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Northgate High School

Senior Project Mentor Verification Form

Name of Student ___Amanda Dahlgren______ Period ___2___

Mentored Project ___”The Root of Personality” paper and collection of artwork and poetry project book_

As a Senior Project mentor, your final responsibility is to verify completion of your student’s work and to
pass his/her project. This is due by Tuesday May 8, 2018. Mentors may write additional comments on
the back of this sheet

1. Please check if you have seen the following documents:

__x_ Your student’s Letter of Intent -- explains plans for Senior Project.
__x__ A Mentor Agreement -- explains your responsibilities.
__x__ A copy of your student’s Senior Project Research paper.

Comments: ______She did a wonderful job with the interview and her research paper was well thought
out with amazing research presented. ______________________________________________

2. Please list dates you have met with student:

Date __3/10___ Reason for Meeting ___Interview_______________
Date ___________ Reason for Meeting ___________________________________________________
Date ___________ Reason for Meeting ___________________________________________________

Additional meeting dates: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Comments: ______She conducted a great interview______________________________________________


3. How did the project stretch or challenge the student’s abilities? Please assess the quality of the
project. Please make additional comments on the back if necessary:

I believe it gave her more of an insight on what it’s like to deal with children of different ages.

4. Please verify that your student spent at least 20 hours on the project: Yes __x__ No _____

Mentor Name (please print) ___Melissa Bevans________Signature______Melissa Bevans_________

Qualifications as mentor ____Assistant Director of a preschool and a before and after school program___
Date __5/5/21___ Telephone Number __(925)-822-2411__ Mentor’s Email __missmeliss408@yahoo.com_

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