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Iffah Maulana Putri Hanum Soumena


Arabic Language Education Department

Maulana Malik Ibrahim University Malang



One of the components in the education element is the presence of

students. Because a person cannot be called an educator if there are no students he
educates. In the process of growth and development as a student, he certainly has
a potential that will develop someday, both academic potential (lessons) and non-
academic potential (not lessons).

The diversity of traits (characters), groups, environments and thinking

strengths of the individual (as students) can sometimes be an obstacle for
educators to develop the potential of their students. Where as a teacher must be
able to direct and develop the potential of their students, both academically and
equip them with good morals / morals, so that their potential is not misused by
these students when they grow up.

This is where an educator plays an important role, where he must be able

to develop the potential of his students who have different characters, perhaps by
entering the world of his students in order to know the character of each
individual he teaches. So that later students are expected to become a generation
that is advanced, resilient, champion, diligent and virtuous in order to advance the
development of the nation's life.

According to Piuas Partanto, Dahlan (1994). Characteristics comes from
the word character which means the character, character, traits, or habits of the
relatively fixed individual.

According to Sudirman (1990). Student characteristics are the overall

patterns of behavior and abilities that exist in students as a result of their social
environment so that they determine the pattern of activity in achieving their goals.

So it can be concluded that the characteristics of students are aspects or

individual qualities consisting of interests, attitudes, learning motivation, learning
styles, thinking skills, and initial abilities.

Piaget identifies the stages of intellectual development that the child goes
through, namely: (a) the motor sensory stage aged 0-2 years, (b) the operational
stage aged 2-6 years, (c) the concrete operational stage aged 7-11 or 12 years, (d)
formal operational stage ages 11 or 12 years and over.

Based on the description above, elementary school students are at the

concrete operational stage, at this stage the child develops logical thinking, is still
very attached to perceptual facts, meaning that the child is able to think logically,
but is still limited to concrete objects, and is able to do conservation. .

Starting from the intellectual and psychosocial development of elementary

school students, this shows that they have their own characteristics, where in their
thinking process, they cannot be separated from the concrete world or factual
things, while the psychosocial development of elementary school age children is
still based on the same principle by which they cannot be separated from the
observable, as they are expected in the world of knowledge.

Student characteristics are the parts of student experience that affect the
effectiveness of the learning process (Seels and Richey, 1994). Research on
student characteristics aims to describe the parts of student personality that need
to be considered for the benefit of the learning design. Ardhana (1999) more
clearly states that student characteristics are one of the variables in the learning
design domain which is usually defined as the background experiences that
students have including other aspects that exist within them such as general

expectations of learning, and physical and emotional characteristics of

students, which have an impact on learning effectiveness. This is evidenced by the
findings of Djohan (2009) which show that the social intelligence of students in
the regions (Yogyakarta) has a higher average than the average social intelligence
of students in big cities (Jakarta). That is, the teacher in choosing learning
strategies must consider the intelligence or abilities of students that are relevant to
the learning strategies used.

The benefits of analyzing student characteristics

a.) Teachers can challenge students' initial abilities as a basis for

providing new material and its continuation.
b.) The teacher can find out about the extent and type of student learning
experience, this affects students' absorption of new material to be
c.) The teacher can find out the student's social and family background.
Covers the level of parental education, socio-economic, emotional and
mental so that teachers can present materials and methods that are
more harmonious and efficient.
d.) The teacher can find out the level of growth and development and the
aspirations and needs of the soul.
e.) The teacher can find out the level of mastery that has been obtained by
previous students.

The determinants of student characteristics

In general, the determinants of student character are divided into two

factors, namely internal factors (from within) and external factors (from outside
themselves). Or in the world of psychology it is called heredity (innate) and
environmental factors (experience).
The streams related to the potential for humans to receive education:

a.) Nativism
Arthur Schopenhour of Germany (1788-1860) the newborn child
brought certain abilities and traits. Namely personal development has been
determined from birth.
b.) Empiricism
Man in his personal development is determined solely by the world
outside himself. Tabula rasa theory (John Locke, 1632-1704). Namely
personal development is shaped by the environment.
c.) Convergence
William Stern (1871-1938), said: "The possibilities that are born
are indications of fate with the game room. In the game room, education is
located in the broadest sense. Namely, the school which states that the two
previous schools have an integrated influence on one's character.

Aspects of differences in student characteristics

Every student who learns, must have different characteristics (properties),

including conjoined twins, they must have different characteristics. The following
is an example of the different aspects of the student's character types:

• Emotional aspects / volition. Aspects about learners' emotions. For example,

the child usually gets angry easily because the family environment is a thug

• Social psychological aspects. Psychological aspects of students. For

example, the child usually has good grades at school, over time the grades decline
due to the split of the parents at home.

• Socio-cultural aspects. Aspects of the relationship between students and the

environment. For example, when he is at high school, the child usually comes
home to play until the afternoon with his friends, but after graduating from high
school, he never again communicates with his friends because he is busy working
at a company.

• Integrated intellectual abilities in an integrative manner against

environmental factors. Aspects about the intelligence of students that can be
obtained easily in their environment. For example, initially the student lives in a
village and does not understand the terms of learning in the city. Then he moved
schools in the city and now understands the term learning in the city.

The characteristics mentioned above are special, in other words they cannot be
equated with other individuals. Someone learners also need an acknowledgment
from other parties (other people) about their abilities. For example, the character
of students who have high intellect gets the first prize for their school, then they
want to have a certificate of appreciation as a sign that they have the capacity to
win. So, with the appreciation of the character he has, he will always want to
maintain it.


A student is a child of school age who studies in formal or non-formal

instances. Where he will later be guided by a teacher, where the instructor will
also influence the growth and development of these students. Besides the
influence of the teacher at that time, of course these individuals have different
characters (characteristics). Where these characters are formed from the innate
(internal environment) or external environment (wider community).

Every individual must experience growth (physical change) and

development (change in thinking), so that every individual must experience it.
There are differences in the development of individuals who are said to be
students. For example, namely differences in development in terms of emotional,
language skills, talents, and others. However, sometimes there are individuals who
experience this development process not on time. These disorders cannot
immediately change, but there must be factors that influence their development,
namely internal and external factors, for example the case of a child imitating
adult behavior, where in fact the child is not the time to understand this.

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