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Nama :Annisa Putri Dhiningtyas

NIM :205231124
Kelas :1D Perbankan Syariah
The Deaths of Six FPI Members
Fact Or Propaganda
The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) is an Indonesian mass organization that
carries the views of conservative Islamism, FPI has a significant mass base and is the
motor behind several actions of the Islamic movement in Indonesia, such as the
December 2 Action in 2016. Founded on 17 August 1998, Purpose of this
organization covers aspects of political, social, economic, cultural. The head office is
in Petamburan, West Jakarta. The leader of the FPI is Habib Muhammad Rizieq
Shihab. FPI was declared on August 17, 1998 (or 24 Rabiuts Tsani 1419 H) at the Al
Um Islamic Boarding School yard, Kampung Utan, Ciputat, in South Jakarta by a
number of Habaib, Ulama, Mubaligh and Muslim activists and witnessed by
hundreds of santri from the Jabotabek area. The establishment of this organization
was only four months after President Soeharto resigned from his position, because
during the New Order government the president did not tolerate extremist acts of any
kind. FPI was established with the aim of enforcing Islamic law in a secular country.
This organization was formed with the aim of being a forum for cooperation between
ulama and the ummah in upholding Amar Ma'ruf and Nahi Munkar in every aspect of
life. In the news about the deaths of six FPI members, it is interesting news to study
more deeply for students or university students. Because this news is not only related
to monotonous aspects but includes aspects of politics, religion, human rights,
defense and security. In addition, it is very suitable for students to learn how the news
is whether fact or propaganda. FPI members are people who are on the Islamic
Defenders Front, while FPI is an organization that has a conservative Islamization
view, which is too influential in their lives.
The origin of the news about the deaths of six FPI members is that there are
two possibilities. The first, according to the general chairman of the Islamic
Defenders Front (Ahmad Shabri Lubis), said that the car carrying the FPI leader and
his family was heading for a family prayer recitation. In the motorcade there were
also four other cars boarded by FPI members who were guarding the FPI leader,
namely Rizieq Shihab. The group had realized that it was being followed by another
vehicle since the departure. The stalkers tried to cut off the group and stop the
vehicle, then the guards reacted to protect the big leader of the FPI, then there were
two cars containing the bodyguards trying to stop the stalker, while two other cars
continued to walk escorting the big leader and his family to their destination.
However, of the two cars facing the stalker, one car immediately drove away after
hearing the gunshot. After that, FPI could no longer communicate with the six
members of the laskar. Therefore, FPI made an announcement with a press release
stating that the six of Rizieq's bodyguards were missing. The FPI spokesman said he
was shocked when the Jakarta Police Chief stated that six FPI members had been shot
dead because they attacked the police. After that, it was suspected that the FPI-led
officer carried a firearm and it was suspected that the guards attacked and carried out
the shooting, then until now his party has not been given access by the police to check
the bodies of the six FPI members.
The second possibility according to the Police, namely the Head of the Metro
Jaya Regional Police, Inspector General Pol Fadil, said that the shooting of six of the
ten guards of the FPI leadership was at the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road. Fadil said that
the shooting of the six top FPI leaders was due to the attack on his staff while
undergoing an investigation into the case of the big leader of the FPI, Rizieq Shihab.
Explaining that the incident began with information circulating through the short
message application about the mobilization of masses to guard the investigation by
the FPI chief. Originally, Rizieq was scheduled to undergo examination as an action
related to the violation of the health protocol in Petamburan, Tanah Abang, Central
Jakarta. The examination is scheduled at Polda Metro Jaya this Monday to coincide
with the death of six FPI members. Regarding this, the police then conducted an
investigation into the truth of the information. When the police officers followed the
vehicle suspected to be the bodyguard of the big leader, the police vehicle was
intercepted and then attacked with firearms and sharp weapons. Later in the press
conference, Fadil showed a number of pieces of evidence that belonged to Rizieq's
bodyguard. There were firearms in the form of two pistols and seven bullets.
Additionally, there were three cartridge casings. According to the regional police
chief, the two pistols were not homemade but genuine. Then the police said that the
FPI member had shot three times. Other evidence shown is a sword and a sickle.
Then there was evidence of a voice recording of supporters of the FPI leadership
trying to attack the police car.
Responding to the 2 different possibilities of the news is that we as a society
must be able to filter accurate news. Don't be in a hurry to decide on an issue without
knowing the definite news. Then the community must remain calm and not be
provoked by any efforts to maintain order and security together. And the death of six
FPI members will be prosecuted by the law and the National Human Rights
Commission. So that we as a society must understand and know and seek accurate
information about how the event occurred, how the event originated and what causes
the event to occur.
(Sumber :Wikkipedia,

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