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When Elizabeth Parker takes the job in the Water Division, what are her strengths and weaknesses?


a) Elizabeth was the only woman and with that diversity was brought to the table;
b) Elizabeth had prior experience of organizing and working with data for public policy in League of
Women Voters;
c) Elizabeth had a good governance image;
d) Elizabeth was pro active;
e) She was well connected to the political establishment


a) No credibility for the position she took;

b) The fact she was the only women and has a leadership position over the other men’s (not a
weakness, but it could potentially be a resistance for the directors).

What does she do in the Water Division that makes her so effective?

 First, Elizabeth reviews some files and develops a list of all the items where she can make a change
that could bring positive results for the company;
 Benson was the first name mentioned by the receptionist when she arrived at the office. Then she
followed the “hierarchy” and first tries to speak with Benson. After Benson “turned her down” she
went to speak with Walters;
 She studied the system and noticed that additional revenues could be generated. After that she
made a detailed presentation outlining her findings;
 Her research was well done and she was able to summarize the profits and loss. Then she suggests
where to allocate the extra budget. This approach led her to bag extra budget from the government
agency when no such increase was given to the other departments.

What does she do when she moves to the Environmental Standards Division?

When she moved to the environmental standard division she immediately set down to do work, instead
of understanding how the department works, which areas are weak and strong in implementation she
set herself to work for the policy on pollution that was to be set by environmental department. She
started studying the field reports that were submitted however to her dismay she realized early on that
the field reports weren’t taken as per established procedures for measuring pollution.

What are the differences between the two jobs she has undertaken in the Environmental Affairs

What could she do now to meet the deadline she faces at the end of Case B?

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