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I know life can change in any moment in any minute, I had been a really

bad person, with my friends I used to a person that I spent all my time
at home. I had had that lifestyle, not even my family made me go out I
was a solitary life, maybe because sometimes I could feel ashamed
being in public and I had suffered certain kind of bullying, but after
some time I had thought and anazlyzied what I was doing with my life. I
had closed all the possibility to be happy. To be a cheerful person
because the only thing I did was to read and I had read so many books
and I had to give them to the library. But in an intelligent moment of my
life, I decided to embrace life, I felt briliiant and with all the power. So I
had heard my family, my friends and that had been more than enough.
So I changed I started socializing and being more open-minded.

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