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Assessment of current progress 3rd year students of medical faculty

Course: Medical Radiology

Lesson Focus: Heart Imaging and Anatomy, Pathology.

Date14th of April 2021_____________ Group 352______ Name Prashant


1. What main projections for X-ray study of the heart

Checking any size change or any heart defects

2. What method of diagnostic is better to use to assess the degree of coronary stenosis

3. List what form of Abnormal Cardiac Contours can be

Lv aneurysm
Pericardial effusion

4. List the possibilities of ultrasound diagnosis of the heart

Heart damage
Heart abnormalities

5. Describe the principle of the method coronarography:

 Coronagraphy designates the group of optical techniques that aims at suppressing or
reducing the halo of light that surrounds the image of a star, in order to detect faint structures
like a circumstellar disk or companions, especially exoplanets
6 With stenosis of which artery there is insufficient blood supply to the anterior part of
the interventricular septum during coronary angiography?

LCA anterior descending artery

7 Early radiological sign of congestive heart failure is:

pulmonary venous congestion.

cephalisation of pulmonary veins.

pulmonary interstitial edema.

pulmonary alveolar edema.

cardiomegaly (may or may not be present depending on etiology)

pleural effusion.

8 СТ оr MRI for diagnosis heart diseases?

MRI is more accurate

Teachers evaluation ___________ Teachers signature ______________________

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