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Lenguage center of the Unasam

Language Center of the




Teacher : PILLACA MORI, Doris Raquel.



Ingles Intermediate X
Lenguage center of the Unasam

1. Would you like to have telepathic abilities? Why? Why not?

Definitely yes, because that way I could know what other people think, in this way I
could anticipate some event, prepare for some event: it would be wonderful

2. Do you think that the human mind has powers that are not fully utilized?
Of course, since we only use ten percent of our brain capacity, which makes us
imagine how great we can achieve with a greater growth of that capacity, I think it is
a challenge for humanity, which is a very peculiar issue. , because for a long time it
has been tried to get to develop more skills on the part of our mental capacity, even
there are singular studies like the one that was done to Albert EInsten, the study of
Einstein's brain began after his death in 1955 when the pathologist Thomas Harvey
photographed it from different angles before cutting it into 240 pieces for study.
These pieces were in turn cut into slices thin enough to be examined under a
microscope. Harvey distributed samples and photos of Einstein's brain to at least 18
researchers from different countries, Science magazine reported yesterday on its
website. But despite Harvey's efforts to facilitate the study of Einstein's brain, only
six investigations have been published in the scientific literature since then.

These investigations have shown that Einstein had an abnormally high density of
neurons in some brain regions and a higher density of glial cells (which support
neurons) than other people. They have also established that Einstein had an unusual
pattern of grooves and turns in the parietal lobes. But much of the materials Harvey
distributed was lost as the scientists who had them withdrew and died.

How we see the mental capacity that we can achieve is still a mystery, with a lot of

Ingles Intermediate X

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