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1. Is this scarf Dewi’s? Yes, it is …

a. Hers
b. Yours
c. Ours
d. His
2. We haven’t tested our strategy yet. Have you tested … lately?
a. Hers
b. Yours
c. Ours
d. His
3. The horse swished....tail to keep flies away.
a. It’s
b. Its
c. Its’
d. The
4. This dessert is ... but you can have it.
a. My
b. Mine
c. Yours
d. Delicious
5. Please at once.
a. Mine
b. Your
c. My
d. Its
6. ... car is so dirty I can’t even tell what color it is.
a. Your
b. Yours
c. Hers
d. Ours
7. When the cat saw the dog, it stopped in...tracks.a. My
b. Its
c. His
d. Hers
8. That book belongs to those kids. That book is ...
a. Theirs
b. His
c. Hers
d. Yours
9. This bicycle belongs to my neighbor Bill. This bicycle is ...
a. Theirs
b. His
c. Hers
d. Yours
10. This scarf belongs to my aunt Tina. This scarf is...
a. Theirs
b. His
c. Hers
d. Yours
11. This toy belongs to you. This toy is...
a. Theirs
b. His
c. Hers
d. Yours
12. This apartment belongs to me and my cousin. This apartment is...
a. Ours
b. Hers
c. Theirs
d. Yours
13. These mittens belong to my mother. These mittens are...
a. Ours
b. Hers
c. Theirs
d. Yours
14. Those cookies belong to my sister & friends. Those cookies are...
a. Ours
b. Hers
c. Theirs
d. Yours
15. These suitcases belong to you and your wife. These suitcases are...
a. Ours
b. Hers
c. Theirs
d. Yours
16. That pillow belongs to me. That pillow is ...
a. Mine
b. Theirs
c. Hers
d. Yours
17. That lamp belongs to my aunt and uncle. That lamp is ...
a. Mine
b. Theirs
c. Hers
d. Yours
18. I have a city car. The car is …
a. Mine
b. His
c. Yours
d. Hers
19. The boots belong to Roy. They are …
a. Mine
b. His
c. Yours
d. Hers
20. There is a pen under your desk. Is it …?
a. Mine
b. His
c. Yours
d. Hers
21. I told her my secret, and she told me …
a. Mine
b. His
c. Yours
d. Hers
22. Are those cables the mechanics’? No, they aren’t …
a. Theirs
b. Yours
c. Ours
d. His
23. My pen is running out of ink. Can I borrow …?
a. Theirs
b. Yours
c. Ours
d. His
24. We have three horses. They are …
a. Theirs
b. Yours
c. Ours
d. His
25. He has a helmet. That helmet is …
a. Theirs
b. Yours
c. Ours
d. His

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