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Mass distribution (also known as intensive distribution):our product is destined for a

mass market, we are seeking out intermediaries that appeal to a broad market base. A
variety of outlets including supermarkets and pharmaceutical stores will be used. The
choice of distribution outlet is skewed towards those than can deliver mass markets in
a cost efficient manner.We have not yet met up with the managers but we will once
we put out work in order. SELL THROUGH A VAR (VALUE-ADDED
RESELLER),to create a good distribution program, we will focus on the needs of our
end-users,If users need personalized service, we will utilize a local dealer network or
re-seller program to provide that service.If customers prefer to buy online, will create
create an e-commerce website and fulfillment system and sell direct.We will also sell
to other online retailers or distributors that can offer our product on their own
sites.We will build our own specialized sales team to prospect and close deals directly
with customers.


We will be using personal selling at the beginning so as to educate people and

reassure them about our products quality and give them a guarantee. As someone who
is in constant contact with the customers, markets and competitor activities, a
salesperson in Pharmaceutical Industry is in the best position to effectively
incorporate the marketing orientation in our sales function.We will advertise our
product on the internet and on television,as we believe people believe what they see
happening.A short play will be played on commercial breaks promoting/encouraging
people to purchase the product.With highly targeted ads using the internet, we could
be paying over $5(US) a CPM” (cost per thousand impressions).Promotional budget
for each forecasted year will be based on the projected annual sales we calculate 5%
of the annual sales and make it our promotional budget.The unit sales and dollar sales
that will be generated by our promotions will only be known after we make a few
sales and see how successful the promotions have been.

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