time maximum is 10-15°C and at nights drops to a chilly 3-5°C. The temperature rarely
falls below freezing, with the exception of Serra da Estrela, where the exposed mountains
are covered by snow and skiing is popular.
 The Portuguese weather in Spring has more sunny days than rainy ones. The season
usually starts around the 20 March. However, the coldest days don’t go away that easily
and only around April and May, it starts to get warmer as temperatures start to welcome
 The Portuguese weather in Summer has over 2500 hours of gorgeous sunshine and
refreshing sea breezes each year going all the way from June to September.
 The Portuguese weather in Autumn is mild warm, with cool water and overwhelming
sunny days. The ocean has a significant influence on the weather, due to which even the
highest temperatures in this season felt quite moderate. Closer to October, the
precipitation intensity increases same as frequency of fogs and evening chill.
The seasons in Spain

 The Spain weather in Winter it's usually sunny, with milder temperatures than most of
Europe and not much rain, it is also a much more manageable season than the others. It
can get very cold in the center and the north but Andalusia and the Canary Islands are
pleasantly mild to warm throughout the winter months.
 The Spain weather in Spring is the best of all 4 seasons. The sun is almost always out and
every day there are more hours of sunshine for enjoying the outdoors during strolls,
evenings on the terraces, nature getaways. There’s also occasional brief but intense
rainfall, but mornings and afternoons are usually warm and pleasant.
 The Spain weather in Summer is the hottest and driest of the year. Daytime temperatures
are usually over 30 degrees centigrade. In inland areas and in the south, temperatures
may be over 20 degrees at night. The north has a milder climate with cooler temperatures
and some rainfall in regions such as Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria.
 The Spain weather in Autumn is humid. The temperature starts to drop and it is colder
first thing in the morning and late afternoon, however at this time of year there are still
many sunny days, especially from Madrid towards the south. The weather is colder in
mountain areas, or in coastal regions due to the humidity, and there are occasional storms
and flurries of cold weather in this season.

The seasons in New Zealand

 The New Zealand weather in Winter bring snow to mountain peaks around the country,
and clear, crisp days, with a heavy influx of rain in the North Island, while the South Island
is colder but drier.
Winter temperatures are much milder in New Zealand compared to other areas of similar
latitude, with the exception of the Central Otago and Mackenzie Basin region
 The New Zealand weather in Spring is a mixture of crisp, sunny day that can briskly change
to cooler temperatures with spring showers. At the beginning of the season the mountains
are typically still snowy, however by November the weather tends to be pleasant and
settled with longer and warmer days
 The New Zealand weather in Summer it is characterized by being of high temperatures
and sunshine. Days are long and sunny while nights are mild. Summer is an excellent time
for walking in the bush and a variety of other outdoor activities. New Zealand's many
gorgeous beaches are ideal for swimming, sunbathing, surfing, boating, and water sports
during summer. Summer is the best time of year to go camping and enjoy native flora.
 The New Zealand weather in autumn has the most settled weather of the whole year in
the country with a predominance of long, sunny days and golden leaves, and it’s a perfect
season for hiking, camping and swimming.

The seasons in Australia

 The Australian weather in Winter is generally cool with temperatures dropping to as low
as 5 degrees Celsius, and with some frosty nights during the winter months. For the
Northern Territory, form June to August the weather falls within into a dry season. From
balmy afternoons in the north to freezing temperatures and snow in many places south of
Sydney, the Australian weather during winter is pleasant and cozy and offers a diverse
range of cool temperatures depending on the side of the country one is.
 The Australian weather in Spring can be pretty warm, with balmy sunny days and cool
nights. Bringing hints of summer just as easily as reminders of winter. The spring season in
the south of Australia coincides with the end of the north’s dry season, with blooming
gardens glazed in sunshine, as the season unfolds, without the frigid air of winter or the
prickling heat of summer.
 The Australian weather in Summer favors wetter and cooler temperatures instead of more
normal conditions for this season in comparison to other countries in the world. There’s a
presence of excess rainfall and a more active tropical period than other seasons.
 The Australian weather in Autumn is the mildest of the year, with crisp and fresh air and a
drop in the humidity levels. It’s also the rainiest season.

The seasons in Finland

 The Finnish weather in Winter for the northern parts is, on average, cold, with streets and
houses covered with snow as early as the end of October, while the southern parts start
seeing freezing temperatures sometime between December and January. The snow
usually doesn’t melt until well into March in the south, and in the northernmost parts of
Lapland it can still be lying around in June. Winter in Finland varies in duration from about
three to seven months, depending on the part of the country, but regardless of location,
it’s cold, dark and snowy
 The Finnish weather in Spring is barely warm, with daily temperature that rises from 0°C
to 10°C. This season begins a month earlier in the south than in the north. Its duration
ranges from 45 to 65 days, being longest in the maritime islands and coastal regions,
because of the coolness of the sea.
 The Finnish weather in Summer enjoys a brief soaring in the temperatures with a sun that
doesn’t set at all during two months, which means warm days and light nights with small
periods of twilight for a few hours.
 The Finnish weather in Autumn remains below 10°C. Autumn begins around the last week
of August in northern Finland and about one month later in southwestern Finland. This is
the season known as “ruska”, when the autumnal reds, browns and yellows are especially
beautiful on the landscapes of the country.

The seasons in Iran

 The Iranian weather in Winter is cold and snowy with a prevalence of wet air and heavy
rainfalls. January is the coldest month specifically in Tehran and the northern and
mountainous parts. The temperature fluctuates between 5° C to 10° C
 The Iranian weather in Spring rises its temperature to a somewhat comfortable range. In
coastal areas averages of March, the temperature is barely warm but comfortable,
southern regions are a bit warmer and in mountainous regions the cool and chilly air
brings a more refreshening experience that that reminds winter. However even in
highlands temperature don’t drops below 10 °C.
At April temperatures are nicer. Averages in whole country are more tropical, with a
decrease in precipitations and casual rains that fall mostly at midnight. The second half of
the month weather is considered as most comfortable, and during May in flatlands the
temperatures rise to 31 °C with occasional rains that are accompanied by thunder.
 The Iranian weather in Summer is sunny everywhere, except for the shores of the Caspian
Sea, it’s a season of long, hot and dry days, influenced by Iran's location between the
subtropical aridity of the Arabian desert areas and the subtropical humidity of the eastern
Mediterranean area. In most of the areas, summers are warm to hot with virtually
continuous sunshine, but high humidity on the southern coastal areas of the Persian Gulf
and cooler evenings, especially in the inland areas.
 The Iranian weather in Autumn brings rains to the country, with average temperatures
that are neither too cold nor too warm, but as time passes and with things cooling down, a
chill is likely to be in the air during the middle of this season with shorter sunny days and
longer nights.

The seasons in Korea

 The Korean weather in Winter is predominantly cold, with a frequency of dry north-
westerly winds. The influence of the Siberian high leads to significantly colder
temperatures, and a weather that is cloudless, clear, and dry, with light precipitations and
occasional snowfall. Cold air masses from the Asian continent prevail at times full of dust,
with colder temperatures on the west coast than on the east coast.
 The Korean weather in Spring is initially cool, and gradually becomes milder, but the rains
become more frequent because of the formation of low-pressure systems. During this
season the country can be reached by the yellow dust coming from the desert of Mongolia
and from China; the dust forms a characteristic haze and can cause breathing problems
and eye irritation.
 The Korean weather in Summer is hot, humid, and rainy. High humidity makes the heat
sweltering, especially in July and August. Rainfall can be heavy especially in July and
August. Two thirds of the annual rainfall occur in summer. However, between periods of
bad weather, there can also be sunny days, which may be hot. In the second part of
summer, the sunshine exposition increases, although typhoons can add more rain.
 The Korean weather in Autumn is cooler than in Summer, but the temperatures are still
warm and mild with limited rainfall and sunny days that allow the stunning fall foliage to
envelop Korea in a blaze of crimson and orange hues.

The seasons in the UK

 The United Kingdom weather in Winter is characterized with cold weather, rain,
sometimes snow and fog. Winter days in the United Kingdom are short and nights are
long, with the sun rising at about 7 or 8am and setting at about 4 pm.
Temperatures during these months often range between 0 to 7°C and although sunny days
are possible, they will be chilly. If it does snow, which is more likely in the northern part of
England and Scotland, accumulation will generally only be a couple of inches and will not
last long. It is rare for England to have snow that will blanket the country.
 The United Kingdom weather in Spring offers blooming flowers, warming temperatures
and cheerier dispositions. Spring in the United Kingdom is all about new life springing up
after the harsh conditions of winter. From March, the temperatures start to get warmer,
frosts get less frequent and the days start to get longer. This brings with it plants shooting
up all over the country, trees regaining their leaves and animals giving birth. However,
spring is often still quite wet and windy in Britain.
 The United Kingdom weather in Summer is hot and sunny, with wide local variations in
rainfall totals due to localized thundershowers. These thundershowers mainly occur in
southern, eastern, and central England and are less frequent and severe in the north and
west. Temperatures are the highest in southern and central areas and lowest in the north,
and there is an increase in the hours of daylight which reach almost 17 hours in London in
 The United Kingdom weather in Autumn may be a little more unsettled than any other
season of the year as cool polar air moves southwards, it can meet warm air from the
tropics and produce an area of disturbance along which the country lies. This can combine
with the warm ocean due to heating throughout the spring and summer, to produce some
unsettled weather. In addition, the land may become colder than the ocean, resulting in
significant amounts of condensation and rain-bearing clouds.

The seasons in Japan

 The Japanese weather in Winter is dry and sunny, with temperatures that rarely drop
below freezing except for the country's northern reaches of Sapporo and the like. Snowfall
occurs the further north you go, with central Japan receiving light dustings as well. Winter
in Southern Japan is mild. Winter season in Japan begins in December and ends in
February, with variable temperatures that change depending on the prefecture one is in,
with more chilly snowy temperatures in the mountain ranges of Hokkaido to milder and
warmer climates in the sub-tropical islands of Okinawa.
 The Japanese weather in Spring during the first half of the season is mostly composed of
cold days, while the second half has plenty of sunny days with clear weather.
Temperatures are warm across most of the country, but without being yet too hot or too
humid. Spring is also the most anticipated season in Japan as the locals welcome and
celebrate the warmer weather with tons of outdoor activities and tourists travel to the
country to witness the breathtaking sights that come about with the warm yet cooling
Japanese spring, with lower humidity levels in early spring that get higher in late spring.
 The Japanese weather in Summer is usually very hot, with extreme humidity levels and
daytime temperatures often higher than 30 °C especially in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and other
metropolitan areas. Japan experiences most of its rainfall during these months, beginning
in June. The country's rainy seasons usually lasts just three or four weeks and is the typical
time for rice-planting.
 The Japanese weather in Autumn begins to cool down with the transition from Summer to
this season. The temperatures are comparatively more comfortable than in other seasons
and they last from about mid-September to early December, depending on the location.
Apart from its comfortable temperatures and generally clear weather particularly in later
autumn, this season is perhaps most famous for the vibrancy of the changing foliage

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