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Artist statement

Kristopher Brunelle
Photo Book “A is for Adjustable Crescent Wrench”

This book is for my daughter. I was inspired by a book called the ABC’s of

Science, which explores science topics in an abc format. I have photographed

tools, and placed them in the book in alphabetical order so that I can share with

her about what tools are and how they work. This can be a book that I will share

with her and be able to discuss the uses of the tools. I will be able to tell her

about some of the projects that I have done in the past and how the tools should

be used safely while teaching her the ABC’s. She will then be able to see the

tools being used in real life. Each tool has its own caption explaining what it is

and/or what it is used for. The main drive for this book is to show my love for my

daughter and be able to teach her with the photographs that I take. I would love

to send copies of this book to friends who also have young children. I have shot

each of these tools and used a combination of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe

Illustrator to remove the background and trace the images making them appear

more cartoonish to fit with the style of traditional children's books, and I look

forward to making more books using this process.

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