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I actually learned this from a girl I was gaming last night...

I called her rude for not introducing herself, and when she did,
she grabbed my hand to shake it jokingly, but I was confused as
hell because I didn't expect the hand shake, so i shook her hand
limply. Then she said "That was a horrible handshake! Let's try
this again!" she walked away into the crowd, and I did the same
and we acted like we just ran into each other again and
introduced ourselves like we've never seen each other before and
gave another handshake. To stay on top, I just said ".......I liked
you better the first time we met" and then rolled off and she
laughed, but the main point of this post is the "Let's try this
again" type of neg. What I mean is if she doesn't do something
right, or the way you like it, then just say "Let's try this again..."
roll off, and then do the same action you just did. I'm gonna see
if I can try it with an early kiss close and see if it works, because
it may have to do with state breaks or whatever that NLP shit

You can do this on openers if they aren't really receptive to the

(Preselection, when they're giving you that eye like they want you
to approach, but then they're confused when you do, etc.)

You can do this on introductions, if she asks for your name during
the set, just give your hand and jokingly introduce yourself
formally and ask her what's her name, and when she goes to
shake your hand, neg her on her hand shake and eye contact (can
lead into body language/cold read convos) by saying "Oh my God,
that handshake SUCKED!...Let's try this again..." walk away, and
point behind her to signal to walk away too, and then walk
jokingly like you don't see her, and then just say "Oh hey! What's
your name?!" as if you've just spotted her/met her. Once that role
playing gambit is done, you can say "That's better, goooood girl"
and then break into a more serious convo about her body
language or handshake, whatever the hell you want, just
throwing out ideas here.

You can do this during kiss closes if you don't like the way she

The options are endless.

Oh, and I realize this may not be something new, but just
throwing things into the pool of attraction if you need some new
shit or just haven't thought of this yet.

Try it out and report back! I'll try it out, but I can't promise on
reporting back because I won't be near a computer in the near

Oh well, enjoy.



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